Me, Hydra

I, Hydra, Chapter 135.

Mainly because the presence of St. George represents guardianship, as well as chastity. St. George's martyrdom never wavered in the face of demonic compulsions to annihilate the bestial oppressors that plagued the countryside and slay the poisonous dragons.

These were all trials and accomplishments of St. George's.

And now?

There's no hint of ecumenical merit in Jeanne, and people don't know much about Jeanne's life other than the name of the Sublime. And more importantly, Jeanne is a commoner, not even actually a commoner until the revelation....

The weak liked to see the weak challenge the authorities, but the authorities didn't like a formerly weak man standing over them looking down on them.

Thus, under heavy resistance, Jeanne was now only a sub-saint....

After a moment of silence, Hydra returned her gaze to it.

"Jeanne, are you ready for the trial?"


Begging for votes.

Volume I: Text - 173 - Games

Looking at the Magus in her hand, Hydra shook her head helplessly.

Although Magellan was an idea that could influence the entire world in the future, it was always an oddity in this world.

Now that he had become the leader of Christianity, the most important thing to do as a leader was to find a way to maintain his rule.......

You may ask why not go for a limited time to solidify your rule, for no other reason. The spiritual core of Christianity is so deeply rooted that for them, a prophet means everything that is right in the world. Therefore, Hydra had no need to worry that anyone would covet her position, and without Jehovah showing up, even the angels couldn't do anything to her.

A smile rose to the corners of her mouth, and Hydra's eyes were filled with an unspeakable radiance.

Jeanne was indeed a good helper, but Jeanne couldn't be more useful in many things if it was just the Sublime. In order to make the most of the value that Jeanne generated for herself to a large extent, Hydra had given Jeanne trials instead of God.

You know, other saints are just given trials by angels, but Hydra is a direct representative of God, and as long as Jeanne is able to complete the trials, then nothing else, at least absolutely no one will think that Jeanne's quality is in question.

The energy that saints and sub-saints could generate was not at all the same, and simply put, how many times in history had the famous Confucius family been traitors? But why do you get carp every time, even when every clan leader gets the title of "Duke of Diffusion" at the court?

In the Song dynasty, the Duke of Diffidence was the equivalent of an eight-grade official; in the Yuan dynasty, he was promoted to a three-grade official; in the early Ming dynasty, he was a first-grade civil official, and then "the head of the class of civil officials"; in the Qing dynasty, he was also licensed to ride horses in the Forbidden City and walk on the imperial road. The Confucius family lived in the Palace of the Diffucius Family, which was the largest in China after the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The Qufu Confucius family was posthumously bestowed by successive emperors, and their genealogy was well established. They were able to live in peace for a thousand years, relying on nothing else but the shade of Confucius and the ability of the wallflowers.

This shows that as long as you have a powerful patron, even the wallflower can live unrestrainedly.

Naturally, what Jeanne can rely on is not a wallflower, as a sub-saint, Jeanne is equal to the Pope even if she is not a true saint. And once Jeanne completes the trials laid out by Hydra, it means that Jeanne will become a person in God's care.

By the time you get to that point, the power Jeanne can emit is already close to Hydra's power of existence in a sense. After all, Jeanne would have been the one to receive the revelation anyway, and if not Hydra, Jeanne would instead be most likely to become a prophet in this era alone.

With a smile rising from the corner of her mouth, Hydra expressionlessly placed Mazoku in a secret compartment placed in a corner.

Although he couldn't hold and proclaim the things in it now because of his status, but by the time the future came, the things written in it would surely bloom into the light it deserved.

Leaving the library, the bishops of the church immediately emptied the entire library as soon as they heard that Hydra was coming to the library in order to protect Hydra's safety, so no one knew what Hydra had just done. Unless it was the kind that had too much power over Hydra....

"Prophet, may I ask where you are going next?"

Seeing Hydra out, immediately there was one from the side stood out like Hydra launched an inquiry.

The reason for asking Hydra where he was going was just to get to where he was going before Hydra and disperse the crowd.

The safety of the prophet lay in his own intelligence, and the soul that died for the prophet could ascend to heaven. This is what the Vatican preaches and what everyone thinks from the bottom of their hearts.

Though foolish, the power of faith can destroy mountains....

If Hydra were to look at any country now that Hydra didn't like, without Hydra even having to speak, the faithful would send their king to the guillotine.

But the good news was that Hydra wasn't focused on making history move forward.

The reason why Hydra chose to develop Sparta in the first place was to be able to get better resources for himself, and now Hydra couldn't use those external aids anymore, and the reason why he still cared about Sparta was more because of the memories he had left in the city in the first place.

But memories of such things were enough with one Spartan, and Hydra wasn't about to be cultivating a world that could make an enemy of her at any time.

Though he was a prophet himself, and according to the words of St. George God did not deny it. But the fact was that Jehovah had not given himself the ability to foretell the future, let alone the ability to do so. Hedra and Jehovah had no more than two words in total against each other. Although I don't understand why Jehovah would recognize himself as a prophet, but from Hydra's perception alone, this ten is more good than bad.

With a glance at the guard beside her Hydra shook her head.

"There's no need to go anywhere else, there's nothing I'm looking for here. Go and spread my orders to the other city-states."

"What orders?"

"Search for the original Ether!!!"

Hearing Hydra's words, the guard left the main hall without hesitation to deliver Hydra's order.

It was not hopeful, but what if someone discovered the mystery of the original Ether?

Looking at the image reflected in front of him, Jehovah frowned and turned his attention to Naiya beside him.

"What the hell are you thinking? It is not only his power but also his character that is tested to be a prophet. What good does it do you to do so?"

Hearing the words of Jehovah, Naiya shrugged her shoulders indifferently. The human's face revealed a very dry indifference.

"Do you need a reason to pursue pleasure? It's like those opium smokers. They know better than anyone that opium isn't good, but don't they go on the same frenzied quest?"

"And what do you ask for the most?"

Naiya's face was very frustrated when she heard Jehovah's question.

"Hey, hey, hey, we're on each other's side no matter what, right? Don't you understand what I'm after? Happy! Pleasure yah~ That panic and uncertainty in the face of position is just the perfect food!"

As she said that, Naiya poked a finger into Jehovah's face and spitefully trailed off at Jehovah's calm, unruffled face.

"You're too boring, so I'm not going to let you ruin my game!"


Somehow I feel like I'll lose my motivation to update without the spit....


Something happened today, and I have to get up early for duty tomorrow, so I'll swallow tonight's update!

Saturday and Sunday double compensation.

It's been uneventful lately, with both the book review and spitting areas banned, and suddenly no more pop-up spitting is really a bit uncomfortable to say the least....

Anyway, no update for tonight...

Are you guys mad that you can't spit? That's right!

(Want to open a new hole =, =)

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