Me, Hydra

I, Hydra, chapter 142.

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Volume I: Text - 182 - Thoughts

With the events of Azeroth temporarily at an end, Hydra tentatively returned her attention from Azeroth to the current Christos lineage.

The Naga Witch's power had been elevated by herself to the level of a demigod, but as a price, Hydra's power had suffered a certain deficiency. There was no doubt that this was a restriction of the rules, otherwise wouldn't a Super Primordial God level of power be able to mass produce Lord Battle Power?

The reason for focusing too much on Azeroth Continent was not because Hydra was growing for Spartan City. It was because, to be fair, the Spartan Main City wasn't as irreplaceable to Hydra now as it had been in the beginning. Rather, it was the loyalty of the Naga tribe that interested Hydra quite a bit. But Hydra wouldn't be like some malevolent evil god who specialized in creating calamities to measure the extent of their loyalty.

While it was true that Azeroth could provide many resources, Hydra was more focused on the subsequent developmental nature of the Azeroth Continent. Knowing that after the demise of the World Tree, the current Azeroth Continent could be said to be not much different from the newborn world, that is, Azeroth Continent would most likely give birth to the original Ether!

But the probability of such a thing happening was too small, knowing that Azeroth was not a mythical world in the traditional sense, but a new epoch in the midst of mythological collapse. It is difficult to conclude whether this epoch, which was reborn from the old shell, is the same as Greece and India. But one thing is certain, that is, the potential of the known mythical world of Hydra has been tapped in the abridged version, but the new world of Azeroth is still very young, whether the original Ether will be born or not is still unknown. One had no probability, the other had a faint probability. Hydra quite naturally chose the latter.

And Sparta? For Hydra, Azeroth is the real focus now, and Spartan is instead more of a logistical support that serves Azeroth's sake.

But is logistical support inferior? Not really. You know, in countless myths it is described that heaven is something that only good people can ascend to. In other words, the earthly realm is the human resource supplying place for those so-called heaven, hell. But no matter in which myth, the human realm is always the one at the bottom....

What does this mean? Obviously it is the literal understanding of the earthly realm alone that should be heaven and hell suffering: "Please, please come to us!!!" of existence, but the opposite is often true. Just as candidates are obviously a human resource addition to colleges and universities, but there will always be students crowding to get into colleges and universities. Profit is a constant theme no matter the era. This is true even in mythology. What exactly were the brave warriors braving death for? More than just a passion, that was the thrill of the presence of the Hall of Englishes for them.

Taking a glance at the empty, ornate hall in front of them, Hydra narrowed her eyes.

Although it wasn't certain whether that green flame was Loki or not, since Hydra had pinned Loki's name on his head, there was no doubt that the green flame was now Loki in the eyes of Azeroth's group even if it wasn't Loki.

If it really was Loki, then it was a bit tricky for Hydra instead. One had to know that Loki was one of the Twelve Righteous Gods of Northern Europe, and his strength was directly proportional to his faith....

Stroking her chin, Hydra's eyes filled with thought.

"If I could borrow a knife to kill someone...that would be perfect..."

A prophet in his own capacity in the Christian mythology, that is, if he is able to operate rationally. Then it is entirely possible to be the fisherman who sits back and watches the battle rage on, and in the end gets the most out of it.

But how to achieve the greatest benefit through proper operation was a question.

Just thinking about it, Hydra's eyes flickered.

"Right! Almost forgot about Zeus and the others!"

As she thought about it, Hydra's gaze flickered once more.

Although the Greek city-states were still under the control of the theocratic government of Zeus, in reality, the faith of the lower strata of the Greek states in Zeus had been deteriorating day by day. However, despite this, Zeus's rule was still very solid. For no other reason, the landed gentry and above still needed Zeus to back them up in their power and influence.

With the support of the landed gentry class, it was impossible for the current theocracy of Zeus to suffer any substantial trauma without any major surprises. The current theocratic society was not unlike that of later times, and the theocracy did not need to pay too much attention to reputation blows, for such blows could turn harm into good by sending a few bards to work on their art, and even remember the fighting spirit of the people.

To be frank, if it weren't for the damage done to the people's power when the Greek states united to invade Sparta, the lower classes of Greece would still be in the same state of awareness of Olympus as it is today.

But according to Scahar's report, Zeus is now a little more restrained after all this. Or according to Skaha's observation, Olympus is much more negotiable now than it was before. This according to Skaha's guess should be because Hades has started to interfere in Olympus' affairs.

In the meantime, this caused Hydra to frown. Hades could be said to be far superior to his other siblings in every way, and even if you looked at the mythological epics of the entire world, it was one of those existences that didn't have too many black spots. If this was really the kind of existence he was going to face... I have to say that it was a bit of a hindrance to the fact that he was planning it.

In the meantime, on the other side of Hydra thinking like this, Hades was also raising his eyebrows.

"Why did the news of the Centaur clan suddenly disappear without a trace from the table? And even Hydra's news has started to become scarce lately...and judging by the fact that Aphrodite was suffering from a love plague that caused Hephaestus to be forced to join Sparta..."

