Me, Hydra

I, Hydra, chapter 118.

Then, the scarecrow tied to the slow iron frame ten meters away was instantly blown apart.

Receiving the hand cannon from that Spartan forbidden guard, Hephaestus nodded in slight thought.

While Hephaestus was thinking, one of Hydra's thoughts appeared next to Hephaestus.

"How hungry? Did something go wrong with your research?"

Hydra's voice suddenly rang out, but it didn't surprise Hephaestus, as it was a basic quality for a blacksmith to be able to remain calm in the face of unexpected events, though that was mostly because Hydra often engaged in sudden tricks....

Shaking his head, Hephaestus fiddled with the hand cannon as he said, "After being strengthened by the runes, the maximum power of the hand cannon can be maintained at around ten meters. But once it goes beyond this range the power of the hand cannon will decay with distance. To be honest, it's obvious that it's using a good enchanted ore, but once it gets involved with gunpowder its phasing with mysticism will plummet... It's a bit puzzling to me."

As he said that, Hephaestus quickly disassembled the hand cannon into a pile of parts and began to estimate the extent of the damage to the parts.

Seeing this, Hydra narrowed her eyes.

The low phasing of firearms and mysticism was something Hydra had expected, so it wasn't that surprising. After a moment of silence, Hydra said indifferently, "Give me the various values of the hand cannon."

Upon hearing that, Hephaestus nodded, then said backwards, "The length of the cannon is 15.25 cm and the width is 7 cm. Within three meters it can instantly blast a boar, and within ten meters as long as it's not a level person, it can easily kill it. But because of the phase nature, after three times, ah no. After two shots its gun body's runes will be overloaded due to the phase nature thus turning into a pile of useless patterns, and the gun body will also be at risk of blowing up."

Hearing that, Hydra raised an eyebrow.

"And what if we don't add the runes?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Hephaestus spoke softly.

"The range is halved, the power divided by three. And the first gun would risk blowing up the chamber..."

Upon hearing that, Hydra rolled her eyes speechlessly. After some thought, Hydra continued, "Modify it to reduce its size as much as possible for the sake of damage, preferably enough to be combined with a wrist guard, so that it can be used as a shield after shooting. If it's too heavy, you can just drop it. Turning it into a disposable would be enough, and it would take two seconds for a soldier to load it, even for a veteran. There's no room for that on the battlefield."

At the news, Hephaestus nodded.

"That's easy, just reduce it a bit in terms of less material, but disposables would have to be insured to ensure that their internal mechanism is automatically destroyed after one use."

Nodding, Hydra then spoke easily.

"I'll leave those to you, I'm just making some suggestions. You're the real master on top of casting~"

As she said that, Hydra playfully raised her eyebrows.

Hearing Hydra's words, Hephaestus shook his head helplessly.

"If that's the case you really need to learn what it means to honor a teacher..."

The words trailed off, and Hephaestus sighed with great frustration.

But the sigh sounded more or less like a bitter laugh....

Hephaestus had been in Sparta for so much more than a hundred years, though he had not joined from the beginning but had been brought here by Hydra's raw power plus underhanded tactics, but regardless, it was impossible to live in one place for more than a hundred years without some emotion.

This wasn't the cold, empty temple of the Lord Olympus. Hephaestus' home was in the city's smithy, and because of the concealment of his identity as the god of craftsmen, coupled with Hephaestus' good craftsmanship and no-charge tool repairs, Hephaestus still had a good reputation among the Spartan farming class. As a result, there were often some old guys who would come to him for a drink and a chat.

But because of time, many of his old friends have already passed on to Elysium....

For the first time Hephaestus's heart was sad for a mortal, or for the loss of a friend. But it was understandable.

When he was at Olympus, Hephaestus basically spent nine out of ten days in the depths of the great volcano, bored with forging there, and because of his appearance as well as his power and many other reasons, those nymph nymphs were intentionally distant from him.

At that time it seemed that Hephaestus' artificial puppet was able to accompany Hephaestus to chat for a while, but after all, it was just an artificial puppet....

A cold palace is not as good for Hephaestus as typing love for a volcano forged in the middle of what Hephaestus likes and what does Hephaestus like about it?

This Zeus didn't know, Poseidon didn't know, and Hades didn't know.

In the end, even Hephaestus himself forgot what he longed for in the constant forging process....

With a glance at Hephaestus in front of him, Hydra shrugged her shoulders, then quietly left the training range.

Dissolving her wandering consciousness of being out and about, Hydra returned to the Great Shrine and snorted like a thunderbolt.

Just as Hydra was preparing for a comfortable afternoon nap, Skaha, on the other hand, brought Hippolyta with a serious and serious face to the bewildered Hydra.

Looking at Skaha in front of him, Hydra raised an eyebrow.

"Is something wrong? So serious."

At the words, Skaha nodded, then said with a stern face.

"The boy's father has just delivered a message to us, it seems that those remnant centaurs have discovered a new world, and those remaining centaurs want to trade the coordinates of that world for the life of their great sage, Khairon."

At the news, Hydra's look was instantly serious.

Hippolyta's father was none other than Ares, the War God of the Twelve Lord Gods, who was ambushed in Olympus.

"Is the news reliable?"

Nodding, Hippolyta, on the other hand, said with great certainty.

"Reliable, this is a message from my father through the blood connection! Absolutely nothing can go wrong!"

At the news, Hydra stroked his chin.

"I can't believe Khairon isn't dead... Wait, if Khairon was imprisoned by Zeus and the others..."

As she thought about it, Hydra began to ponder.


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Volume I: Text - 152 - In the Name of the Father

Now Hydra had a bit of a headache, as Hydra had signed a pact with Zeus and others within 500 years, and now it was at least 40 years until the end of the pact. Although the city of Sparta is now able to crush Olympus to the ground, it does not mean that Hydra will be able to crush Khaos to the ground.

As one of the creator gods of Greece, Khaos was the highest ranked handful even among the original gods. And Hydra could only say that the magical reserves had reached the level of what Yuan was, and becoming the most important Primordial Ether had been the most important Primordial Ether until now Hydra didn't have the slightest clue....

Shaking her head, Hydra looked before her and said calmly to Skaha, "If the Centaur clan wants to trade the Nordic coordinates for the life of their great sage, Charon, we now have two options, one is to rescue Charon before Zeus and the others do, but this option is very difficult. Also, the Centaur and Minotaur clans have a long history of feuding. Therefore, I prefer the latter and decimate the Nordic centaurs."

"Simple, brutal, and much more efficient. The Minotaur clan's importance to Sparta is evident, and their loyalty is extremely high. There's absolutely no need for us to chill the Minotaur clan for the sake of those centaurs. What's more, the centaur clan, with the exception of a very few chieftains, sages or wizards, are all below the level of intelligence. Their existence is a scourge..."

Hearing Hydra's words, Skaha nodded.

"We were thinking the same thing, isn't there another phrase from Sparta's Library Force? "The fittest will survive." Intellectually inferior, brutal, and unproductive. More importantly their existence is a hidden danger to us... The Centaur clan is no longer suitable for this era, perhaps it would be a good idea to dismiss them."

At the news, Hydra nodded as well.

"Call Leonidas in."

Upon hearing that, Hippolyta on the side nodded, and soon, a stoic-looking Leonidas appeared in front of Hydra.

"What is your command, Great Lord."

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