May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 607: That's good

"That's good! That's good."

The people in the office all breathed a sigh of relief, feeling complicated for a while and wondering what to say.

"Okay, come back! You have successfully completed the mission, come back with Xin Yue and Ye Xing!" Tu Zheng's voice was low and thick, "We are all waiting for you to come back! It has been a long, long time."

It's not just Commander Meng who is waiting, all of them from Guoan are also waiting, waiting for them to come back, waiting for them to wash away their traitor stigma.

"But we can't go back yet."

Xiang Qi's words brought everyone's hearts up again.

"Why?" Tu Zheng's tone became serious, even with a trace of trembling that he didn't know. Four years, four years in the United States, the two of them are powerful, powerful and rich, and they can do everything in a country like the United States. No matter who you are, you may not be able to resist this level of temptation.

Whether he will make a mistake, even his leader can't guarantee.

When he gave the order to Thor, he didn't expect them to do this step.

When it comes to why, Xiang Qi has a particularly proud mood. According to Raytheon's statement, this is really a big vote, and he can brag for a lifetime.

After going back, he can walk sideways in Guoan.

There is no fear of seeing the minister. Although he has never been afraid, the situation is different. In the past, I was not afraid that others would privately say that he was relying on nepotism, but after returning this time, who would dare to say that?

"Because Thor said he wanted to do a big vote."

Xiang Qi's words came out on the phone, and all the people in the office frowned. What is this all about? Not a bandit, what a big vote!

Someone cast condemning eyes at Tu Zheng. The meaning was obvious. Depending on what you did well, the people under your hand became used to it.

Tu Zheng touched his nose awkwardly, and urged: "Say something quickly."

"I know, I know." Xiang Qi didn't delay time, and told Gu Yunbo what he meant. "That's it. We found the gold that Owl had collected before, and the safe in the Swiss bank, and planned to replace all these things with weapons and ammunition before returning to China."

Everyone didn't care about it, but all urged to come back quickly.

"Our country is rich now! Who cares about those weapons and ammunition! It's the business that you come back safely and quickly." Tu Zheng said angrily.

"Do you know what weapon it is?" Xiang Qi said with a hint of pride.

"What kind of weapon? Is it an aircraft cannon? Even if it is an aircraft cannon, we have it ourselves." Now he is troubled by these two people, even sleeping, and his hair is worryingly gray.

I won't come back again, it's probably a nervous breakdown.

"Do you have the latest U.S. fighter jets? Do you have nuclear submarines? Do you have the latest satellites?"

A series of three questions left the stumbling block. The office was quiet for almost a minute before someone made heavy breathing sounds. Everyone's face went from blank to flush with excitement.

"Not what you said?"


Xiang Qi didn't deliberately make people's appetites this time, "Raytheon meant to get at least one nuclear submarine to drive back. Other things depend on whether our affairs are going well."

Tu Zheng felt his palms were sweating and sticky. "How sure are you?"

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