Me, Hydra

I, Hydra, chapter 244.

Looking at the point of light that shone like a star in the palm of his hand, it was hard for both Star-Lord and Camorra and the others to incredibly grow their mouths.

Because this was just too beautiful, at least in Star Lord's eyes, the light from this power was a hundred, ten thousand times more dazzling than a diamond.

"This is our power, the power of the gods. Feel the vastness within this power, it can spread your thoughts throughout the universe in an instant!"

As he said that, Igor opened his hand with a smile on his face. He believed that when Star-Lord came into contact with this power he would be able to understand what he was thinking.

This world was decided by the strong! And myself, the perfect race, the gods!

The race that was born to rule, that was its goal and its mission!

Looking at the one in front of her, the side of Camelot was somehow depressing.

"I'm going out for some you mind?"


Igor said with a smile, he couldn't wait for the lowly creature of Camelot to get out of here quickly....

Begging for tickets....

Volume 2: Extra-49 - The inexplicable Black Chastity

Leaving the great palace and looking at the endless prairie in front of him, Kamaura couldn't help but let out a long breath.

In this air filled with escalation, Kamala felt the depression in his heart diminish slightly.

Although that guy named Igor was Starlord's father, Kamaura somehow felt a little bit wrong about Igor's eyes, and with the words that Hydra had said before, Kamaura somehow felt a little bit guilty....

"Worry over nothing?"

Camelot gazed at the sky before her, her eyes filled with thought.

Star-Lord was the authority, and the joy of finding his real father overwhelmed Star-Lord's mind. But as an outsider, Kamaura could not be said to have insight into everything, but finding some contradictions was still easy....

On the other side, Hydra and Black Chastity had also ended their survey of the living planet. To be precise, Hydra finished surveying the living planet, while Black Chastity had been watching from the side.

Bored with mentioning the small pebble on the ground, Black Chastity took a breath.

"By the way, Hydra don't you have any obsessions or anything?"

At the words, Hydra raised an eyebrow.


"Well," Black Chastity nodded matter-of-factly.

"That's right, an obsession. Usually no matter who it is, there should be an obsession, right? For example...I want to be stronger, I want to live better. Isn't it true that people strive for a goal? And what do you want?"

With a glance at Black Chastity beside her, Hydra narrowed her eyes. Hydra had never pondered deeply on such things as obsessions. By the way, the reason why she was growing stronger all the time was because she was being oppressed by an external force. Oppression from Mount Olympus, oppression from the divine power of the angels....

Without all that oppression, Hydra would probably be nothing more than a vicious snake hiding in the Gulf of Argos now....

"There's no obsession, I'm simply becoming stronger for the sake of becoming stronger."

Hydra said very naturally, but the words were full of contradictions in every way.

"You sound just like a vulture without desire..."

Hydra couldn't help but so spit at Hydra's words, and Hydra looked helpless in the face of Hydra's spitefulness.

"I can't help it, habit becomes nature. It's a matter of getting stronger for the sake of getting stronger, but after you get stronger, you can fix anything. Besides, I hate vultures."

As she said that, Hydra shrugged her shoulders indifferently.

Hearing that Hydra hated vultures, Black Chastity also nodded with deep feeling.

No matter what era it was, bald donkeys would always be so disgusted by people. For example, the contemporary monk of renown, Venerable Jingkong, once said something like, "Han Yu Yue Fei suffers in the path of hungry ghosts."

"It saved the world in 2012."

"The Jade Calendar bill is real."

"A little masturbation to the opposite sex is punishable."

"Playing video games stops you from going to hell" and "Einstein suffers in nuclear hell", among many other hilarious statements....

These so-called Buddhist statements reminded Hydra of a passage in which the demon king, Bosun, said, "In the last days of your reign, I will have my disciples mingle in your monastic treasures, wear your robes, and destroy your dharma. They misinterpret your classics and break your precepts in order to achieve what I cannot achieve by force today...."

I have to say that Demon King Bosun does have a point and is very forward thinking....

Way off topic.....

Shaking her head, Hydra turned her gaze to Hei Chastity beside her. In Hydra's eyes, Black Chastity was actually an unkind person, and unless it was someone closer to her, Black Chastity always looked sexually cold when facing other people.

It really was coldness in every sense of the word, the kind of coldness that was comparable to no reason at all. Even if you have the intention to make conversation with Kurochina, he'll ignore your coldness....

But the good news was that, at least in Hydra's perception, Black Chastity didn't reject herself....

"By the way, don't you have any obsessions right now, Black Chastity?"

Upon hearing this, Black Chaste raised her eyebrows. Then he pretended to be unconcerned and said, "What obsession can I have now? That Jeanne fellow has now now returned to the Yingling Temple, and I have taken a big revenge to fall hard on her face... And I've also now left that nasty place, and those so-called gods can no longer control me... And I'm now so Strong. What obsessions can there be..."

As she said that, Kuro Chaste quivered her eyebrows somewhat lonely.

"Actually... it's kind of boring..."

Black Chastity's amber eyes were dotted with threads of decay, which caused Hydra, who was on the other side of the table, to turn her head slightly sideways.

With a glance at Black Chastity beside her, Hydra's expression looked a bit flat, Hydra had never been one to comfort others. To with Black Chastity, Hydra returned the favor. But then again, in the face of this person who believed in her, Hydra would always return the truth. And those people had never let Hydra down....

Black Chastity, maybe just one of these people, at least in Hydra's eyes....

Black Chastity was also keenly aware of this, which made her seem a bit reluctant. Not because of its own unique pride, but simply because of Black Chastity, who wanted to go further in this relationship.

With pursed lips, Black Chastity tugged on Hydra's corner with her fingers.

Turning his head to look at the small blushing Black Chastity, Hydra quirked an eyebrow in confusion.

"What's wrong?"

Hearing Hydra's question, Black Chastity took a deep breath, then gathered her courage and said, "That... I-"

"Mr. Hydra you guys are here."

Before Hei chaste could finish speaking, Kamuela appeared in front of the two of them.

"Well, what can I do for you?"

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