Me, Hydra

I, Hydra, chapter 220.

"Hydra... God damn it is a tenth level secret."

Shaking his head in some surprise, Tony opened the document and began reading about Hydra.

It wasn't obvious that S.H.I.E.L.D. had a relatively obvious line of ability values for everyone, and these included force, intelligence, and even everyday life abilities.

But in the case of this Hydra guy, all of the options were blank.

Not only that, but even those related photos were just some blurry street shots.

"Since when did even S.H.I.E.L.D. start using human cameras? Don't they use satellites?"

"Or maybe it's because their satellites are being jammed?"

A voice sounded behind you, which resonated with Tony.

"You're right," Tony turned around and continued, "but did you know that you can be shot by the owner of someone's home for trespassing in America."

As if to bear out Tony's words, the arrows that were still neatly and beautifully revealing the European style were instantly covered with a variety of weaponry.

Filled with technology, the unique coldness of the weaponry was exposed.

But to this, Hydra did not show too much fear.

Pointing to the side of the sea, Hydra signaled for Tony to watch.

In response, Tony looked bored.

"If you mean you're here to invite me to join you on a beach vacation, sorry. You'd better go and ask the cops at the police station if they agree first. They only recognize doughnuts not people~"

Hearing Tony's ridicule, Hydra shook her head and said quietly, "I mean, watch this."

As he said it, without waiting for Tony to retort anything, Hydra's middle finger curled slightly and folded over each other's thumbs.

"Warning, warning, high concentration of energy for the survey."

Hearing Jarvis' warning voice, Tony prepared to let those weapons use their maximum energy on the next signal.

But just before Tony was about to give the order, Hydra's finger snapped out.

Broken magic shot out from Hydra's fingertips.


It was like Moses parting the sea, and the entire East Coast of New York was shaken by it. The bottom of the sea covered with rocks and coral gravel was clearly exposed in front of the world.

With a calm face and shocked eyes looking at the miraculous scene in front of him, Tony didn't know what to say for a while.

The un-surveyed energy did not weaken with distance or time.

Constantly absorbing the magic power in the air that could not be felt by humans, the sea that had been split in half for a long time could not heal because the magic power had burned the air out.

Hundreds of meters high giant waves then formed, casting shadows that directly enveloped the entire coastal recreation area. As a detached seaside villa Tony's secret love sanctuary was naturally also within the range of the giant waves.

Tony asked himself not to be the kind of character who could sacrifice himself for the safety of more people like Captain America, facing the giant wave, Tony did not hesitate to wear the red and gold metal armor.

"You're going to kill at least millions of people like this!"

With a glance at you Tony, Hydra shrugged her shoulders before waving a hand at the muddled mass in front of her.

It was as if it was frozen in place, a giant wave hundreds of meters high frozen motionless in the air. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes Tony would have definitely thought it was a huge sculpture or something.

But that was also impossible, a tsunami sculpture hundreds of meters high? Did you dig up the Australian Ayers Rock and carve and color it?

No kidding, if Tony remembers correctly, the Ayers Rock is equal in mystery to Bermuda, and S.H.I.E.L.D. isn't going to sit around and watch you dig it up....

And the height of the Ayers Rock was only 348 meters, while the giant wave in front of him had to be at least 500 meters....

Turning to look like Tony behind him, Hydra had to shrug her shoulders.

"Now do you still want a cop to help you out?"

"..." there was silence, and for a moment Tony's face rose again with a cheerful smile, "How? We're good friends~ That bunch of cops are busy eating donuts~"

Looking at Hydra in front of him, Tony naturally wouldn't be foolish enough to rush up, and not to mention, even if he could defeat this humanoid unknown creature called Hydra, what would he be able to do? Look at the giant wave that was over 500 meters away behind him, if this guy died, the giant wave lost its power confinement and collapsed straight down....

Yoho, the attacks on Spider-Man above the Daily Bugle have just slowed down, and they're worried about finding an increase in sales!

The capitalist giants who eat people and don't spit out bones aren't going to sit back and watch this good opportunity to attack them....

"Maybe we can sit down and talk about it, can't we? Jarvis! A nice glass of wine for my dear friend!"

"Good Master."

Hydra shrugged her shoulders indifferently as she looked at Tony who had a face of "It's so good to see you".


The lipoma on my leg is somehow a little painful, so Monday's update may fluctuate a bit. Because of a trip to the hospital, the worst case scenario might require surgery. It's a minor surgery, but even if it's local anesthesia, you'll have to be paralyzed in the hospital for an hour or two... (the last time I laid down for six hours with a back anaesthetic, I wasn't allowed to move or play with my phone, I was dry lying...)

Volume 2: Extra - 23 - News

Shrugging her shoulders, Hydra didn't care that Tony's actions, the

Looking at Tony in front of him, Hydra spoke softly.

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in taking a direct shot at you yet. What I'm really more curious about is how much mystery there is on this planet... Besides, I hate alcohol. In either direction."

At the words, Tony shrugged timidly, then pointed to the couch next to him.

"Since we're not here everyone, may I ask...what is Mr. Hydra doing here?"

As he said that, Tony left no trace of the red wine he had put away from his computer console.

God knows when the creature with all the attributes of a question mark, named Hydra, would suddenly go berserk....

Without a small movement from self Tony, Hydra came to the computer console.

"Is this all the information on S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

At the news, Tony blinked.IQ200+, Tony had guessed something about Hydra's arrival after hearing what Hydra had said.

"Yes, this is the S.H.I.E.L.D. archives. If Mr. Hydra has anything he wants to look up, feel free to do so, with S.H.I.E.L.D.'s technology, it's impossible to detect my intrusion."

Upon hearing that, Hydra nodded and then put all her thoughts on the file in front of her.

Hydra had come to Tony for no other reason than because Hydra had discovered exactly what Tony had done.

Although already Hydra's power could quickly detect many things on the surface side of the world, every world had something to hide in each world, just like the great trench that hid Cronos J J in the first place, it was hard to assert easily....

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