Me, Hydra

I, Hydra, Chapter 185.

Begging for tickets!

The NS order has finally arrived!

Odyssey of the World!

Volume 2: Extra - 44 - On the verge of a fight

There were no surprises, and Hydra's power made the crowd choose to join together without hesitation.

On the other side, Old Worm also launched into action.

Although the old worm had lived for many hundreds of years by relying on magic, the truth was that because the soul was constantly replacing its container, the soul's disability had gradually begun to expand to the point where it had to be taken seriously.

In the beginning, an even an ordinary body would allow the old worm to renew its life for decades more, but as the soul's problems magnified, the old worm now had to change its body every month or two.

It wasn't that Old Worm hadn't thought about using artificial dolls as material, but helplessly... in its current state, even a doll wouldn't be much different from an ordinary human body.

"There's not that much time left..."

Leaning on his crutches, Maito Dirty Yanko came out of the worm room, holding a box in his hand, although it looks like an ordinary box, but in fact, this box is a space box created through the magic of the rare "imaginary number". It is now filled with all kinds of insects.

Last night's battle had been a huge one, but more importantly, the current Mikado and his followers had entered a short truce. This was the time when their defense was the most lax and the old worm's chances were the greatest.

As he thought about it, Maito Dirty Yama, wearing a Tibetan blue kimono and leaning on his crutches, walked alone towards the direction of Einzberon's palace.

In the beginning, in order to perfectly accommodate the magical engraving of the Mamoru Sakura, Mamoru Dirty Yanshan had already spent too many resources on Mamoru Sakura, and right now Mamoru Sakura had been taken to nowhere by that guy called Hyde, and now it was impossible to find a perfect prime body.

Unlike the Einzberen family, that little girl named Illya was born into the mold of the Holy Grail. Elia's body had been subjected to countless magic treatments from the moment she appeared in her mother's belly, and her body structure had been completely replaced with components that were even less human than her mother's. Already limited in use from the moment of birth, the flesh could be said to be the crystallization of a magic circuit. According to known information, Illyria's entire body was engraved with the base of a token spell, and the number of Illyria's magic circuits was even more overwhelming to ordinary magicians due to manual intervention. The heart, which was the core, was at least the color position in adulthood, second only to the crown position.

"It's a big risk, but I can't wait nearly that long anymore."

A maniacal smile rose on Mamiya Dirty Yan's face as he looked at the magical formula laid down by Einzbernberg in front of him and used to evade idle people.

This was five hundred years of delusion, and in order to achieve the goal of immortality, Maito Dirty Yanshu had been planning for five hundred years, and had only been able to set it up until now. Now that his own soul had also begun to decay, there was no time to wait for the next five hundred years.

As he thought to himself, Maito Dirty Inkstone opened up his storage box.

A slug-like worm rushed out of the storage box like a tidal wave, this was not an ordinary demonic worm. This was not an ordinary enchanting worm. This was a magical slug that Maito Dirty Inkstone had prepared to use against spirits and magic spells.

The slime on their bodies could be used to break down the operations of magic arts styles, and it could also dissolve the magical composition of the follower's existence.

Despite being an evil person, no one could deny the genius of Maito Dirty Yan. This was evident from its study of souls. After living without sleep for five hundred years, a pig could become an immortal even after five hundred years of cultivation, let alone Maito Dirty Yangyan.

Although there is no such thing as "immortalization" in this world, this does not affect Maito's talent.

The slimy slugs quickly finished eroding the outer perimeter of Einzberon's palace, whether it was an alarm or a trap, without making the slightest sound. Neither made the slightest sound.

Seeing this, a morbid smile rose on Mamiya Dirty Yan's face.

"No wonder the Einzberen family needs the assistance of that "Magician Killer".

While talking to himself, Maito Dirty Yan walked in the insect tide to the main hall of Einzberon's palace.

Not only the slimy magic slugs, in addition to these slugs, there were also many wasp-like exotic magical insects that came out of the storage box.

