Me, Hydra

I, Hydra, Chapter 123.

A young centaur scout reported pretty good news.

After strenuous exercise, water was very necessary, especially for a creature of the centaur's size. Without the physical centaurs could still gnaw on bark and eat forage. But without water it was like booking a high-speed train to hell for the centaurs....

Nodding, no matter the time of year, his people could be down and depressed. But as a chief, as a chief himself, he absolutely couldn't. Because once even himself was depressed, then the Centaur clan could be declared extinct.

"If it was me who was captured by Olympus, if the Centaur Chieftain who has come to this world now is Karon... everything would probably be better."

As he thought to himself, Brandwalden perked up.

"Everyone's stepping up their game! Not far ahead is the river, so let's rest there tonight for the night and then continue the journey tomorrow morning!"

Upon hearing this, the surrounding centaurs looked at each other for a few moments before standing up and trotting in the direction of the water source.

The journey was not very far, almost just a few hundred meters away, relying on the centaurs' strength of their feet, even though they were very tired. But the crowd still reached their destination very quickly.

The cold river water was so clear that even the swimming fish in it could be clearly seen at a glance. And the surrounding pasture grass was also very fertile. Coupled with its remote location, it was obviously a good place to set up camp....

"Let's camp here tonight, don't build a fire, the fire and smoke might attract the orcs. Let's just make do with what we have... After a bit of rest the males go around and see if there is any prey, if the females go into the water and see if you can catch a few fish..."

At the news, everyone nodded.

After a short break, the centaurs all began to gather supplies in a well-ordered manner. Although this was mixed with some minor frictions, but nothing major happened.

And now everyone was holding a sulking breath in their hearts, for which Brandwalden reported understanding....

It was accompanied by a little friction, but it was more about helping each other. With the cooperation of all the people, a field of fruit was soon gathered. And more importantly, a herd of deer was hunted.

This was the only good news, although for safety reasons can not declare fire, but anyway meat can provide far more energy than fruits and vegetables....

Using a tomahawk to chop up the already dead wild deer into pieces, the excess internal organs were thrown all over the river by Blandwalden.

It wasn't a waste, but because the entrails were not well preserved and the orcish tribe didn't have a keen sense of smell. Toothstone would be more than worth it if they chased it along with the blood. Even to prevent the orcs with a keen sense of smell, all the centaurs took a shower to remove the blood from their bodies....

The materials were limited, but the good news is that the original craft on the prairie was not left behind. Using a bone needle roughly stitched some water bladders from fish gut and deer skin.

These water bladders are generally used to hold water, half used to hold deer blood.

Deer blood is an expensive traditional Chinese medicine, but also since ancient times is the court royal family, noblemen and noblemen to cure the disease and fitness treasures.......

Roughly cleaned up, the people didn't care about the fishy smell of the deer meat and munched on it.

But what the crowd didn't know was that the entrails of the deer that had been washed downstream by the river had been touched by a fisherman named Running Ba Ba....

The body of a fish, the limbs of a frog. The skinny fish-man can sometimes wreak havoc....

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Volume 1: Text-158-Fishman Night Attack

"Wow. Whoa whoa whoa whoa!!!"

Speaking in the unique language of the fish people, like a gibberish, Running Ba reported to the fish priest before him what he had found.

Hearing the words of Runpaw, the old fishman priest stroked his chin.

Fishmen were not a strong race, but in fact, the history of the fishmen was even a little older than that of the trolls and such...

A fisherman's language may sound like a "wow" in a different key to others, but in reality, the integrity of the language is extremely important to the fisherman. Or rather, it is a sound that can only be produced by the fisherman's unique vocal apparatus, which to outsiders is a natural spy code.

Fishermen are very small, even adult crocodiles are about a third the height of adults, and most of them don't have a lot of strength because of their size. But one thing that fishmen are very strong at is their ability to reproduce. Normal Yu can produce thousands to hundreds of thousands of them in a single spawn, and although very few of them end up surviving, they still occupy the entire ocean. The fish people were the enhanced version of them. Although the number of spawning numbers were less than double, the relative chances of the fish eggs being able to survive were much higher.

That said, because of the Naga's expansion of the deep sea, more and more fishermen began to lose their homes and their deep sea territories to the surface, led by the fish priests. The fishmen are a race whose origins are a mystery, there is no doubt about that. But after constant research, it seems that the fishmen have some connection with the sea monsters and demons of the deep sea....

