Me, Hydra

I, Hydra, chapter 151.

"Nice seedling, well, this one's mine now..."

As he said that, Haidera took Mamoru Sakura's arm and disappeared into the shadowy villa.

Squinting his eyes, Maito Dirty Yanmaru tightened his grip on his cane thoughtfully.

Don't look so relaxed, in fact, Maito Dirty Yan Yan was very concerned about Maito Sakura. Of course, Maito Dirty Yangyan's concern was somewhat different from the other concerns. The reason why Maito Dirty Yan Yan is concerned about Maito Sakura is to let Maito Sakura become a pawn in the next Holy Grail War so that he can get the Holy Grail.

But Hydra's appearance undoubtedly broke a lot of Maito Dirty Yan's plans....

Although the Maito mansion possessed a large number of boundary techniques to deal with a mystical being like Yingling, Hydra unexpectedly possessed the ability to control space....

As I said before, spatial control is the highest class of magic, and the closest to magic. A normal person would have to make a huge amount of calculations in order to modify space as Hydra did, from the density of space, to the sub-dimensionality of space, to the plasticity of space, and even the variables of space, so that it is possible to perform spatial control.

But even so, if you want to be as stable and natural as seems hard to imagine with a human body.......

"Prophet Hyde? There is no such person in Christian it an unrecorded heroic spirit..."

As he thought about it, Maito Dirty Yanshan's began to ponder wildly.

It has been a long time since Maito Dirty Yan has experienced a situation beyond his control.

In front of the wheel of history, all the people, things, things are just a cup of yellow dirt. Some of the dead heroes had left their names for posterity, while others had died silently hiding in the shadows of history.

For the Grail War, the truly difficult pair of words are not heroes like Hercules who are renowned throughout history, for the more famous they become, the more obvious their weaknesses become, much like Achilles' ankle and Zigfeld's back....

Rather, the more unsung heroes are potentially more dangerous, because you don't know their abilities or their weaknesses. If he's weak that's fine, he can just crush them with his great strength. But the name of the's not something a weak man can afford.

"Judging from caster's clothing alone...he should be a product of the European God Generation period. It's been a long time since I've looked through the books!"

Talking to himself, a grim smile rose on Mamiya Dirty Yan's face.

"This feels so much like my younger self na..."

While Mamoru Dirty砚 was in the Mamoru mansion inquiring about the ancient books, on the other hand, Hydra was bringing Mamoru Sakura to mess with a gorgeous large villa.

This villa was the property of a wealthy man, and Hydra wasn't one to reject enjoyment, so after Hydra was used for thought distortion, that wealthy man sponsored this villa to Hydra for no reason.

Although thought distortion had a time limit, it was still no problem to rely on Hydra's power to maintain it until the end of the Holy Grail War.

As for whether the owner of this house would agree or not... Well, he would agree.

With a glance at Mantis Sakura, who was standing still, Hydra lay down on the sofa beside her, doubly bored.

Looking at Hydra in front of her, Mantis Sakura's gaze remained unchanged, standing there dumbly like a piece of lifeless wood.

"I have to say that the old worm is still a few brushes at teaching people, actually being able to teach a normal human into this emotionally deprived disabled person~"

While talking to herself, Hydra removed Ryuunosuke's severed arm from the gap in space.

There was no concept of so-called time in the space gap, so despite all the time that had passed, Ryuunosuke's severed arm was still as fresh as if it had just been cut off.

"Take off your clothes."


Hearing Hydra's words, Mamoru Sakura good-naturedly and woodenly took off the skirt she was wearing, her naked body exposed to Hydra's view, her slightly young body in full view.

If this sight reached the outside world, then no doubt there would be many idiots shouting, "Three years in jail for stealing, and a smile on the yellow road."

"Give me your hand."


Nodding, Mamoru Sakura mechanically extended her hand to Hydra's front.

Picking up his side, Ryuunosuke's severed arm, Hydra squinted unhappily as Hydra prepared to make the token spell shift.

The space around Mamoru Sakura was then distorted, and when the space returned to normal, there were many more bug corpses beside Mamoru Sakura.

"Insects with locating functions? Nice na~"

Watching the last worm in his hand with small interest, the worm quickly lost its life because it was detached from human tissue.

Then, after a series of operations, Mantis Sakura managed to become Hydra's new imperial master.

Taking a look at the bloodied Mantis Sakura, Hydra pointed to the side of the bathroom.

"Wash it."


Looking at Mantis Sakura's wooden back, Hydra indifferently turned on the TV.

Hydra was deeply saddened by what happened to Mantis Sakura....

But the truth was that Hydra hadn't done this kind of thing for a long time. If Hydra were Mamoru Dirty砚, he would absolutely add poppy marijuana to Mamoru Sakura's three meals a day, plus three drug injections a day. The sheer terror of it was nowhere near as great as the dependency people had.


ticket request

Volume 2: Extra - 6 - Port Battle

Stepping out of the bathroom, Mamoru Sakura's back was already covered in more token spells.

This made Hydra very satisfied.

In Hydra's eyes, the so-called token incantation was actually a kind of branding that was rich in a huge amount of mysteriousness, given through the Great Chalice.

Taking a look at the hydra mark behind Maito Sakura that was made up of at least fifty token spells, Hydra took out a brand new gown from the already handled.

Not an inch of the tailored evening gown was superfluous on Maito Sakura's body. It was also because of this evening dress that Maito Sakura's glorious back was exposed without reserve. The scarlet tokens flowed in the night with a luster like fresh blood, unlike other tokens.

Although Hydra's magical attribute was EX, but in this worldview EX represented only unpredictability, and after the castration of Spiritualization, Hydra's magical upper limit had been severely weakened, and although it could be replenished by absorbing the free magical power in the air, relying on Hydra's fighting style in battle could drain all of its magical power from its body if it was not careful, therefore, the Mantis Sakura was not so much an imperial lord as a rechargeable treasure for Hydra.......

After all this dawdling, the moon had risen outside.

Taking a glance at Mamoru Sakura beside him, her wooden eyes didn't change at all, as if she had gotten used to this life of being traded to and fro. Like a piece of rotten wood that was making its way to the deep sea, lifeless, watching what happened to it with the perspective of a bystander.

"You can sit down."


Hearing Hydra's words, Mantong Sakura sat stiffly on the sofa, woodenly like a patient who had undergone a frontal lobotomy.

Hydra was a little bored as she hadn't said a single word since her arrival, except for a few words of "Grace".

Not intending to give out her pity meaninglessly, Hydra picked up the TV's remote control and switched to a station that was showing current events.

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