After a special hybridization ratio, the tail needles of these flying insect wasps were several times harder than steel, five centimeters long, and they were also filled with the venom that the flying insects themselves kept secreting. Even if it was only one gram, these venomous fluids could easily poison an African wild elephant.

The buzzing sound soon attracted the attention of those who were interested when the two followers of the night watch saw the arrival of the Maito Dirty Inkstone without a doubt both gripped their weapons.

"Dare I ask what your Excellency has come here for?"

Upon hearing the words, Mamiya Dirty Yangyan smiled coldly, and then said without haste, "Don't worry about that, call your imperial master to come out and meet me."

Hearing Maito Dirty Yangyan's words, before Saber could say anything, Eiya Cheji and Aerisfair came out from the side of the inner room.

"Just say what you have to say directly, there's no need to cover up...and from your demeanor, you don't seem to be planning to talk properly."

As he said that, Eiya Kheiji pointed at the flying insects and slugs beside Maito Dirty Yan.

Nodding his head, Mamiya Dirty Inkstone continued.

"These insects are specially bred by me, they are used to deal with slaves and magicians. As long as it's a magical attack, it's the same as supplemental nutrition for them."

"What do you mean?"

The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the newest version of the newest one.

The smile remained the same, and a glint rose on Mamiya Dirty Yan's withered old face.

"My request is simple, give me the little chalice. Issuing him is just a tool, and for the Einzberon family it is also just a tool that can be replaced at any time. As a price, this Holy Grail War will not be difficult for me to help you, and I can even help you. How about it?"

Upon hearing that, Eiya Kheiji just looked at him so quietly.

If it had been the original Eiya Cheji, he probably wouldn't have thought twice about agreeing to it, for no other reason than it was the best choice for his own interests, as well as the best choice to survive to the end of this Holy Grail War.

But the current Guiya Cheji was clearly not the same one.

"saber, lancer. kill him."


ticket request

Volume 2: Extra - 45. Sharpshooter - No Second Strike!

The big spear swept, the cattle tendon wood was like a steel whip, exerting its full power, and a scarlet blossom floated under Li Shuwen's control from a distance of ten feet.

What was the Six Harmonies Great Lance? The Six Harmonies Dagger is divided into internal and external triple healings.

That is, the heart and the mind together, the mind and the air together, the air and the force together as the internal triad, shoulder and hip together, ribs and knees together, hands and feet together as the external triad.

Liouhe Da Gun is also known as "playing the spear", where the spear is not derogatory, in the expert's control, each and every spear is a killing machine. In Li Shuwen's hands, countless blossoms bloomed back and forth in space.

The flower spear is also known as the "thief of a hundred soldiers", just like now, looking at the incoming insect nest, Li Shuwen grasped the tail of the spear with one hand and fiercely stabbed the spear into the insect nest.

With the luck of his waist, Li Shuwen's upper body itself was like a steel whip, while the lower body was the sturdy grip. As if wearing nail boots, Li Shuwen's pace is solid and powerful, and every fall is like a pile driver hammering a pile into the earth's crust.

An obscure dark energy from the large tendons on Li Shuwen's arm to the gun body, in an instant, the cattle tendon wood gun is like an evil dragon awakening in the abyss, through the gun body burst out of the dark energy will instantly clear the insect nest in front of a clearing.

Flipping and scattering full of slug remnants and slime, looking at the old insect Li Shuwen, who kept approaching him, was also heavily knitted.

"Rather forgot that you're a guy who lives by his craft..."

As he said that, the old insect clapped his hands, a group of there were a swarm of flying insects hitting the eyes enough to make an intensive phobia patient directly faint, but for a martial artist like Li Shuwen who had a strong psychological quality, just killing all of them would be enough.

Dense gun shadows into the rain down.

First there were stalking guns, then there were burning guns, yellow dragons straight into the hole, black dragons into the hole, eight ambulances, flashing blooms to make flower guns, the name is phoenix nod.

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