Me, Hydra

I, Hydra, chapter 101.

It must be remembered that Greek medical treatment, as far as Hydra knew, was still largely at the stage of burning the skin with a branding iron, cleaning the wound with river water or inducing vomiting, enemas and other almost life-threatening treatments.

The appearance of penicillin in such situations could be called a miracle cure for its efficacy alone.

And as far as Hydra knew, the small world located under the jurisdiction of angelic mythology went right back to the age of witch doctors.

Those clerics who were brainwashed by the angels would even go so far as to simply say, "Sinners who receive secular medical treatment are pagans!" This kind of ridiculous bullshit.

And the fact that, with the exception of a few don't be blessed by angels typically, the ones that do heal are basically healed because they are in good health....

But there are only a few who are physically fit, and the effects of penicillin have yet to be seen, and all Hydra has to do now is plan how to use penicillin to get the most out of it.

Again, heroes are immune to injury and disease, but that doesn't mean mortals are.


ticket request

Volume I: Text - 132 - Towards the Bottomless Abyss

In his free time Hydra unhurriedly reviewed the overall changes in Sparta, and was very satisfied with the results.

As a famous person said: the resilience of a country should not depend on whether it is strong or not, whether its people are rich or not. Rather, it should be judged by its ability to continue to function smoothly in the face of the sudden loss of its leader.

There is no doubt that this is probably the state of affairs in Sparta today.

Historically, Sparta was an oligarchy, that is, a state in which a few men were the rulers. This could even be called a dictatorship when it was first taken over by Hydra. After four hundred years of development, the current Sparta gradually has the shadow of a feudal dynasty, but because there is no emperor, so the word feudal society on the body of Sparta does not seem to be appropriate.

All in all, Sparta was now like a giant machine that had tended to perfect itself. At least in Hydra's problem-free state, the machine would never collapse.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Hydra rubbed his head. But in terms of length of time, it seemed like it had been tens of thousands of years since he'd watched a bunch of boring text for such a long time. Sparta had grown from that insignificant little village that didn't even have roads to a behemoth that made even all of Greece tremble. This wondrous feeling was like raising a child with Hydra's own hands.

Setting the report aside, Hydra let her thoughts momentarily envelop the entire Peloponnese.

A wonderful feeling, although it was just as much about observing one's own territory, the original Hydra was more likely to be observing from a third party's perspective. But after living in symbiosis with the World Tree, Hydra found that her observations became more nuanced. It was as if the entire Peloponnese was its own stretched out tree trunk. And the leaves growing on top of these trunks, the people of Sparta, were able to feel what Hydra was even thinking about with unparalleled clarity.

It was as if the whole world had become clear and transparent, and in Hydra's consciousness, all the people of Sparta were like a piece of crystal-clear glass. Their thoughts, talents, and flaws were exposed in Hydra's perception.

"Is this the power of the World Tree...?"

As she thought about it, Hydra narrowed her eyes.

This power didn't inspire Hydra, rather, it made Hydra feel a little palpable. If even he was able to control this power, did it mean that Kaos, who had become this side of the world, possessed such an ability at a glance?

The World Tree is definitely above Kaos on a level alone, for no other reason. It was because Kaos was the Primordial God, and the World Tree, Euktrahiel, was born after the death of the Super Primordial God, Ymir. Hydra was annoyed at the lack of power, but then again, even if Kaos ignored him, why didn't Kronos and Ananke, who were above Kaos, do anything at all?

Question after question rose from Hydra's mind, overlapping each other in an odd way that made Hydra shake her head in frustration.

"Speaking of which... that place has been neglected by me..."

As she thought about it, Hydra attached a cognitive hindrance to her own body. The so-called cognitive hindrance was the boundary that high-level creatures specifically released on themselves in order to conceal their forms. Once the cognitive hindrance was released, unless it was a guy whose strength was higher than or similar to Hydra's, it would be absolutely undetectable.

Stepping out of the Great Shrine, Hydra suddenly spread out the emerald green wings behind her.

