Me, Hydra

I, Hydra, Chapter 171.

"It's supposed to be good, right? At least we can get that caster, Hyde, out of the game without a fight, right?"

Hearing Weber's naive words, Kenneth shook his head helplessly.

Although Webb had a rare, if not unparalleled, talent on this subject of magic theory, he seemed to have no understanding of the human condition and the true darkness on the inside of the world....

"It's a matter of life experience...even if I told you now you still wouldn't be able to understand it. The world is made up of countless details, and within that detail, each of us can be the engine that sets it in motion at any time. Therefore, no matter what it is, we all have to decide after a certain point. You'll understand that when you really get to know the world of magicians."

As he said that, Kenneth was once again in deep thought.

Scratching his head in confusion, just as Weber was about to ask something further, the Conquering King walked over to stop Weber.

Shaking his head, the Conquering King took Webb away with the fruit plate as if he were mentioning a chicken.

"You're still a child, you don't understand the adult world."

"Not at all! I'm nineteen years old! Already an adult!"

"Age has nothing to do with experience! Experience is a status thing!"

The Conquering King's voice was incomparably serious, and his rough face was devoid of the usual hip-hop. Instead, it was filled with wisdom and preaching.

"I can go to war with the army at eighteen and inherit the throne at twenty. And what about the others? Even folks in their eighties are just as likely to kneel down when they see me. Because from the beginning, their identity determines whether their perspective is broad or not. One eye encompasses the world and strife, while the other knows only loess and farming. From the very beginning, such things as man were ruled by class!"

"You're too young, you need to grow up."

As he said that, the Conquering King patted Weber on the shoulder. A smile rose on his face.

"But believe it, as my vassal! You must not be mediocre, nor can you be mediocre!"

At the words, Webb's old face flushed and somewhat agitated, he shouted at the Conquering King, "Who is your subject now!"




Volume 2: Extra - 30 - Overjoyed.

It was night.

This time the night was extraordinarily quiet, because of the Grail War, Winterwood was now under curfew, and there were only scattered lights on the empty streets....

Opening her eyes, Jeanne looked at the crowd outside the door.

These were none other than the imperial lords of Yingling.

"Your Excellency should be the adjudicator, right? Dare I ask what the reason is for summoning us here?"

At the news, Jeanne nodded.

"The reason why we have called you all here is also a simple purpose. As stated in the previous correspondents, our goal this time is to eradicate the foreign follower. Whoever kills the caster will receive an extra token spell as a reward."

Hearing Jeanne's words, the imperial masters present all began to muffle their voices.

Even Kenneth narrowed his eyes slightly in thought when he heard Jeanne's words.

Hydra had once given Kenneth the journal of Hephaestus, the god of casting in Greek mythology, this favor was undoubtedly from the knowledge of the Goddess Generation period, whether it was from this world or not, this favor Kenneth remembered by heart.

After a moment of silence, Kenneth opened his hand to speak.

"If we are on a crusade together, does Miss Ruler have any information on caster? If we act rashly, we may be in a passive position."

Hearing Kenneth's words, Jeanne nodded her head.

"Caster's abilities are so broad that he is skilled and comfortable with basically everything related to magic, and it can even be said that he is the follower with the deepest understanding of magic known to man. Even the gods are far inferior to him. Secondly, he possesses a special attack addition to divinity."

Upon hearing that, the Golden Flash on the side slightly raised his eyebrows, as the Most Ancient Hero King, Golden Flash possessed two-thirds of divinity. If it was true that Hydra possessed a high special attack for divinity like Jeanne said, then it was undoubtedly very bad news for herself....

But despite that, upholding the pride of being a Hero King, Golden Flash didn't tell the truth about himself.

But Golden Flash's subtle movements were still noticed by some people who had a mind to notice.

With a glance at Golden Flash with the corner of his eyes, Wei Gong Cheji stood among the crowd without saying a word.

Before coming here again, Emiya Cheji had already guessed the purpose of actually summoning himself and the others here this time, but of course, even after arriving here, Emiya Cheji was still standing next to Aerisfel as a bodyguard.

Because Alisfil was always wearing gloves at all times, so for now, Eiya Cheji's identity hadn't been exposed....

It was probably a blessing in disguise as well. At least it was better to hide yourself before you were completely torn apart.

"May I ask if there are any more questions?"

Jeanne swept a glance at the crowd in front of her, while the people present all silently remained silent where they were after glancing at each other for a few moments.

Nodding her head, Jeanne's hand suddenly appeared with a war spear wrapped around the Iris Sacred Flag.

"Since there are no objections, let's depart immediately!"

The crowd nodded at the news.

Under the night, the Conquering King drove his carriage through the sky, the rolling wheels grinding thunder and lightning everywhere he went. Not staying together without a fight, Kenneth and DiLumudor were driving the sedan swiftly towards their destination.

Although they were already allied, it was better not to expose themselves unnecessarily.

Seeing the Conquering King's flashy chariot, the golden glint left the bar with disdain.

Although it consumed a lot of magic power, but the ability of the Vimona is also extremely strong, not only has the swift speed, but also the weapon on it is also extraordinary. It is one of the most useful "tools" in the event of a shortage of magical power.

The vehicles of the Katsuragi group are powered by sabers, and with their retention skill "Ride - A", sabers are able to drive the vehicles for the first time, and more importantly, they can strengthen them with their magic power.

Just like the car, which is densely covered with magical circuits, the other spirits also have the ability to use their magic powers to explode with an impossible speed.

Through the refraction of space, Hydra looked with small interest at the spirits coming at her from all directions.

Counting himself, there were a total of three followers on his own side, but he was perfectly capable of fighting one against two or even one against three. While Black Chastity had an extra token spell for each of the spirits, Bai Chastity didn't know Black Chastity's location, and Black Chastity never appeared in anyone else's line of sight. In other words, Black Chastity could completely take them by surprise....

He walked in from outside, and instead of the loose sweater he was wearing at home, he was wearing light armor that was the same style as Baekjeong's, but in a different tone.

The black iris flag does not have the same holy power as Baekjeong's, so it is more of an evil flag than a "holy flag".

Because of the arrival of Baekjeong, the maliciousness of Black Chastity's body has also increased. The black malice was as if gravel threatened to penetrate through the body, and the chaotic resentment could be clearly felt even from a distance.

"How much longer before that guy gets here? I'm on the verge of suppressing the malice in my heart!"

As she said that, Black Chastity's face was filled with hatred and curses. These negative things once made Black Chastity look hideous....

If it is only the grievances of White Chastity, Black Chastity is not enough for the present world. The black chastity is the concentration of all the malice of England towards Baekjeong, the malice that was concentrated in the English literature, the malice that was concentrated in the playwright's pen, the malice that was nurtured from the brain of the English people.

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