May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 139: Do you want a certificate

"You are the original author of the script, and it will be signed and recorded in your political materials." This is a rule of the army and must be followed.

"At that time, if the response is good, a certain reward will be given."

"How much is the reward?" She looked at Su Hai with bright eyes, as if she saw money open. God knows how poor she is now, with a debt of 5,000 yuan, she now dreams of how to make money.

Had it not been for concentrated training, she would have gone to the city to find a way to make money.

Not only did Su Hai not find it annoying, but he laughed, "How about eighty yuan? There has never been such a high remuneration."

"One hundred!" Sheng Ning habitually bargained.

"Are you buying vegetables at the vegetable market? You still bargained with me. There are no rewards, but there is a certificate. Would you like it?"

"Don't dare, don't dare!" She really didn't dare to offend. "Certificate is fine too!" In the early 1980s, it was a great honor to get a certificate. Think about the appearance of hanging in the main hall at home, Dad will be very happy.

"Okay! I brought the script, please hurry up and revise it. When this training is over, let the people from the crew rehearse." Su Hai carried a bag in his hand and took out a kraft paper bag and placed it in front of Sheng Ning. Instructed: "Remember your mind, and you can't divorce yourself from the masses." The art troupe belongs to the divisional political department, and Su Hai, as the director of the political department, must do everything.

"Guaranteed to complete the task!" Sheng Ning stood up and saluted a standard military salute.

"Hmm! Work hard!"

"Thank you, Chief!" From the perspective of price, she suffers, but from the perspective of the future, she makes a big bargain.


The results of the training were formally notified during the training the next day, and Dai Bin specially held a meeting for everyone's problems and performance. And in front of the full text of the working group and the four camp owners, publicly praised the first place Sheng Ning and the second place Chen Huaying.

This was impossible in the past, and she was|favored|surprised for a while.

Wu Youli applauded desperately in the audience, higher than she was praised.

Zhang Hongmei just smiled at her without saying anything.

Sheng Ning knew that Hongmei blamed all the responsibilities on her last time when she checked the dormitory's internal affairs. Feeling implicated by her, she was criticized.

Sheng Ning sighed in his heart, wanting to explain, but didn't want to open his mouth.

She thinks it shouldn't be like this between real friends, like Wu Youli, like Chen Huaying. We usually quarrel with each other and compete fairly. Once something goes wrong, we shouldn’t blame others.

She said that, not trying to shirk responsibility. Will be framed by Qin Cuifen, and she is indeed concerned about her.

But she always feels that this is definitely not the case among friends. Zhang Hongmei was the first friend she cared about after she was born again, who came close. It will become like this, it is a lie to say that it is not uncomfortable in my heart.

"What do you think?" Chen Huaying elbow her. She was second, so she stood side by side with Sheng Ning to receive praise.

"Ah? No!" Sheng Ning returned to his senses and shook his head quickly.

"Thinking about Zhang Hongmei?" Don't look at Chen Huaying's usual inattentiveness, but in fact he feels like Mingjing. When she was punished for running that night, she had already discovered the problem.

When the worry was revealed, Sheng Ning nodded in frustration.

"Different ways are not conspiring!" Chen Huaying snorted coldly. She never looked down upon the soldiers in the countryside. But she despised those who were inferior and complained.

Zhang Hongmei is one, with the simplicity and kindness of a rural person. But there are also weaknesses and short-sightedness. Of course she wouldn't tell Sheng Ning these things in her heart. She could see that Sheng Ning was a person with a lot of emotions, or a little bit of a heart.

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