Removing the wind's added protection instantly unfolded, and Ukitrasil, who was sitting behind Hydra where he was playing a game, tilted his head in confusion.

"Where are you going?"

"An extremely dangerous place."

"How dangerous is it?"

With some curiosity in his voice, the same body symbiosis, Ukitrahiel's natural way Hydra's specific strength now. Although Hydra can't be considered a primordial god because of the loss of the original Ether, but in this world where primordial gods have chosen to disappear, Uctrasil is still very curious as to where the "very dangerous" place that Hydra talks about is.

Narrowing his eyes, Hydra said plainly.

"The Bottomless Abyss, I had been there once when my strength was still at the Lord God level, and the extremely unstable space could form a spatial rift that defied defenses at any time. Now that I think about it, I was pretty lucky back then. Simply being transported by the chaos of space to the other side of Greece. And I didn't reach the deepest depths of the Bottomless Abyss on that exploration, now then, there's a need to see what's hidden in the deepest depths of the Bottomless Abyss!"

As he said, Hydra had come above the surface of the sea, no longer concealing his form, Hydra rushed valiantly towards the bearing where the bottomless abyss existed.

The opening of the bottomless abyss was almost seven kilometers below sea level, descending on the mud bed of the sea floor, and Hydra did not feel the slightest discomfort relying on good water.

Although he hadn't entered yet, he could already feel the spatial fluctuations revealed from the bottomless abyss.

The space here was very chaotic, some places were fragile like a piece of paper that a random ordinary person could shatter, while others were stronger than Hydra's scales.

"Well... it's a strange feeling. It's reasonable to say that if a complete line of gods can be born, then the spaces in this world should all be extremely stable and solid, and even a spatial singularity shouldn't be as chaotic as this..."

Holding his chin in his hand, Uktraciel patted his head in great confusion.

"Do you really want to go down there? It's dangerous yo."

Narrowing his eyes somewhat hesitantly, just as Hydra was about to say something, suddenly, the space of the bottomless abyss in front of Hydra stabilized.

The sudden change caused Hydra's pupils to contract sharply and needle-like, and even Seven, who was the most familiar with spatial changes among Hydra's eight brothers, was unable to make such a chaotic space become so stable in an instant.

It was like causing a person with ADHD to instantly develop Parkinson' was almost impossible.

It seemed like an invitation, but this invitation creeped Hydra out.

Licking the corner of her mouth, Hydra relaxed her thoughts.

"Now that the master has made the invitation...I can't leave now if I wanted to."

Talking to herself, Hydra thought about rushing over to the bottom of the bottomless abyss. Rushing towards the end that seemed like it couldn't possibly exist.


I've been looking for images of Hydra's current image lately...but it's frustrating...nine heads, all bright green, and an ancient tree behind them...such harsh conditions are so hard to find....

Was getting ready to contact the painter, and hopefully my fee will be enough to pay for the payment....

Volume I: Text - 133 - Ananke

Constantly inspiring towards the Bottomless Abyss, the pressure of the deep sea did not cause Hydra the slightest discomfort.

Compared to the chaotic and disorderly space before, the strength of the space in the Bottomless Abyss was now ridiculously strong.

If the original space around the Bottomless Abyss was likened to water, then the normal space was ice. But now the space Hydra was in was steel plate....

"It's hard to imagine such a strong space... Even the walls seem to be far less strong than the space here. If a magician who specializes in space control appeared here, I'm afraid he would just cry out, as the space here cannot be altered through external forces at all."

As he said that, standing under the canopy of the ancient tree, Yuuktrahier's matcha-colored eyes were filled with incredulity.

Having vast, almost infinite wisdom and experience, but such a solid space was still the first time it had been seen.

After a moment of silence, Hydra shook her head.

"Space is the most changeable property, and the strength of space varies from world to world. If you can use to create a spatial rift here, I'm afraid you can directly create a large spatial fault when you get to land. And the space is changing without warning, just by will can make space from chaotic and fragile to so stable and strong in an instant.......understanding of space this unknown existence has surpassed us too much, and in front of a guy who is proficient in spatial control, it's even more impossible to escape. "

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