Me, Hydra

I, Hydra, chapter 215.

Begging for tickets....

Volume 2: Extra - 17 - Books

Naturally, Venerable Ancient One would not refuse the request of Black Chastity.

In fact, whenever someone asked Gu Yi for knowledge, they would normally not reject it. Because in the eyes of the Ancient One, knowledge was used to spread. If one were to sweep away one's own treasures, one would only be driving backwards in history. Just like those ancient techniques that were once glorious, because of the ancients' self-pity, I don't know how many were lost.......

"If you want to use spells, all your men need is to learn how to use the Suspended Ring. The suspension ring is the most basic tool of a mage, and without it one cannot leave the mirror..."

As he said that, the Ancient One Venerable looked at Hydra beside him.

"Naturally, you won't be able to use the Suspended Ring if you have Hydra-san's mastery of space, but if you don't, the Suspended Ring will strengthen one's connection to space. Just like that."

As he said that, Venerable Gu Yi put on the suspension ring cast in ancient bronze, the pattern on the suspension ring inexplicably emitted a burst of qi, one end of the qi was connected to Venerable Gu Yi, while the other end was connected to the spatial node.

Holding the suspension ring, the Ancient One Venerable used his other hand to carve out a rounded circle in the void.

The edges flickered with a fire like welding, which was a bit vulgar, but that was the truth.

"This is how to use the Suspended Ring, this lady can try it herself if she doesn't mind."

As he said that, Ancient One handed the suspension ring in his hand to Black Chastity in front of him.

Stroking her chin, Black Chastity stayed on her finger after fiddling with it for a while after receiving the Suspension Ring.

It wasn't difficult to use the hanging ring, as long as you could concentrate on the location you wanted to go, you could easily create it.

Kurosaka also succeeded in creating a rounded space portal just like Kouichi's. However, it seemed that he was a little rusty in his technique. However, it seemed that the edges of the spatial portal created by Hei-Ching were constantly wobbling due to his somewhat rusty technique, and in comparison, the spatial portal created by Venerable Kuichi was as stable as an old dog.

But for a newcomer, it was already a good achievement. Looking at Black Chastity in front of him, Ancient One reached the heavens filled with surprise.

"If Miss Jeanne intends to study the Mage lineage, I can be your guide, a Mage's ability is more than just creating spatial portals."

At the words, Black Chastity shook her head in boredom.

"Don't, studying and all that is boring. If it wasn't for the ability to make space that allows me to buy food without leaving home, I wouldn't learn!"

Hearing Heizhen's words, Ancient One frowned somewhat helplessly.

As mentioned earlier, the current Ancient One had lived for more than five hundred years. During these five hundred years, Gu Yi had seen countless people, some of them coming to learn spells, some of them coming to cure persistent diseases, and some of them coming to gather themselves. But even so, this was the first time that Gu Yi had heard of people learning spells for the sake of staying home better....

"I've long heard that modern society corrupts young people immensely, but now I see that modern society is far more corrupt than I ever imagined ah....

Thinking so, Gu Yi frowned somewhat gravely.

This wasn't good, no matter if it was the surface side of the world or the inside of the world, the guardian couldn't do without fresh blood, even with a behemoth like S.H.I.E.L.D., you let him try not taking on new people for a year? Breaks at the manpower level can greatly affect overall combat replenishment as well as progression....

"Looks like I'll need to take a walk in the modern world when this is vacation busy....

Looking at the Ancient One at the side, Hydra shrugged her shoulders.

Hydra could guess the general idea of what the Ancient One was thinking, but in general, social progress and corruption were closely related, and with billions of people around the world, it was impossible to think of anything without douchebags. It wasn't like this was paradise....

After reviewing it a few times with the Suspended Ring, Black Chastity nodded with great satisfaction when she saw that the portal she had set up had stabilized.

"Stay here I'm fading a bird out of my mouth. Leave for a bit and be right back~~"

As she said that, Black Chastity stuck her head into the spatial portal, and from Hydra's vantage point, the opposite side of the empty house door that Black Chastity had created happened to be a snack supermarket....

Tugging at the corners of her mouth, Hydra didn't even want to say anything as she watched Black Chastity's departing back. The speed of this holy woman's downfall had reached a level that would surprise the Satans.

But at least it was still within the acceptable range~

Seeing Black Chastity's departure, the ancient one on the other side turned his attention to Hydra after a moment of silence.

"Well...although I know it's not going to be of any use to Hydra-san, I'll just say one...for now..."

"But there's no harm in saying it, I'm not an unreasonable person."

Hearing Hydra's words, the corner of Ancient One's mouth twitched twice without a sound.

Showing his Hiroshi biceps first before making a condition, was this a salute before a condition?

"The laws of time that Mr. Hydra has delved into are also depicted in the books left behind by the first Supreme Master..."

A moment of silence as the ancient one spoke. And it was this short sentence that caught Hydra's attention.

The experience of his predecessors told Hydra that it was not desirable to work behind closed doors, no matter what it was, it was always the reacher who came first, and it might be good for himself if he could listen to the experience of his predecessors.

"Don't worry, just say it directly."

Nodding his head, Gu Yi said with a serious face.

"Time is complicated and profound, and I do not wish your Excellency to learn such forbidden knowledge, for such a thing as time, once refuted, imprisons a person for an infinite period of time, until eternity..."

Raising an eyebrow, Hydra shrugged her shoulders in disbelief.

"Don't worry about that, I'm well prepared for that. Not exactly instructions, they were all relied upon by previous generations to realize through hardships, weren't they? I'm not the first person on this path, but I will definitely all reach the end."

Hearing Hydra's words, Ancient One sighed somewhat helplessly and then went to the shelf at the side and took out a book that had been sealed in dust for thousands of years.

"This is the knowledge about time left behind by the first Supreme Venerable Master, I hope it can bring some inspiration to His Excellency Hydra..."

At the news, Hydra unceremoniously took the books from the ancient one.

The book was thick, and the corner of the spine was blocked off by a lock.

Crushing the lock with a grimace, Hydra flipped open the book's title page.

It wasn't much, most of it was blank paper, but even so, it was enough.

With this note from his ancestors, Hydra was confident that he could double the speed at which he could master time.


Asking for tickets -....

Volume 2: Extra - 18 - Time

Three months later.

The Amazon jungle, which spans eight countries, occupies half of the world's rainforest and 20% of the world's forests, making it the largest and most diverse rainforest in the world. It is known as the "lungs of the earth".

Sitting on the ground in the Amazon jungle, Hydra now doesn't even have the eye of an Argo motorcycle.

The Amazon jungle has an immense amount of life, and the passage of time is especially clear here.

Grass and trees withered and flourished, and everything lived and died. In the middle of this Amazon jungle, there was a constant drama of the race of things.

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