Me, Hydra

I, Hydra, chapter 258.

Begging for tickets....

Volume 2: Extra - 12 - Engagement

With a tacit glance at each other, White Nightshade's hand holding the fan waved lightly as the crowd moved from the interior of WoW's shop to an unknown space as they returned to their senses.

"This is my gracious venue, White Night. How is it? Not bad, huh?"

As he said that, a smug smile appeared on White Nightmare's face.

For the people of the Box Court, being able to have their own playground was something that was very worth boasting about, as the average person was not qualified to obtain a playground, and those who were able to obtain one were mostly people with extremely destructive power.

In order to prevent the destruction of the Box Court during the Enchantment Game, a high ranking Demon King such as White Nightshade has his own playground. The playing field was both an honor belonging to the individual and a protection belonging to the Box Court.......

Take the White Nightmare, the center of all cosmic views in King's Landing, if you really fight Box Court at full strength at least half of it will be destroyed....

"A bet?"

The gaze of the White Nightshade kind of flickered with a provocative look.

Seeing the gaze of the White Nightshade, Hydra pursed her lips slightly, and then readily agreed.

Seeing Hydra full of promise, this time it backfired on White Nightshade.

Although his power had fallen to three digits, his bottom as a two-digit number was there...there was no way this guy didn't know that...was he really overestimating him?

While White Nightshade was confused, Hydra, on the other hand, held up a finger.

"But I'm the one who makes the rules of this game. How?"

After a moment's silence, White Nightmare nodded.

"Yes. I'd like to see what tricks you're going to brush up on."

With a slight flick of the lip line, a golden top appeared from the void under Hydra's manipulation.

A gracious document.

"You're the Demon King?"

" terms of the dominion authority alone, I am indeed."

As she said that, Hydra handed the Enchantment document to White Nightshade.

Game of Enchantment: cutscene; host: Hydra; participant: white nightstalker; rules of the game: no off-field assistance allowed; victory condition: opponent declares game terminated or dead; defeat condition: death or declare game terminated; penalty for defeat: respond positively to opponent's three questions.

A quick glance revealed that there was no paradox arising from this, and White Nightshade squinted his eyes.

In his mind, if this Hydra guy really dared to fight him, there was a high chance that he had some unspeakable weapon, such as the aforementioned "Hydra". For example, the aforementioned "paradox game", where a loophole in the rules is used to create an impossible victory condition. But now it seems that... let alone a paradox game, there is only one rule for off-field assistance. In the eyes of White Nightmare 1, Hydra could be said to have sealed her final retreat....

It's just a little weird on the victory and defeat conditions... declaring the game over or dead....

This means that as long as one side has been containing no game termination, this game will keep going on and on....

"Must it be till death do us part?"

A little coldness had been tacked onto the White Nightmare's voice. But Hydra was as if she hadn't heard, even as her eyes were filled with indifference.

"Of course. But personally, I think you'll choose game over."

"Oh? Right?" The smile on White Nightmare's face looked a little scary, "Then I'll see how you'll make me choose to end the game!"

--- Game on.

The moment the game begins, Hydra and White Nightshade are lost.

But unlike White Nighthawk, though, White Nighthawk was called a problem child and treated things cynically. But there was no carelessness when it came to this kind of battle. The moment the game started, he chose to distance himself from Hydra to feel Hydra out.

This is arguably the norm, unless it's an old rival who knows each other well, if not most people would choose this.

The reason is also simple, it's never a good idea to be reckless up there at the beginning of the game when the game is splitting hairs. The reason was also simple, rashly going out without knowing anything was highly likely to be caught by the other side or fall into a trap.


Looking at the Hydra that rushed over, White Nightmare couldn't help but think so.

Although it had turned into triple digits, White Nightshade's seniority was there. The starlight that was absolutely impossible to touch as far as humans were concerned condensed into a torrent towards Hydra's figure.

And Hydra didn't even bother to pay attention and rushed over with a hard shoulder of the White Nightshade's flood of starlight.

Looking at Hydra, who could be said to be unharmed in the torrent of starlight, White Nightshade narrowed his eyes.

"Relying on the strength of your body?..."

"Then you're very wrong!"

As he said that, White Nightshade directly increased his output to his current threshold. Under the White Nighthawk's manipulation, the mass in the torrent of starlight rose geometrically.

In the midst of this curdling torrent of substance, Hydra's body gradually faded away with the naked eye.

As they watched Hydra's body being reduced in the starlight flood, the Black Rabbit and the others at the side could not help but see some concern in their eyes. Although the friendship wasn't deep, Hydra's kindness to Nameless was immeasurable. And the same was true of the White Nightshade... During that most difficult time, if it wasn't for the autonomy of the White Nightshade, Nameless would have disappeared into the Box Court long ago....

Gradually, Hydra's movements stopped.

But despite that, Hydra had been destroyed to the point where only a skeleton remained.

In response to this, Black Chastity's face was filled with calmness.

This guy... can't he change his storyline...?

Sort of a bit of a holdback, or else the energy of the White Nightmare could completely grind the last traces of Hydra's existence along with it....

"This guy...he's not really going to just die, is he?"

White Nightshade looked a little hesitant, as far as she was concerned, a triple-digit existence wouldn't be watery even if it was....


Simulation of Genesis Tu-Yuktrahiel, start.

As long as you do not think you will die, you will never die. Under the Box Court's worldview, the only abilities that can kill Hydra are mental disruptions or mental strikes like illusions.

Physical blows... would never kill Hydra.

Already returning to its original state as fast as the eye could see, Hydra's face filled with laughter.

"Who do you think will suffer the most if you can't perform off-site assistance?"

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