Me, Hydra

I, Hydra, chapter 103.

"Of course..."


With some indescribable help, Hydra and his eight cyborgs managed to split off from a whole and become individuals.

That said, their powers hadn't changed in the slightest. With a glance at Uctrasil, who sat barefoot on his scales, Hydra shook his head gently.

Uktraciel seemed to hate anything to do with fighting or anything like that, so she remained as a phantom body in her own right.

With a glance at her eight brothers who had just woken up and didn't react to any situation, Hydra shrugged her shoulders.

"Time to go."

As she said that, Hydra gave a slight bow to Ananke in front of her.

"Thank you, though there are still doubts..."

As Hydra prepared to continue, Anan carved a shrug of her shoulders. A wave of plain hands followed, followed by a fluctuation in space.

"It's just mutually beneficial..."

As she said that, Hydra suddenly the space around her rapidly unfolded and changed. By the time he came back to his senses he had already reached land. And within his own senses, the bottomless abyss that was located in the deep sea had also lost its trace.

Looking at the space that had calmed down again due to Hydra's departure, Koronos, the God of Time who had been a spectator, took a glance at the plain white body of Anan carved on the side.

"It looks like it's over, Ananke."

Nodding his head, Ananke did not reply directly, and the pure white space instantly returned to silence. Then, it was swallowed by pitch blackness.

If Hydra really chose to devour his cherished countrymen for the sake of power, then there was no doubt that Ananche would absolutely destroy Hydra on the spot, because if Hydra would not even spare his own brothers for the sake of power, then it meant that Hydra Hydra could just as well devour the Greek world for the sake of power.

And Hydra doesn't look like a slave to power, which means....

"Take a good karma... The Unity Will seems to have begun to close, the walls between worlds have begun to weaken, and in a few thousand years the worlds will merge, and if we don't have the means to be able to play against the Unity Will by then, then we... ...En."

Upon hearing that, Koronos looked at Ananche who was on the other side of the void and nodded wordlessly.

"We are merely a body separated from the Unification Will... We are only a praying mantis in front of the wheel of the Unification Will."

Plainly stating the sad truth, Kronos' face didn't ripple at all.

"Let's hope Hydra can grow to that point, but then again, being the ultimate conflict, the Unity Will really..."

There was no need to continue, or to continue at all. Even Kronos and Ananke could spot the weirdness of Hydra, so could the unified will that held the ultimate contradiction between all that could and could not, that existed before the concept, really not know of Hydra's existence?

There was no way to know that...and they didn't want to know it.

Back on land, Hydra felt inside her own body. Despite the fact that he was in a separate body from his brethren, Hydra's power had not diminished at all, and was still at the half-step Super Primordial God level, but his brothers' strength had become the Lord God level....

But that didn't affect anything, on the contrary, because of the body separating and getting smaller, Hydra could move around the battlefield more nimbly....

If a half-step Primordial God level creature really needed to go into battle....

One interesting thing, though, was that in Seven's and their vision, Ananke seemed to be a big beautiful woman, which was a bit of a bummer for Hydra, because in Hydra's perception, that Ananke was a glowing kind of mall female model....

But that seems understandable....

If people become so perceptive that they can see the mites on the faces of those around them, they will lose interest in lust.

The deeper the understanding of the world, the more brutal the truth the world gives back.


Catching the train tomorrow....

Volume I: Text - 135 - A Tricky Future

"It's only been a few days, why have you changed again?"

Looking at Hydra, who had six emerald green wings growing behind her in front of her, Skaha rubbed her forehead helplessly.

It had to be said, but in terms of image, the current Hydra wasn't as visually nerve-wracking as it had been in the beginning, and this might also have something to do with the structure of Hydra's own body.

Although the current Hydra was a dragon, the lower half of its body was that of a snake, with wooden scales covered with moss and trees, and a large and constant stream of water in the crevices.

Uctrasil remained in Hydra's body, and though there was no more huge old tree canopy, the fine little hut still existed....

And there was an extra river in front of the door, where Uktraciel was now playing barefoot in the water.

It struck Skaha as odd that an older woman, obviously older than herself, was glad to be a virgin? It's disgusting!

A little thought, Skaha squinted his own eyes.

Despite having been separated from the rest of his caste, Hydra's body was still over two thousand meters long, and the lush, vibrant vegetation covering Hydra's body could indeed be considered a moving green belt in a sense Shaking his head, Hydra shrugged his shoulders.

"It doesn't matter, at least I haven't received much of a weakening of my power. And in this state, me and my compatriots can be in different places at the same time... What's more, without them bothering me, I finally don't fucking have to keep up my pretensions of being the boss at dinner! Can you relate to the feeling of a whole bunch of food appearing in front of you but feeling a little full already after just two bites! Fuck! I haven't had a normal meal in hundreds of years!"

Looking at Hydra, who was wearing a foul breath in front of him, Skaha scratched his face in embarrassment.

"Well... this kind of thing... haha... ha..."

Shrugging helplessly, Hydra looked over at the embarrassed looking Skaha in front of her.

"Don't mind, just think of it as me venting my anger. Now this body is very good in general, the World Tree is worthy of being the remains of a Super Primordial God, and in terms of physical defense alone if Zeus didn't have the Thunderfire Spear it would probably be a problem to even break the defense."

Hearing that, the aside Skaha placed his hand on Hydra's taller-than-human nails and felt it slightly with the magic power inside his body. The thick cuticle was sturdy and strong in front of the door for elemental damage like magic, and immune to curses and other debuffs.And what's more, the cuticle was surrounded to the wood scales that seemed to constantly absorb the magic that was free in the atmosphere to keep sending out the impurities in the body....

Bringing his hand back, Skaha's expression wasn't hidden.

"Powerful body, I reckon that even if Zeus appeared before you, you could still beat him into a tent of blood mist with flesh alone even if you didn't use any other magical state..."

At the news, Hydra shook her head.

"There are too many variables in combat, and even more strange abilities that magic can generate than I can count. But if it's purely a physical fight, I'll kill three Zeus in one punch."

As she said that, Hydra shook her fist.

Although it sounded very arrogant, the truth was that there was no arrogance in Hydra's voice, calmly as if he was saying something that was taken for granted.

Looking into Hydra's amber eyes, Skaha held his forehead helplessly after a moment of silence.

"Your words make it difficult for me to judge the truth of the matter..."

"I'm not going to lie to you."

As she said it, Hydra spread her hands.

"According to my speculation, before long the entire world will be in chaos. The entire world is already in complete chaos because of me, not just Greece, but also the angelic theocracy and other worlds we haven't even heard of..."

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