May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 330: Surprisingly similar


Isn't she Yang Wenying out of the limelight? This time, she will take good care of her.

In the morning, at the Su family table, Father Su, Su Hai and Su Huaian were eating breakfast while reading the newspaper.

The old man is full of resentment every time he eats.

"Xiao Haizi, you are too useless. The Chen family can let Ningning cook, so why can't you invite others?" What caused him to eat is not good.

"Yes!" Su Huaian agreed.

"Dad, I didn't take you to hit your son like this." Su Hai even used threats.

"Then it's a fact that you can't invite someone." The old man stared, "If you are really so useless, I will let your brother invite someone."

The eldest of the Su family is Su Jiang, who is a powerful person. His current military rank is the same as that of Meng Xingzhi. Because he is in the Southern Military Region, it is difficult to come back once because of love. Every time Su Yun saw him, she would not dare to talk nonsense.

"Don't, eldest brother is so busy, so don't mess with him. It's not that I don't ask, but that the art troupe is really busy during this time. The girl is now working **** dancing! It depends on this time. After this period of time, she will definitely come to cook for you. I'll talk to her."

Su Hai continued to flip through the newspaper. He had a habit of reading newspapers and liked to read from the back to the front. So when he quickly finished reading and was about to put the newspaper back on the bracelet, he saw the photo on the cover at a glance.

Su Hai's eyes widened in shock.

The other two people at the table also looked intently.

The Su family grabbed the newspaper, picked up the reading glasses and stared intently.

"What's the matter with dad?" Su Hai is a little embarrassed. He is very beautiful and beautiful, but you are so old, is it really okay to stare at the pretty young girl?

It's not Huai'an, it's normal for Huai'an to stare.

"Dad, don't watch it, and show Huai'an. Would you like to see it if you haven't seen him?"

"Asshole!" The old man raised his fist angrily and punched Su Hai, but he dared not move. With a look of shock, he even looked at Su Huaian.

"What's wrong with your grandpa?"

"do not know!"

The old man Su didn't care about the conversation between the two of them, and he confirmed once again that he didn't have any eyes. This photo is exactly the same as when the wife was young.

He tremblingly wanted to go back to the room with the newspaper, and the two uncles and nephews quickly helped each other.

"Dad, what happened?"

The old man ignored him at all, and when he returned to the room, he threw them behind and took out the small red sandalwood box he had kept for many years.

Su Hai knew that the small box was his mother's relic. The old man had protected it so well that no one would touch it for so many years.

Even the eldest Sun Huai'an was taken out to play naughty when he was a child.

Su Huaian looked at the small box and thought of the only experience of being whiplashed, and his scalp was aching.

"Yes, it's really similar." The old man took out an old photo from the box, because the old photo has been blurred.

He compared the photo with the newspaper in his hand, no matter his body shape, eyes, looks and eyes are very similar.

The picture shows a beautiful girl in a lace dress, standing on a luxury cruise ship.

Mrs. Su's wife was born as a wealthy merchant on the beach, and she has been studying in the UK since she was a child. She was a well-known daughter in the turbulent Shanghai of the 1930s.

Especially good at literature, art and dance. If she were not married to a Red Army soldier, her future development would be limitless.

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