It's not certain, but it still causes other intelligent races to reject fishermen, a race beneath their natural warfare....

"Woah~Woah! Whoa whoa whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wow. I'll gather the clan, you go ahead and scout it out, still blow this horn if the opposite side tries to escape. This horn can summon rune creatures to delay their movement and deal them damage! All right! (Go!)"

As he said that, the Fishman Priest took out a conch-like object from behind his back, and although it was a conch, it seemed to have a broken rune mark engraved on it.

Nodding, Running Ba took the horn from the fish priest's hand and jumped into the water, swimming swiftly towards the river.

The fisherman priest nodded in satisfaction at the animated figure of Running Ba in the water, and then the fisherman priest also jumped into the water and swam quickly towards the fisherman tribes in the deeper waters downstream.

In fact, most of the fish people look more like frogs, the fish body growing on the limbs of the body, although much thicker than the body of the fish spines, but after all, the reminder is restricted, even the strongest fish people among the tribe's height is half of the adult is just a meter. If the scales and fins on the body were removed, there was honestly no difference at all to be seen from any frogman.

"Woah! Whoa! WOW WOW WOW!!! Wow! (Upstream of the river appears our target this time!) As long as we can get dazzling results in this hunt, we can surely establish our tribe in the land! (It might even be possible to reclaim the deep sea that used to belong to us from Naga!)"

Hearing the words of the fish priest, known as the Oracle-Mogol, all the fishermen in the tribe boiled up.

Then, under Mogol's order, the small but flexible fishermen became messengers to inform other fishermen in the surrounding lakes, rivers and even swamps.

The fish people could be said to be the most widely distributed race, but because of their power, the fish people had never been able to get equal status to other races. This hunting war was clearly an opportunity that every fisherman didn't want to give up easily, including the fish priest called the Oracle, Mogol.

The glorious burning clouds heralding the last rays of the sun were buried in the depression and the only sound that seemed to come from the flowing river under the silent night sky was the faint sound of the water.

All the other centaurs slept tired from the day's intense work...except for Brandwalden.

As a strong man who was also rare in the entire history of centaurs, Brandwalden could perform three days of uninterrupted work. While the water could make Brandwalden's mental state perfect, the way the Centauri tribe was right now, it could easily be wiped out without the Night's Watch. Not all centaurs had as much energy as Brandwalden, and the tired ones quickly fell into a deep sleep as soon as they lay on the ground. The constant snoring was particularly noticeable in the midst of this wilderness.

Although helpless, Brandwalden did not stop them. After all they had been through, their spirits might not be able to withstand such high pressure if they didn't let their people get some rest. And although the snoring was a bit loud, it should be fine if they were a bit more alert....

As he thought, Brandevalden, who was repairing his damaged weapon, calmly looked around.

It was still a dark night, and although it was uncomfortable for Brandwalden to have his vision obstructed, there was no other way now. And even if the other races wanted to find themselves in this night they would have to take torches. There was no need for Brandwalden to elaborate on how blinding a glimmer of light in the darkness was. In a sense, the night was the centaurs' best protective color....

As he thought about it, Brandwalden looked to the side of the river in the moonlight.

Frowning, Brandwalden noticed that the waves on the surface of the water seemed to be much more restless than in a normal frenzy, but now there was no wind, and more importantly, the place where the Centaur tribe was resting was out of the middle of the river, which meant that the river should be flowing even if it was flowing rapidly downwards. But somehow, the river was now like a lake under a strong wind, and although the wind was blowing again, the flow of the river was always within a range....

It was extremely uncharacteristic to cause Brandwalden's alarm.

"Centaurs assemble! Prepare for battle!!!"

Hearing Brandwalden's roar, the centaurs, who were still sleeping, opened their eyes hazily. When they heard the words "Prepare for battle", they woke up completely.

Then a trumpet sounded, and rune creatures about half the size of an adult's calf rushed towards the centaurs in front of them in droves, while in the distance. Mogol, who was riding the power of the tides, was leading all the young and strong that could be gathered from all the surrounding fishfolk tribes to tread the waves....

Suddenly it feels like the book will become a little more serious if the pre-Qin mythology appears, so the appearance of the pre-Qin mythology may be delayed even more or written directly in the next book....


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Volume I: Text - 159 - Next Objectives

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Fish warriors! Kill them!)"

All the fish warriors climbed out of the water as the fish priest, Mogol, gave his orders.

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