Me, Hydra

I, Hydra, chapter 204.

Unaware of other people's little plans, the first thing Hydra and Hei-Ching do when they arrive at the villa that S.H.I.E.L.D. has gifted them is to enjoy themselves. As a young man, Angolan Manuel quickly became addicted to the computer after learning how to use it.

On the other hand, Hydra and Heizhen were busy in the living room.

It was best to take a break before getting to know this strange world, after all, it was a journey across the world.......

While Hydra and the others are enjoying themselves at the villa, a vicious incident occurs at a bank around the corner.

A group of robbers with various cartoon masks on their faces and loaded AKs in their hands burst into the bank.

This is, without a doubt, the kind of bank robbery that is so popular in superhero comics.

America is a sick society, and with the power of capital, police cars quickly cordoned off the area around the bank.

If this were anywhere else in America, I'm afraid the police wouldn't come until the robbers were gone...

Also like superhero comics, the cops and robbers are always at a standoff.

And that's when it's time for the superhero to make his entrance.


Begging for tickets....

Volume 2: Extra-6-Parker.

Although of average strength, the AKs in the robbers' hands are full of oppressive power for those innocent little citizens.

The more democratic the country, the more so, because of the fear of public opinion, with a pile of hostages robbers do not worry about the pile of people coming from outside.

Not daring to attack forcefully, the police were at their wits' end when they encountered a red and blue figure swinging from afar.

"It's Spider-Man!!!"

Some of the more sharp-eyed shouted in surprise.

Unlike other countries that preach unity, the United States and other European countries preach more individual heroism. Simply put, in the many countries led by the United States, they preach that one person can save the world.

The hero is the difference, because straying away from the law, Spider-Man doesn't have as many scruples as the police.

Just as the robbers inside the bank realized something was wrong, wearing red and blue striped tights, Spider-Man slipped out of the roof vent relying on spider silk.


At the sudden turn back of the robber, Spider-Man greeted him somewhat good-naturedly.


The robber wasn't going to pay any attention to Spider-Man's kindness, but shot Spider-Man backhanded.

Side head to dodge the loaded bullet, saw a furious robber Spider-Man did not imagine that the total hands, but continue to where the mouth broken to: "Come on, fighting more than bad, why here to rob the bank? Let me guess. It's the debt? Gambling? Don't be like that. Other people have families too. You're tearing a lot of families apart. Don't you have a wife and kids? You must not want them on the streets~"

Talking freely, it was as if Spider-Man didn't see the fury in the robber's eyes.

"Die, stinker!"

As one said, the other robbers also picked up the AK to the little spider. The cold rifling also began to heat up due to the passing of the bullets. One by one, the bullets formed a metallic storm. It was as if everything would be torn to shreds under this metallic storm.

This was indeed the case, and the crowd told the power of the bullet with the muzzle of the gun.

The so-called bunker in the bank was easily penetrated by the bullets, relying on the nimble body and strong "spider sense", the little spider can always dodge the bullets before the moment of danger.

"Looks like you don't have a wife or kids~"

As he did, the little spider connected the potted plants and office desks on either side of the robbers with spider silk.

The hands crossed fiercely.


By the time they came back to life again the robbers had been immobilized by the spider silk that was wrapped around the desk.

The bonded spider silk had a toughness far beyond that of steel, and at least to the little spider's knowledge, no one had yet been able to rip the spider silk they shot out directly.

Ignoring these trailing companions, the other robbers didn't stop shooting at the little spider.

Carrying a gun was an easy thing to do in America, and in those gun stores, countless guns were displayed on the shelves like cabbages for the picking.

But the proliferation of guns doesn't mean the proliferation of superpowers....

After finishing the group of robbers with three strikes, the little spider took out a short knife from the robbers and cut the ropes behind those hostages one by one.

Not intending to stay long, although because of some events became Spider-Man himself, but he himself knows better than anyone that absolutely not everyone will like him....

Resuming his civilian clothes, Peter Parker walks the streets of Queens.

Peter Parker is just an average high school student who was bitten on the wrist by a radioactive spider due to a random incident.

Peter Parker then discovered that he had grown supernatural powers.

He gained superhuman strength, agility, and the ability to crawl effortlessly across any surface, but more importantly, a keen sense of telekinesis, the aforementioned "spider sense". Although not spitting silk, but Peter Parker can feel the changes in their own body matrix, so he created a small invention to assist the miracle of the body address to send out the spider's silk.

Despite possessing far superior powers, Peter Parker is actually still a meek little citizen in his bones. As a result of good parenting, the superpowered Parker merely taught a lesson to the bully who often bullied him at school. As for his fall superpower, Parker was more often than not hiding it.

Until one incident.

Once a thief ran past Peter, who didn't feel responsible and didn't help catch him.

But what Parker didn't expect was that because of Parker's inaction, his uncle, Ben, was also killed by the thief.

Before he died, his uncle told him the words that would shape Parker's life.

"The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility..."

Out of his grief, Parker became known as Spider-Man.

But in general, Parker is still just a humble high school student....

Parker nodded with satisfaction at the pictures he had taken. Aunt May didn't earn much, so Parker would find odd jobs herself.

But as a student, Parker's time was limited. With some deep thought, Parker became a journalist.

A special correspondent for Spider-Man.

But in all seriousness, it's actually just printing selfies onto the Daily Bugle....

The job of a reporter is the perfect fit for Parker at this stage, with plenty of time off and a decent income relying on the only close up Spider-Man job on the market.

Don't forget, the job of Western Reporter has special buffs added to it!

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