Me, Hydra

I, Hydra, Chapter 193.

Updates will continue, and I don't plan on starting a vest or jumping ship.

Lastly, I really appreciate those of you who subscribe to me, thank you.

Vol. 2: Extra-53 - The Symbiosis of the Cosmic Tree God, Euktrahiel!

Hearing the Conquering King's words, Hydra also faintly stood up, although not saying many words, but the crowd could sense that hostility was gathering.

Nor did they continue in their unrestrained drinking, the exhibiting members of both sides lined up very tacitly and looked at each other for a moment after.

Jeanne was the first to draw her holy sword.

"Holy Maiden of the Red Lotus!"

Without the slightest reservation, Jeanne unleashed her most offensive treasures as soon as she came up. Scorching holy fire turned into flames that wrapped around Jeanne's body and turned into an arc of light, Jeanne rushed towards Hydra without hesitation.

Opening her smiling eyes, Hydra slapped away the holy sword stabbing at her face with her right hand, while her left hand attacked Jeanne's face in the shape of a claw.

Just as everything was going on the intended track. Suddenly, a voice rang out.

"Unfold! The king's military momentum!!!"

With the Conquering King at the center, the entire world began to change in an unexpected way. The original cold and raw night instantly became scorching hot, and the hot sun inexplicably appeared in the sky.

Inherent Boundaries, i.e. magic that materialized one's mental landscape. Once activated, it would cause the surrounding space to change into a completely different landscape. The manifestation of the mind-image landscape, that is, the inherent boundary is the replacement of oneself and the world while the realm remains unchanged. At this point, the size of the self and the world are replaced, and the world is completely enclosed in a tiny container. This tiny world is the world egg, and becomes the name of the theory.

Everything around them, even the floor beneath their feet, had been covered with burning yellow sand.

On top of the dunes, squad after squad of soldiers with all sorts of weapons in their hands continued to emerge.

Eyebrows were raised slightly, but Hydra paid no attention to the soldiers that were now surrounding the large family.

"No matter how many miscellaneous fish there are, what can they do!"

As she said that, Hydra's palm instantly climbed full of magic, the original slightly pale and slender fingers hinting at a feeling of vitality.

Blocking Hydra's blow, Jeanne; pulled away as. A glance was exchanged with the Conquering King and the others at the side, then the people nodded their heads in tacit agreement.

One hand held the sword, while on the other, Jeanne opened the holy banner.

"My Lord is here!"

As Jeanne sang her chant, the surrounding soldiers seemed to roar as if infected by it.

A smile rose on the Conquering King's face as he looked at his greatest treasure.

"But don't let anyone underestimate us! Guys! Let our enemies know and show the heroic stance that crossed Asia and Europe back then!"

As he did so, the conquering king rolled over and mounted his beloved horse, the legendary flesh-and-blood-feeding Bucephalas. In ancient Greek fables, if only one man could tame Bucephalas, the mythical horse marked with a bull's head, he could rule the world.

The conquering king tamed him, and when the old king saw the conquering king had tamed Bucephalas, he shuddered and said, "Ah! My son! Go and find a kingdom worthy of you! Macedonia is too small for you." Such words. And then, stepping onto the throne, the conquering king did not end up ruling the world, but that didn't detract from how legendary the horse was. To the Greeks, Bucephalus was as famous as the Red Hare in China.

A horse that takes the lead! Not the least bit self-conscious as a commander-in-chief.

Laughing loudly, both the Conquering King and the Conquering King's soldiers were laughing. It was obviously a deadly battle, but their faces were not the slightest bit afraid of condensation, but filled with anticipation and excitement.

"O king, I never expected to be able to charge with you again."

One of Alexander's most famous generals, Onemax's face was filled with a soft smile. Dressed in light armor, with long black hair and a cold countenance, Parmenion didn't have any distance as he looked at the conquering king.

"There is no point in talking about it, of course the final curtain of the great banquet cannot be enjoyed by the king alone! This is the dance floor, let us, let us close the curtain on this banquet!"

As he said that, without waiting for the Conquest King's reaction, Onemax's speed instantly skyrocketed by a fraction. Looking at Onemax's back, the Conquest King also laughed long and then rushed towards Hydra and the others by urging his crotch Bucephalus.

Looking at the sergeants rushing head-on, Black Chastity disdainfully unfurled the black evil flag.

"Roar, my wrath-"

As the words fell, the pitch-black evil fire instantly enveloped Black Chaste's perimeter, born in the midst of the poisonous flames, launching a roar and gripping the weapon.

"Iris never withers! Vive la France! Long live the Virgin!"

The armies clashed together in a crossed clash, and with a glance at Hydra at her side, Black Chastity indifferently drew the rapier hanging from her waist.

With a slight quirk of her lips, Hydra looked at Black Chastity beside her with a faint smile.

"Although to get along for a few days, I must say. You're a person who's still quite to my liking."

At the words, Black Chastity received with a snort over her shoulder.

"Don't think about it too much, I'm just using you to make that Jeanne guy eat his heart out..."

Smiling bitterly and shaking her head, Hydra walked slowly towards the conquering king who was rushing towards them.

"Or not. This may be the final battle of the Holy Grail War. Ahhh, the moonless night sky is pathetic as hell!"

"The Symbiosis of the Cosmic Tree God, Euchterrachiel!"

As the words fell, the body that had been engraved by Hydra on the base plate of the Great Holy Grail immediately erupted with an emerald green light.

Then, Hydra's body began to expand, and a thick vitality began to spread from Hydra's body.

In the blink of an eye, an oasis called the Miracle was formed where ordinary people could not reach.

In the blink of an eye, an oasis called the Miracle Oasis was formed in this inaccessible place. Poplar, ash poplar, white elm, dates, palms, licorice, bitter beans, flowering firewood, whiskers... In addition to these plants, even peaches, apricots, wheat, barley, millet and other grains and vegetables began to grow rapidly. In full view of all the people, the plants rapidly completed the entire process of growth to fruition....

Some incredulous plucking of a fruit, not a false plant of magical composition, a real, but edible fruit.

The shadowy figure shrouded the desolate desert, the constant overflow of life around it made the crowd feel a touch of coolness in the hot air.

"What, exactly, is this?!"

Looking at the image that the Enabling Demon transmitted back, Weber looked a little distracted.


I overslept this afternoon, and I have one more shift tonight.

Volume 2: Extra-54 - The Magic Dragon

"Anon ----"

Feeling the power that filled his body, Hydra couldn't help but let out a long whistle.

At Hydra's long whistle, the entire space began to tremble violently. Thick vitality spread throughout the space, and when the plants started to grow, they were also absorbing the magic power of the "King's Army".

Although this was less than one tenth of Hydra's own power, it was still the best in the world.

"I, bring forth the withering and resurrection!"

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