Me, Hydra

I, Hydra. Chapter 234.

"Interesting~" Hydra showed interest in the Death Goddess that the exterminator had been talking about.

"According to you, all this you've done is just to please a woman? Why? Is she pretty?"

Upon hearing this, the Exterminator was also startled.

Was the Goddess of Death beautiful? Not really. Just as bad, if not worse, than Hela in Norse mythology. The Norse goddess of death, Hela, is only half human and the other side is a morbidly dead bone. The Goddess of Death in the mouth of the Exterminator, on the other hand, was a vague concept, not even a physical entity. Even the exhibited, fabricated physical entity was just a sentence of withered bones. Creepy, to say the least, ugly....

"You don't understand, you don't understand how much he means to me..."

Looking at the Hydra Exterminator in front of him, who was always ready to fight but still responded to Hydra's question, it seemed that even the Exterminator turned a bit mouthy at the mention of the Goddess of Death.

This should be the nature of male animals, as if a man was defending his goddess.

Looking at the exterminator in front of her, Hydra even felt a little amused.

"Although you claim that this backward planet has not the slightest bit of value, the truth is. You are very similar to humans. Or rather, very similar to many of the species you see as inferior."


Sensing the exterminator's confusion, Hydra shrugged her shoulders.

"Why do humans get to be the creatures that dominate this planet?"

"Wisdom? Unity? Power? . and no, just because of the sex."

Hydra's expression looked a little playful.

"Think about it, no matter what the planet's ruler is, at the very beginning they're surrounded by jackals and wolves that are more powerful than they are. Why does whatever other race, human or otherwise, get to be the ruler of a planet? Because these dominants are often the only creatures in nature capable of deriving pleasure from mating, and, capable of rutting at any given time."

"It's not just humans, let me guess, there are quite a few creatures outside of this planet that are like that as well, right?"

It was a question, but there was no question on the actual Hydra's face. For as was the instinct of most creatures, in the most primitive state of every planet, the most powerful thing for another pack was pure lust. Of course, there was absolute sanity in addition to desire, but that was just too hard. Even a newborn child knows how to grab milk from other children, and as an organism is born, desire is an important factor in the advancement of civilization.

Surely there was enough reason to believe that. In a world full of bugs that would even create loopholes in time, Hydra wasn't surprised that even a mechanical race had appeared. Under the influence of multiple things, even an artificial intelligence was just as capable of deriving desires.

Ignoring the exterminator's battle intent, Hydra's gaze was filled with casualness.

"There's no need to fight any longer, you in your prime were no match for me, let alone you who is now battered and bruised. The internal organs are shattered, and more than half of the bones are producing cracks. Now you're just too fragile, like a porcelain doll."

Somewhat bitterly, this should be the first time someone referred to the Exterminator as a porcelain doll .

But it couldn't be denied that, in its current posture, the Exterminator was indeed no different from a porcelain doll....

"I've been contracted to find the Infinity Stones, and I'm just as tired of this planet. Tell me about the method you used to find the Infinity Gems. As well as, you know, the other Infinity Gems' temporal beacons."


Next up is the plot of Guardians of the Galaxy 2, and the plot of Doctor Strange.

We're almost at the end of the comic book world, so you guys can guess what you want to see in the next world and leave a comment in the spitting area.


Volume 2: Extra - 38 - Rest and Recuperation

Peace was restored to the world....

It had been over a month since the Zithari invasion, and in that month Hydra had relied on the information provided by the Exterminator to quickly phone up the planet's scattered infinity gems.

The Reality Gem resides in the body of Thor's earthly girlfriend Jane, and since he has a clear understanding of Hydra's divine power, Thor doesn't do much to stop her, and after Hydra says it won't hurt Jane, Thor earns Hydra to remove the Reality Gem that resides in Jane's body.

The Mind Gem was in Loki's hands, and Loki wouldn't say no to it, no matter what angle it was from.

