Mecha Journey

Chapter 54 The Blood Skeleton Appears

When he saw the explosion, Yang Mu's heart skipped a beat, because the source of the last explosion was in the direction of the market, and Chen Cai didn't know if he was there now!

A few days ago, Chen Cai returned to work as a porter there because the salary was more generous compared to other jobs. Chen Cai also wanted to save more tuition during the summer vacation because she wanted to work there again despite Yang Mu's objections. Although Yang Mu once said that he could help her solve this problem, the stubborn Chen Cai firmly refused.

Yang Mu couldn't help but always struggle with this issue, so he agreed with Chen Cai's choice.

But when she was on the phone with Chen Cai just now, the person on the phone didn't ask her where she was now.

Then Chen Cai may appear there. Yang Mu cannot sit idly by in such a dangerous situation!

Yang Mu immediately made a call. The phone rang for a long time, but no one answered. Yang Mu was so worried that he hurried downstairs.

At this time, Yang's mother also woke up. After comforting them both in Lei Ming Lei Hong's room, she came out and met Yang Mu who had just left the room at the stairs.

Yang Ma and Yang Mu looked at each other, their expressions were a bit serious and very nervous.

Xiao Mu, what's going on now? Yang's mother came over and asked Yang Mu.

Yang Mu, however, waved his hand and went straight downstairs to the door of his house. He didn't even change into the pajamas he was wearing and quickly put on his shoes.

Xiao Mu? Where are you going? Yang's mother asked in confusion.

Yang Mu put on his shoes, opened the door, turned to his mother who looked nervous and said, I'm going to Uncle Lei's place to have a look.

Uncle Lei's shop worked overtime today and he still hasn't come back at ten o'clock. Yang Mu just used this excuse to deal with Yang Ma.

However, Yang Mu had already observed that there was no explosion in the direction of Uncle Lei's shop. It was far away from the three explosion points, so it should be safe for the time being.

Besides, Uncle Lei and his gang are all veterans, so they should be able to deal with this situation calmly.

No, we don't know what's going on outside now, you can't go out. Yang's mother immediately stepped forward to stop Yang Mu's actions.

But Yang Mu had already walked out of the door first, running out with the bicycle in his hand.

Xiao Mu! Come back quickly! Yang's mother's anxious voice came from outside the courtyard door, but Yang Mu left the community without looking back.

Mom! You go back and take care of Lei Ming and Lei Hong. I will be careful and safe!

Yang's mother's anxious shouts still came from behind, but Yang Mu had already left the community on his bicycle. He turned the front of the bicycle and pedaled frantically toward the market.

Chen Cai has not returned her call until now. The smart watch has been calling Chen Cai, but there has been no response.

Yang Mu was extremely anxious. While pedaling the bicycle hard, he kept praying in his heart that nothing would happen to Chen Cai.

Cai'er, please stay out of the way.

Looking at the flames soaring into the sky in the direction of the market in the distance, Yang Mu gritted his teeth, the veins on his face popped out, and his expression became a little ferocious.

No, this bike is not fast enough, I have to go faster!

You must rush over as quickly as possible! Cai'er must not be put in danger!

Yang Mu quickly found a quiet and spacious alley, threw his bicycle in it, his eyes flashed, and he lowered his head and took out the necklace around his neck...

Hailan City Science and Technology Museum.

Jerry, the sales manager of the Big Blue mecha, was squatting in a corner with his head in a panic, lowering his head and secretly glancing at the scene not far away in front of him.

There was a corpse lying one meter away from him, and gurgling blood was still flowing from the wound on his chest.

This was a security guard at the Hailan Science and Technology Museum, who had just died in the hands of a group of gangsters who fell from the sky not far away.

That's right, these gangsters really fell from the sky, blew open the roof of the science and technology museum, rushed in from the top of the Hailan Science and Technology Museum, airborne in the center of the science and technology museum, and then quickly killed the security guards in the museum and destroyed the entire science and technology museum. Closed and kidnapped everyone present.

Today is the weekend, and there is an endless stream of people coming to visit the mecha, but I didn't expect these guys to show up at this time.

They drove several old mechas to control the situation in the field, and then a super large drone landed in the field and dropped a large iron box.

It's funny to say that the other party only had four or five old mechas, and they actually hijacked this science and technology museum that was displaying various advanced mechas in the world.

And they have been here for almost half an hour from just now. They drove everyone aside and then started loading and unloading in the field.

They had a clear division of labor. Some maintained order, while others started to open the iron box transported by the drone.

With just one glance, Jerry knew what they wanted to do. They were taking out all kinds of ammunition from the iron box, and then arming all these advanced mechas. Even the ammunition assembled were It perfectly matches the weapons on advanced mechas!

They actually want to control these advanced mechas!

Jerry was horrified, and he immediately understood what the other party wanted to do. These gangsters who came out of the blue were very ambitious and wanted to use the dozens of super mechas in the field to do even more terrifying things!

The appearance of these people does not look like a military exercise at all. Their ferocious attitude and the fact that they kill at will all show that these people are outright gangsters!

It seems that today I am really in danger. If I had known it, I should have left this damn place earlier!

Thinking of this, Jerry felt a sense of sadness in his heart.

The two months he spent on Aquamarine were the most unpleasant two months he had spent in years. First, the order for nearly 3,000 Blue Giant mechas that had been sold was basically returned. Only about two hundred units were sold, and then news came from various PAJR star fields that the sales of the Big Blue mecha had suffered an unprecedented failure, and more than 70% of all sales orders had been cancelled.

It is precisely because of this that he has been staying here and constantly dealing with local weapons dealers and the army.

But even so, I couldn't open up the market here, let alone realize my sales dream here.

Originally, in two days, I was ready to leave here in despair, but now...

The sudden appearance of these masked and armed gangsters in different costumes makes everything unknown.

The corpse in front of him might be his fate later. He and others are now their hostages, and may be held hostage at any time, or even die at gunpoint.

The sound of sirens could be vaguely heard outside the Science and Technology Museum, but now the entire Science and Technology Museum was tightly controlled by this group of masked gangsters. I didn't know what would happen next.

Just as Jerry was frantically thinking about what to do, a gangster in the field suddenly became so angry that he hammered the butt of a mecha next to him and roared angrily.

how so!

How to do it!

It was a man's voice, rich, probably very old, and Jerry heard it all.

At this moment, perhaps because he was too excited, the scarf covering his face fell off, revealing a face with a tattoo of a skull under the light of the lights in the museum.

Although the other party immediately pulled him up, Jerry saw it clearly, and at this moment, goosebumps crawled all over his body!

Blood Skull Brotherhood!

Although Jerry had never seen the Blood Skull Brotherhood, when he arrived at Aquamarine, Jerry knew that there was a group of star thieves here, which was very cruel!

The face with skull tattoos revealed by the opponent almost instantly made Jerry recognize him as a member of the Blood Skull Brotherhood!

Jerry knelt on the ground with a distracted look, his mind buzzing. He didn't expect that the notorious Star Thieves group would show up in Hailan City like this.

This is the administrative center of Aquamarine Star!

While Jerry was in a daze, Cam, who had been furious just now, calmed down, and then gave a few orders to the gangsters next to him, and then they drove out in a few old mechas.

There was a burst of gunfire and explosions outside, and then everything calmed down. Cam called on the remaining gangsters to continue loading energy and ammunition into the armor in the field.

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