Me, Hydra

I, Hydra, Chapter 206.

Skimming the time, Parker got back up to his feet.

A quick glance at the clock, the latest time Aunt Rime had set for herself to be home was still a long way off... If not, she'd put it off with the excuse of tutoring her classmates, just as Aunt Rime was now beginning to wonder about the source of her contribution....

If he knew he was Spider-Man, he would go insane....

Because she would never allow herself to engage in something so dangerous....

Shaking his head, Parker looked around, then tentatively asked, "Can I sit down?"

"Feel free."

Shrugging her shoulders, Hydra said carelessly.

Turning his attention to the surrounding area, Parker took careful stock of the decor.

"You guys just moved here, right?" Parker couldn't resist the question, "Even the furniture is new. There's been a lot of burglaries in Queens lately, so if you guys really are in here you better fix those outside cameras..."

At the news, Hydra looked twice at Parker, then nodded indifferently.

"Cameras are something that are sometimes used for more than just spying on thieves, and believe me, the moment you rolled into this villa, your family was invited to tea."

Hearing Hydra's words, Parker somehow felt a little bad....


ticket request

Volume 2: Extra - 8 - Ready to Go

"You are?"

Back home, Parker is pleasantly surprised to find that his Aunt May hasn't received any harm, but confusion ensues.

Who is this stranger in front of her?

Looking at Parker, the stranger looked good-natured.

"My name is Coulson, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.. Hello~ Mr. Spider-Man~"

On the other hand, Black Chastity had tossed the GamePad aside and was slouching down on the couch, and Black Chastity shifted her gaze to Hydra.

"Nah nah, it's dark, can you cook~"

At the words, Hydra was silent for a moment, then shook her head.


"I won't either,...looks like we'll have to eat out tonight..."

As she said that, Black Chastity tilted her head in some distress.

In fact, whether it was Hei Chastity or Hydra... even the Angolan Manuel whose physical strength was not as strong as that of an ordinary young man no longer had to pay attention to the burden brought about by the desire for mouth and belly.

Hydra's words were purely because she wanted to eat, while Black Chastity's words... it was a treasonous act against the English!

Besides, if you can satisfy your own appetite, why stop it? Don't understand worrying about getting fat and oily and ugly anyway....

If we don't even go for junk food like this... it would be a waste of this divine passive that countless people dream of!

The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the newest addition to your own website.

The night New York is very busy, and the lights on the side of the road make a long line.

But no matter how prosperous it was, it was only on the surface, and in fact New York was never short of criminals. Or legal gun ownership is something that inherently causes a violent factor in people's hearts.

When ordinary people have weapons, then when he receives injustice will think of ways to make things "just". And the gun, is undoubtedly a lead.

Shaking his head, he ignored the extortion in the shadowy corners of the streets and alleys. Hydra was long past the age of yelling at the wrong people.

Parker had been able to get to where he was now Hydra wasn't sure how it happened, but one thing was for sure, it was definitely due to encountering something significant enough to affect his life to become a hero, or a star cop, as he was now.

But more than that? If that had happened, what path would Parker have taken?

Hydra could even imagine it.

That long-winded teenager who talked a bunch of nonsense when he got nervous, Hydra could guess that he was probably another little transparent, introverted, and uncommunicative person in some class school before this.

With the kind of superpowers he'd gotten, would he really go straight, like in superhero novels?

It's impossible.

The more bullying received, the more darkness that could brew in people's hearts. Usually under strong madness, this kind of person who got superhuman-like abilities would never become a hero who punished evil like the current Parker....

More than that, it was still surrendering to the malice in her heart.

Being pulled by Jeanne, Hydra's expression didn't fluctuate at all.

Looking at those S.H.I.E.L.D. agents hiding in the streets, Hydra shook her head helplessly.

It was also a bit helpless, although there had been no head-on contact, but judging from Coulson's actions, it was obvious that his top boss wouldn't send agents to spy on him so rashly. These agents now, if nothing else it should be that group of politicians who were messing with him....

Politicians are an inexplicable bunch of people, politicians spend their lives chasing power and will do anything to achieve their goals, at the expense of personal gain, family members, political groups and even everything else. They are lost today and may rise tomorrow.

A simple question: How do you fit an elephant in the refrigerator?

For regular people, it's impossible. It's a fantasy. But to a politician, it's too easy. And you can even make huge profits from it.

Simply put.

To capture a cat and have it confess in a powerful offensive that it is an elephant; to publicize plans to produce a refrigerator that will fit an elephant and to mobilize national donations, when in fact it is not; to bribe witnesses to prove that the elephant is already in the refrigerator; to use the media to repeat the theory that the cat is the ancestor of the elephant, in order to prevent future problems.

Politicians and politicians are two extremes, but one thing is certain: wherever there are people living, there will be such heretics as "politicians" ....

Hydra's presence in the world had already made some politicians fearful, and the best way for an uncertainty like Hydra to be seen by a politician was to give it erasure.

"What a boring mortal fight..."

Pulled by Jeanne, Hydra skirted the corner of her mouth so to speak.

Neither Hydra nor Black Chastity had ever taken these politicians seriously.

Hydra's power had surpassed the most powerful fighting force that could be born on this planet, and although Black Chastity did not have the means to destroy everything with Hydra's power, the current Black Chastity was not a mere projection, but an actual body.

Like Angolan Manuel, the Avengers are the product of a collection of wills.

Angolomanu is the abomination of people's ignorance, while Kurotada is the curse of the fall of hope. Living as a vague concept, they can't be killed by technology without mysterious side intervention....

"The mortal struggle was never like this~" said Black Chastity looking somewhat amused at the special attack's hidden in the corner, "By the way, if it wasn't for the threat that guy Jeanne had posed to that group of great nobles as well as the royal power, Jeanne might not have ended up being burned at the stake. "

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