May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 493: Accidental reversal

Sheng'an's high-hanging heart finally let go a little.

Sheng Laosan and Shen Luhua immediately came out to greet them when they heard the voice.

Although Shen Luhua was the most calm and nonchalant, she was actually worried in her heart. Even if Xu Qigang doesn't care, no mother-in-law doesn't care about this.

Qin Cuifen looked back and saw Xu Xianxiong and Zhao Lanzhi and guessed that they were the parents of the Living Hades.

Her gaze fell on Zhao Lanzhi and found that her temperament was not like a rural person at all. No wonder Xu Xianxiong, who is rugged, can raise a cold and beautiful person like the king of Yan.

Zhao Lanzhi squinted her eyes slightly, and Qin Cuifen quickly turned away in shock. But her movement was fast, and it was not faster than Zhao Lanzhi's keen sight.

She looked up and down Qin Cuifen, her eyes scanned the position of her aunt's chest and fart, and she smiled and said, "Huh? Which daughter-in-law is this?"

Qin Cuifen's face immediately paled.

"What are you talking about?" She pretended to be a fool.

The smile on Zhao Lanzhi's face became more joyful, and the look in Qin Cuifen's eyes was very approachable. "I can't read it wrong. The big girl can tell at a glance. The big girl doesn't have your breasts."

Standing in front, Xu Xianxiong glared at his daughter-in-law. How could he say such an excessive thing to a little girl today?

Zhao Lanzhi gave Xu Xianxiong a wink secretly, and the couple had a tacit understanding for many years. I have done a lot of big things together before.

Now Zhao Lanzhi only needs a look in Xu Xianxiong to understand.

"Daughter-in-law, you are right!" Xu Xianxiong's voice is not so loud. As an old hooligan, an old gangster who came out of ten miles and eight villages, he can say that he doesn't care about face at all.

What is face? How much is it worth?

"Daughter-in-law is newly married, so don't make a fuss."

Qin Cuifen felt that she was almost unable to stand up. She didn't read the almanac when she went out today, so she shouldn't have come to Sheng's house.

Unexpectedly, King Living Hades is better in the army, and his parents are even better.

She dared to swear that the mother of the Hades who had just lived must have seen it. Since Widow Zhang|Widow can see it, there are other old women who can see it too.

Lanzhi Zhao is a scholar and has a culture. The old ladies in the past are different from the present, and they are also different from the drunken Shanghai Bund.

The big rural family at that time was a bit like the Qiao family compound. Women should not only learn to be a housekeeper, but also learn some knowledge about gynecology.

For example, pregnancy, some minor problems, minor symptoms can be seen by yourself.

Zhao Lanzhi received these educations when she was a child. Not only could she tell at a glance that Qin Cuifen was innocent, but she could also see that she was pregnant!

At this time, Sheng Laosan and Shen Luhua came out from inside. Sheng Laosan, a big man and a retired soldier, could not do things like Xu Xianxiong, so he had to avoid it again.

Shen Luhua's mind turned quickly, and she asked very cooperatively: "Cuifen, you are the one who had an improper relationship with a wild man, right?"

"Don't spit blood." Qin Cuifen shrank weakly, making a look that was frightened by everyone.

"I'm going back, I won't tell you, you guys are bullying people together." He wanted to leave, but was easily stopped by Xu Xianxiong.

"I haven't finished speaking, what are you going on?" Xu Xianxiong's eyes widened, and Qin Cuifen didn't dare to move anymore.

"Stay honestly for me."

"In-law, is she making up bad things about my daughter-in-law?" In fact, Zhao Lanzhi guessed it when she saw Qin Cuifen at first glance, but she still deliberately pretended not to know.

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