At that time, the Weapons Research Institute was jointly founded by four countries, including our country, in order to fight together. At the end of World War II, the world structure changed, and the internal contradictions of the Soviet Union were numerous, resulting in the current confusing situation.

Now that the four countries all want to get the core information, this has become the most intense battlefield. Xu Qigang had been lurking here for half a month with people, and the ammunition he carried was almost used up.

In the ice and snow, Xu Qigang wore a white cold-proof suit and almost merged with the surrounding trees and villages. He wears black sunglasses on his face, only showing a tall nose, a firm chin and tightly closed lips.

"I'll be on guard. You take a rest first." Xu Qigang kicked Chen Yingjie who was sitting on the marching tent. "In addition, the marching tent was withdrawn. There must be a fierce battle at night." The two of them fled from the fierce battle in the evacuation area. Came out and stayed up for two days and nights. Be better. Chen Yingjie's physical fitness is a little weaker. If he doesn't rest, his body won't support it.

Fortunately, the effect of the winter clothes this time is good, otherwise it is possible for so many people to die in this ghost place.

"Yes!" Chen Yingjie packed the marching tent quickly and immediately slumped on the ground. I took out the compressed biscuits and cans from my backpack and pried them open while eating them tastelessly, complaining while eating. "If you eat this horrible thing, I'm going to throw up! Leader, you can also eat some."

Xu Qigang held a gun in one hand and sat down beside Chen Yingjie. He took the compressed biscuits and ate them quickly. They had finished eating in less than five minutes.

"Hurry up, there is no time to delay."

"Yes!" Chen Yingjie settled three times, stood up and went on guard, "Head, what should we do if we separate from the others again?"

Xu Qigang raised his telescope to observe the terrain, his eyes under the sunglasses were chilling. "It's okay!" He said casually: "I left people on purpose."

"What?" Chen Yingjie was taken aback, and then immediately realized the problem, "Did they have a problem with the leader?"

"Hmm!" Xu Qigang nodded, "When we evacuated, didn't you think that mercenary came too in time?"

"is a little!"

Xu Qigang's black army boots stepped on the snow one after another, his handsome face was full of silence, "Someone is delivering information, so we must separate the next action."

"All our communication equipment and materials are in the three groups, what should I do next? I don't want to just go back like this."

"Continue with the mission." Xu Qigang looked at the city at the end of his sight, and intuitively told him where the core information he wanted should be. I hope Qin Yue can arrive before he moves.

He touched the position of his chest, and put a picture of Xiao Ning in the pocket of his shirt. This was taken when they went to the county to buy clothes when they got married. He couldn't help pressing the photo tightly on his heart with his hand.

Xiao Ning, wait for him at home, he can go back soon. Will go back with honor and merits enough to hold up a piece of sky for her.

Xiaoning...I miss you, do you miss me?

He shook his head and completely erased her from his mind. The next battle is the most critical, he must not have the slightest distraction.




At the end of the year, the good weather that had been sunny for more than ten days was replaced by a stronger stream of cold air. From the morning, there was heavy snow like feathers, and the people of the art troupe completed the exercise and entered the training room No. 1 in groups. As soon as he walked in, he saw Qiubai standing on the stage with his hands behind his back in formal military uniform. There are three teachers behind her, who are mainly good at dance, music and stage art.

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