Sheng Ning also stood in the crowd to greet Qiu Bai, not flattering, but sincerely respecting her and admiring her.

Talented, knowledgeable, but not arrogant or impetuous. As calm as a gentle spring breeze, you can do things vigorously.

Such a person is her idol and the goal of her life.

Qiubai nodded towards Shengning.

This girl's appearance during this period of time is so dazzling, she has to be impressed.

"Okay! Everyone hurry back. Today's training course is vocal music."

"Yes." The big guy saluted the military salute and dispersed.

Chen Huaying just finished the martial arts boxing, so she didn't know where to go. Sheng Ning looked left and looked, but she couldn't find her. She stood in a humble position, waiting for the crowd to disperse before catching up with Qiubai's pace.

"Teacher Qiubai, please wait a moment."

"What's the matter?" Qiubai turned and turned around.

"I want to tell you about Chen Huaying." Sheng Ning bit her lip and made up her mind.

Seeing Chen Huaying who was getting more and more depressed during this period, she finally made up her mind. She must find a way to raise her interest and can't keep her depressed.

"Oh! Tell me about it."

"That's the case. Chen Huaying is not interested in dancing itself. If she can dance hip-hop, it should arouse her interest."

"Hip-hop?" Qiubai's eyes lit up, "This is a good idea!"

Street dance has now formed a scale among black teenagers in the United States and has led the American street fashion. When she returned to China, although many old-school people still sneered, it did not affect the development of hip-hop.

Hip-hop culture is expanding rapidly.

Street dance has strong participation, performance and competition. The essence of street dance is to publicize one's own personality, show the vitality and passion of youth. To express an aggressive life attitude, it emphasizes the concept of "be yourself, enjoy life, and have the courage to challenge".

This idea is the spark of emotion that the development of the times collided with, and it is what people urgently need and advocate after the spring breeze of reform and opening up has blown the ground.

If Chen Huaying can really learn street dance and make self-innovation, it is definitely a big event that shocked the art circle.

"Where did you hear about hip-hop?" Qiu Bai asked suspiciously. She has been studying in the United States for four years and it is normal to know a little bit. But Sheng Ning is a rural girl who has not served as a soldier for even a year. It's hard to know about foreign friends who don't have much chance to contact.

Regarding this question, Sheng Ning had already thought about it before she spoke, so she replied calmly: "I broke my leg last time. I rested for a long time. Once I went shopping in the city. I heard. I think if street dance is really so good, it must be suitable for Chen Huaying to learn."

"It's rare for you to be so considerate of her!" Qiu Bai looked at her with more and more satisfied eyes.

Sheng Ning was a little embarrassed to be praised by her, she didn't want to behave on purpose.

"Your proposal is very good, but I don't know how to dance hip-hop. I'm afraid I can't find anyone who can dance hip-hop in China." She has always been fascinated by Broadway performances in the United States and has little contact with hip-hop culture.

"It's okay, as long as you can get it; video tapes and music discs, we can teach ourselves."

"That's okay." She has overseas connections, and it shouldn't be a problem to send it to someone. "But you can't. You are not suitable for street dancing. Don't delay yourself to help Chen Huaying."

"I understand, thank you Qiubai." Sheng Ning felt a lot more relaxed in solving Chen Huaying's problem.

Others don't know how to dance hip-hop, but she knows a little.

After she was released from prison in the previous life, she was lonely and bored. After get off work, I go to the square dance to watch people dance, and I meet many teenagers who dance in the square. Dances are all interlinked. She knows a lot about some rhythms and movements. I believe that with hard work and study, it is possible to teach Chen Huaying the basics.

The latter depends on her own understanding.

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