Me, Hydra

I, Hydra, chapter 249.


Looking at the Water God's somewhat incredulous gaze, Hydra nodded calmly and then said, "I'm new to this world, and I don't know much about it. By the way, the origin of all of this now is because of your inexplicable attack. If you were more docile, I wouldn't have deprived you of this gift called 'divine form'."

Suijin was feeling a little tight in the chest and short of breath.

It was reasonable to say that he was sleeping well, and then suddenly a guy came and smashed his glass and crawled into his bed. You should have fought back no matter what, right?

And you clearly questioned this guy's side in the beginning, so why is he reasonable now instead?

Is there still a law? Is there any justice?

Although he shouted this in his heart, the Water God still didn't dare to say anything on the surface, after all, he was still holding his divine essence in his hands....

Then, under Hydra's scrutiny, the Water God slowly told what he knew about the composition of the Box Court's forces, and didn't brush off any cleverness. After all, to be able to directly peel off his divine form, it meant that the mysterious man in front of him had a strength of at least four figures....

Even possessing the Godhead himself was definitely not a four-figure opponent....

Not to mention the lack of a Godhead right now.

Hearing the words of the Water God in front of him, Hydra's heart gradually sank to the bottom.

From the description alone, it seemed that the top battle power of this world... seemed to be on par with his own.

But then again....

The identity of your own world tree seems to have given you a lot of convenience....

I went to bed at four last night....

This morning I woke up at 2:00 in the afternoon....

It seems like there is a need to adjust the routine....

Begging for tickets....

Volume 2: Extra-3 - Sixteen Nights in Reverse

According to the words of the Water God, the world of Hakotei has a power called "Simulation of the Genesis Map".

In human terms, this means interfering with one's own worldview by using one's own worldview.

In the world of Hakutei, an EA can also become a mock Tron, because it observes and performs the process of splitting the world.

In a nutshell, it's a buff created by observing something from the very beginning of a world....

Although they were buffs, in the worldview of the Hakoden, buffs could be traded. Because in a sense, a "gift" is actually a buff.

Hydra's body is a reincarnation of the World Tree, which is incorporated into the Hakutei worldview, and it is also given the concept of "Simulation Star Creation Map".

This is also the concept of "Simulated Tron Map", which is derived from the Norse mythology, and was born from the observation of the destruction and resurrection of Northern Europe: "Uctrasil", which generally speaking is an immortal reincarnation. Not biological immortality of the organism, but immortality of the concept....

In general, as long as Hydra doesn't think she's going to die, she won't. And once the thought "I might die" comes up, the buff expires. And once the thought of "I might die" comes into play, the buff is nullified.

It looked strong, but it was actually very strong. But from the Water God's words, Hydra knew one thing. This weakness of Hydra's was very obvious and not unbreakable in the eyes of certain existences....

The advantages are obvious, and so are the disadvantages, as this ability arguably doesn't reflect the slightest value in the face of the seal....

"It seems necessary to learn a few means of suicide..."

Looking up, still looking at the somewhat shaky water goddess in front of her, Hydra returned the goddess to her.

In a way it was true that she was at fault, but the world was simple, I'm right in my fist!

If Hydra's estimation was correct, the power she projected should be at the triple-digit breaking level, just like the three-headed dragon in the Water God's mouth, which could only be considered triple-digit if you only counted combat power, but considering the effect of the simulated star creation map made it impossible to kill even an ordinary two-digit, it was a triple-digit breaking level....

Stroking his chin, Hydra was quite satisfied with his battle strength. Because if the Water God wasn't lying to himself, there should only be about seventeen two-digit numbers in the entire Box Court. And every single one of them was basically a god lord of a certain group of gods. Just the Sakyamuni mentioned earlier. And the obvious one-digit number was even more obscure for a long time.

With a slight curl of her lips, Hydra looked towards the box court. It was the end of the world where he had landed, and by the way Hydra was a little curious as to what would be in the abyss beneath the end of the world. A bottomless pit like the one in the original world's Aegean Sea inhabited by some large hand? Hard to say. Hydra wasn't going to survey it yet anyway, so she ignored what the Abyss would have.

Just as Hydra was about to leave the place, a fast leaping figure appeared in Hydra's line of sight.

Dressed in a student uniform, wearing headphones, and sporting dazzling blonde hair.

Definitely a problem child in every sense of the word.

As Hydra looked at the problem child, the problem child also saw Hydra's figure.

"Hey hey hey! You're the devil! Come and fight me!"

Hydra's eyes narrowed as she looked at the troubled child before her.

"The scent of Black Chastity." Hydra looked a little more serious as she spoke, "You've seen a woman wearing light black armor and carrying an evil flag, haven't you?"

At the news, Reverse Sixteen Nights' eyes also narrowed slightly, and then a smile rose to the corners of his mouth.

"That's right! I've seen it! But I wasn't going to tell you~"

"What are the conditions."

"A fight with me!"

As he said that, the Reverse Sixteen Nights had made preparations for battle. Hydra's eyebrows twitched a few times as she looked at the Reverse Sixteen Nights in front of her.

The troubled child wearing headphones in front of him somehow gave Hydra a feeling that he couldn't see through. Simply put, there was a mysterious power boarding this young man's body....


Hearing Hydra's reply, the corners of Reverse Sixteen Nights' mouth also revealed a would-be smile. But just as Reverse Sixteen Nights was about to punch the guy in front of her, Hydra held up her finger and said, "But do you have any guarantee that you have the Black Chastity information thing?"


Shaking his head helplessly, from the moment of astonishment Hydra could determine from the retrograde sixteen nights this moment, this guy should be just like himself, it hadn't been long since he came to this world.

If he remembered correctly....

As Hydra's abilities unfolded, a contract document appeared in front of the Reverse Sixteen Nights.

Gracious Games.

Organizer: Hydra; Participant: Reverse Sixteen Nights; Rules of the game: no rules of engagement; Victory condition: the opponent chooses to stop fighting; Failure condition: chooses to stop fighting; Reward for victory: get the information you want to know from the opponent's mouth; Penalty for failure: tell the opponent the information the opponent wants to know.

Looking at Hydra in front of him, the corners of Reverse Sixteen Nights' mouth lifted slightly.

"And you say you're not a Demon King, if I remember correctly it's only a Demon King who can skip a participant's consent to force a game of grace, right?"

I don't know much about it, but this kind of ability to skip the participants' choice of whether or not to play the game belongs to the "Host Permission", which is the Demon King's exclusive ability.

Hydra also looked a little surprised at the words of the 16th Night of Reversion.

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