The Space Gem was the Tesseract, and Hydra had taken it in passing after the Exterminator had left.

The power of the Time Gem Hydra had already fully grasped, so there was no asking for it like the Ancient One Mage.

Other than the Time Gems, the other gems could be of negligible use to Hydra. So Hydra also just gave all those gems to Black Chastity. Hydra had planned to give the time gems to Black Chastity as well, but Black Chastity's phase nature for time was surprisingly low....

This once made Black Chastity feel down....

But after all, Black Chastity is Black Chastity, and she suppressed this negative emotion perfectly with her extraordinary psychological ability, and then turned on the game console with vigor... Hydra expressed her frustration at this.

According to the normal royal blood manga, shouldn't Black Chastity become a good spirit after working hard and studying hard?

What? You said Black Chastity is a villain?

All the more so then, how many things hate learning these days 1 Kings Road Hot Manga? Even people Orochimaru can rely on a backward and a little crooked tech tree to discover cells and stuff like that, okay....

Relying on Hydra's shelter, although the scope of the shelter wasn't very large, at least a piece of the area around Hydra's villa was unharmed. Just yesterday, the guy named Spider-Man had come to the door to thank him personally.

In addition to this area, the entire New York has been bombarded, the United States is a dishwasher country, all kinds of news overwhelmingly swept the world's media. Because you couldn't suppress this stuff even if you wanted to.

Because of the overwhelming battle, the entire geography of the city is three or more meters below sea level. It's an absolutely massive undertaking to restore the past. The Avengers could be said to have made a name for themselves in the Battle of New York, and the newspapers were all positive about their presence. But all of the media chose to avoid or brush it off with a spring in their step about Hydra's existence.

For most of the public, they only knew that their country had won and that their victory over the alien invaders had protected the world.

But in reality, anyone who knows a little about the inner workings of the world knows that the war was arguably a total defeat for the United States. If it wasn't for the appearance of Hydra in the end, it was estimated that the entire planet would have become one of the countless vassals of the extermination.

No, perhaps not even a vassal. In the face of the extermination hegemony that surpassed the entire world's war power, the Earth might have only been qualified to become a slave. It was unthinkable that the entire planet would be reduced to slavery.

Earth had already been explored by Hydra, and it had to be said that Earth was indeed one of the core worlds of this universe. The so-called core worlds were simply planets that were heavily cultivated, but unfortunately, other than the Time Gems, Hydra didn't find anything else that was useful.

Lying leisurely on the couch, Hydra didn't care about Black Chastity's leg on her body.

"This boring world has been explored, let's leave here after some time..."

Hearing Hydra's understated voice, Black Chastity nodded without the slightest hesitation .

As for the Infinity Gem, Hei chastity did not make too much enlightenment, and only used it in the most rudimentary way...

A bracelet was woven from the branches infused with Hydra's vitality, and then afterwards, these gems were set in the dent.

To put it bluntly, it's a simple infinity glove, but since it was custom made by Hydra for Black Chastity, it doesn't create any hindrance when Black Chastity is using it.

It wasn't green, but Black seemed to have a soft spot for black. The black, thorn-shaped bracelet was particularly liked by Heijung. It's not because of the infinity gems on it or because of Hydra.......

"But where are we supposed to go when we leave this planet? If I remember correctly, the star field out here should be pretty big, right?"

At the news, Hydra nodded.

Regardless of that world, regardless of the world's level, there was one thing that was vast. All of them possessed countless star fields and countless lives.

But Hydra didn't worry about it, and instead spoke with clarity.

"Just be at ease, the Exterminator has already given me the other Infinity Gems' space-time beacons. Just follow the space-time beacons, and you'll never go wrong!"

As she did, Hydra picked up a bag of snacks from a sideboard.

The crunchy click of the snack made Hydra pick her eyes. For something like a snack, Hydra did have nothing to eat for a while.

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