May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 740: Life is better than death

Those who joined the army after 1981 could not imagine the influence of the young commander in the army.

Du Xiaosong's question suddenly brought back Meng Ping's thoughts floating out of the sky.

"Yeah!" He nodded.

"Isn't that woman saying that she only loves the young commander all her life and wants to guard her body like a jade?"

The little fat man drove in front and sneered when he heard these words, "Are you stupid or she stupid? You believe this? I have said that women can believe what sows can climb trees."

"You are talking about men, not women." Meng Ping corrected, "but you are right!" Little Fatty did say this at the beginning.

"Damn it!" Du Xiaosong slammed a fist on the car window beside him, and the glass made a clear sound, instantly shattering into countless pieces.

The cold wind came in, and the little fat man was distressed to death, "You have a brain disease? Do you know how much this car was bought? Do you know where to buy it? Do you know what brand it is?"

"I don't know!" Du Xiaosong bowed his head ashamed, so angry, he forgot that the window glass was not resistant to smashing.

", our boss bought this car from the UK and transferred it from Hong Kong. The expensive price scares you to death."

Du Xiaosong didn't listen to the little fat man's chattering voice. He looked at Meng Ping stubbornly with red eyes, "Why didn't you just let me shoot that **** woman?"

Meng Ping touched his chin, and a cold arc formed at the corner of his mouth, "It would be too cheap for her to die like this. I want her to be ruined and to be as good as possible, and to taste the taste of life is better than death."

The little fat man in the front seat shivered with Du Xiaosong.

"What about which man?"

"You will know!" Meng Ping turned his head and looked out the window in a daze. The cold wind came in, he didn't care at all. He was quiet like a pool of stagnant water, the little fat man winked at Du Xiaosong, and the two of them were silent in their words.

This time even the little fat man felt that the boss had changed, although he was still so good to him. But he felt very strange, as if he had changed.


The firecrackers on the first day of the New Year have been sparsely sounded since the dawn. In the morning, firecrackers were set off from house to house in nearby villages. Xu Qigang got up early, went to the division headquarters, and then to the regiment headquarters. Everything that should be done was done!

Sheng Ning woke up in a daze, long-term training had already cultivated a biological clock, and sat up fiercely when he heard the horns of the troops. The movement was too big, the whole body was falling apart, and she hissed in pain.

The quilt slipped off and she was only wearing a men's wide sleeveless vest. Large areas of white skin were exposed, and there were bruise hickeys everywhere, as well as traces left by men when they were in love. Fortunately, the whole body was refreshed, she remembered. In the groggy night last night, the living king seemed to hug himself to take a bath.

Sheng Ning's scattered memories gathered in an instant, and her blank eyes regained clarity. She thought of the place she touched on his waist last night, as if it were different from other places.

I had to ask to understand last night, but he was cunningly fooled.

Could it be that he was injured, he didn't dare to tell himself?

This thought made Sheng Ning unable to sit still anymore and hurriedly got up to get dressed. Yesterday the battle was fierce. Some of her clothes were torn to pieces and couldn't be worn at all. Sheng Ning could barely make do, and finally couldn't put on Xu Qigang's sweater from the clothes cabinet.

Not to mention, wearing his sweater on her is a bit like wearing a loose-fitting skirt, and it's loose and can bring out her slender figure.

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