As he thought about it, Hades narrowed his eyes.

"No, it can't be. The main gods of Olympus are all from the same faction, and there's no reason for a traitor to appear who has defected to Sparta, it wouldn't do them any good. Could it be those lowly gods? But if it's a lowly god..."

As he thought, Hades' eyes grew deeper.


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Volume 1: Text-183 - Hades' Thoughts

By the way, this Olympus, ever since the war, when the Greek nations united to invade Greece, all the government affairs of Olympus can be seen in Hades.

For the sake of his brothers and sisters, Hades could be said to have a white head of sorrow. Of course, this sorrowful white head was only an artistic expression, after all, relying on the immortal power in his body anyway, it was impossible for Hades to see sleepy and aging because of such things as handling government affairs.

According to the information, the current Hydra lapel hadn't been seen for a long time, and basically most of the government affairs were relying on the woman called Skaha to handle them.

Scahar and Hades had met once at the banquet where the plague of love was discovered, though only once, Scahar was very attentive to this woman who acted in a style very similar to his own.

In Hades' eyes, apart from Hydra, only Skaha was the most difficult to deal with in Sparta.......

Although both Sparta and Greece are now less than developed, after the first few team battles and field encounters. Now Greece to prevent the disadvantage that has clearly fallen. And now that Sparta is in the limelight, those missionaries trained by the Great Library of Sparta have flooded into Greek society, and their ideas have shaken the foundations of the Olympian gods....

What does this mean? In narrative terms. Although the Olympus and Spartan camps have often lost their team battles, they still aren't too far behind Spartan by relying on the wilderness monsters (beasts) and replenishment (faith), but with the influx of missionaries, Olympus is now at a replenishment disadvantage....

Without a doubt, this kind of disadvantage if placed in the arena basically without five or six large dragons would never be turned over, for no other reason than that, this was no longer just a simple economic disadvantage. Don't forget, although Olympus had countless gods and goddesses, other than the twelve main gods, the rest were just small gods that were tasteless and discarded. Aside from the little-known gods like the Wine God, some of the others didn't even seem to have temples....

In other words, in this battle, most of the characters Olympus chose were skirmishers... you skirmishers don't even have a grid, and you can't get rid of equipment even if you get paid. On the other hand, opposite Sparta, even the barracks are refreshed with red and blue buffs....

The main thing is that you can't get gain by killing the red and blue buff yourself....

A rotten hand, this was without a doubt a rotten hand. And what's more is that in the middle of this bad hand is this bomb that you didn't know about....

And Hydra's doubt Hades could have guessed with his feet that it was definitely a ghost hand.

What was a hand of ghost cards? Simply put, it's a handful of trumps....

Shaking his head, Hades shifted his thoughts from one point to another.

This was also the more important point. Namely, the aforementioned point of who the mole in Olympus really was!

Both the Plague of Love and the Centaur Incident are full of doubts.

First of all, Aphrodite was the first to be infected by the Plague of Love, and before the Plague of Love, Aphrodite did not show any signs of infection. According to Aphrodite's description, Aphrodite had been in contact with Loki before she contracted the Love Plague.

It is important to know that in the beginning Zeus, who wanted to get Loki in line with the Norse theocracy, had hinted that Aphrodite and Loki should have a deeper conversation. And Aphrodite did not refuse, after all, Aphrodite was also interested in this kind of robust warrior filled with exotic flavors.

But unfortunately, although Loki had promised Aphrodite, he then let Aphrodite go....

And the suspicious Loki, who was heavily involved in the Plague of Love incident, couldn't find any trace of him when Zeus sent someone to the door to inquire.......

Although it is a crime to abscond, but Loki does not seem to have the need to do so. Hades and Loki had a brief encounter with each other, and during this brief encounter, Hades' perception of Loki was basically that he was a "stubborn but loving his homeland" kind of existence... but during the Plague of Love incident! ........

"It's not in Loki's character. If it's venom, only that poisonous sea serpent Hydra would focus on such a thing..."

As he thought, Hades stroked his glossy chin.

As the intellectual bearer of Olympus, without knowing the state of the other myths, Hades's thoughts were undoubtedly the most correct. And if Loki was truly acting out of selfish desire, then Hades could only admit his misfortune. But if you want to find an opponent who can convince Hades, apart from Skaha, an old woman who is similar to yourself, it seems that Hydra is the only "freedom fighter" who has been fighting against the power of Olympus since its birth.... ...

No matter that time was incredibly complicated in Hades' eyes, as many contradictions would be found no matter how one reads it that way. This is true even if you count the traitor inside Olympus. But phrased another way, by first leaving out why the traitor defected to Hydra, then a lot of things can be explained.

For the reasons for betraying Olympus are too many.

Let's not forget, how many women has Zeus fucked? Hephaestus is an example. And Hephaestus is a mild tempered and honest man. But that doesn't mean that everyone else is too....

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