Material Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 583: Take care of the big picture

There are two mouths in the official word, which makes sense.

When it comes to supporting the Daqin Group, it can be said that this company is a key enterprise in the province, and the province should give preferential policy. When it is time to step on the Daqin Group, it can also be said that this enterprise is a key enterprise in the province, and it should have the courage to assume more responsibilities and make more contributions.

Qin Hai was too lazy to talk about the opinion of the Vice Governor Wang. In the minds of some officials, foreign capital is always more worthy of attention than domestic capital. Among domestic capital, private enterprises belong to the bottom of the category. Not to mention that compared with state-owned enterprises, even township enterprises are The "ownership" hat is more popular than private enterprises.

"What is the end result?" Qin Hai asked.

Chai Peide sighed and said, "The attitude set at the meeting is that in principle, we will allow the Kohara Club to annex Anhe Electric Plant. The work of your Daqin Group will be left to me."

The so-called "in principle" depends on how you understand it. Many things can be harmonized in principle, the principle is originally used to destroy. However, there are also some things in principle that are already nailed down. The reason why they are only called in principle is just a euphemism. Qin Hai understands that the situation in this matter belongs to the latter, that is, there is not much room for maneuver.

"Does it make any sense?" Qin Hai asked unwillingly. "The province is indifferent, and we have to use a foreign company that came after us to get us out of the bureau. There must be a saying? I know you think foreign companies are more noble than us, but I Don't believe it, you leaders, dare to say so publicly. "

Chai Peide shook his head helplessly and said, "Of course, the province cannot say that foreign companies are more noble, in fact. Most leaders in the province do not have such an idea. However, the reason given by Governor Wang is very good, so there is no The solution can only take care of the overall situation. "

"Look at the big picture? What big picture?" Qin Hai asked.

"For China's return to the GATT overall situation." Chai Peide said.

"I'm going ..." Qin Hai almost sprayed out the tea that had just been sipped in his mouth. The ownership of an Anhe Electrical Machinery Plant could actually rise to such a height. The governor Wang was really too talented. .

Founded in 1947, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. It was the most important global trade cooperation mechanism at the time. China was one of the earliest founders of the GATT, but in 1950 the regime across the strait announced its withdrawal from the mechanism. In 1986, the Chinese government formally filed an application to restore the status of a GATT State Party, thus beginning a long process of "resumption of negotiations".

The Chinese government hopes that the purpose of restoring GATT status is to promote the export of domestic goods, so that China no longer needs to negotiate trade with other governments year after year, and constantly make concessions to other countries for the most favored nation treatment. However, those Western powers that have the power of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) are also very aware of China's demands, so they continue to set obstacles to China's resumption negotiations. result. Until the end of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in 1995, China was unable to complete the resumption of customs clearance and had to start the same difficult WTO negotiations as a newcomer.

Regardless of whether it is "returning customs" or "accession to the WTO", China was in a very weak position in the international trade system of that year. In order to win the recognition of Western countries, China had to submit to various requirements, lest one do it anywhere Bad. Grabbed by someone else. Future generations cannot imagine how wronged China was then, after all. Isn't it to be able to export more textiles and exchange more valuable foreign exchange?

"Governor Wang means that if we do not agree with the merger of Anhe Electric Works by Ohara Corporation, China's resumption of negotiations will fail?" Qin Haizhen asked with a smile. He felt that the joke that Wang He told was really cold, especially when he was speaking at the Governor's Office meeting in Anhe Province, which was even more ridiculous.

Chai Peide couldn't laugh. He and Qin Hai are in different positions, so they see different things. He knew that just rejecting the application for the merger of the Ohara Club was certainly not enough to affect China's negotiations on resumption of customs clearance, but things in the government couldn't think like that. When the central government was desperately trying to promote the great cause of restoration, officials in a province did not obey the overall situation and did things that affect the feelings of foreign businessmen. This was a matter of political awareness.

For the leaders of Anhe Province, Anhe Electric Plant is going to be taken out and merged by others, no matter if it is Ohara or Daqin, who is not merging? If the conditions for the opening of the Xiaoyuan Society are too poor, the provincial leaders may still hesitate, but the conditions are the same as those of Daqin. What reason do you have to protect the Daqin Group?

Among the provincial leaders, there is someone like Chai Peide who cares about the Daqin Group. Others feel that Qin Hai is too public, and he is anxious to find a chance to give him some trouble. There are also some leaders who think that the Daqin Group ’s benefits in the province are already quite large. It doesn't matter if you give up one or two opportunities. Under such circumstances, when Wang Heji released a big killer like Fuguan, the leaders naturally pushed the boat and expressed their approval.

As the only deputy governor to vote against, Chai Peide said that although he wanted to retain his opinions, the organization principles still had to be obeyed, and he could barely accept the task of doing Qin Hai's work.

"Xiao Qin, I just want to ask you one thing. How important is the merger of Anhe Electric Plant to your Daqin Group?" Chai Peide asked.

After hearing Chai Peide's question, Qin Hai knew that the pressure on him was indeed great. If another person were to negotiate with Qin Hai, Qin Hai would have turned his face long ago. He is not afraid to keep the lawsuit all the way to Beijing. Even if the situation cannot be restored, at least the provincial leaders will be disgusted. But for Chai Peide, Qin Hai couldn't do such a thing. Chai Peide had a good personal relationship with Ning Zhongying. In the past seven or eight years, he also showed great concern for Qin Hai and the Daqin Group. He broke his face with Chai Peide, Qin Hai could not do it, and Ning Zhongying would not allow him to do so.

Thinking of this, Qin Hai also sighed and said, "What's the point of talking about this issue now? Anhe Electric Plant is in Anhe Province. Who do we want to sell to in the province, and what power do we have to interfere. We merged Anhe Electric The purpose of the factory is to launch our own technology of cerium-based permanent magnet materials motors. In the short term, it is to find a display platform for our cerium-based permanent magnet materials; in the long run, it is to enter new energy vehicles in the future. And high-speed railways. This is a strategic move, but there is no alternative. "

Chai Peide nodded. From Qin Hai's statement, he knew that Qin Hai didn't want to make him embarrassed, but he didn't say anything of gratitude and so on. He could only write down this feeling in his heart and think of the opportunity to give it back in the future. . He said: "The Anhe Electrical Plant cannot be taken down. You can consider other provinces to find if there are similar enterprises. Unfortunately, such a good project will be spent elsewhere."

Qin Haidao: "We have also learned about the situation in other provinces. There are several powerful motor factories in China. The current operating conditions are not bad, and neither the ministry nor the local government has the idea of ​​restructuring. As for the other motors that have difficulty operating, Factory, some of the technical force is too poor, we are useless to merge them, some are too far away from Anhe, our permanent magnetic material production and research team are in Anhe, it is too inconvenient. Also, we cooperate with Anhe Electrical Plant The permanent-magnet motors developed will soon be finalized, and if we need to find another partner, everything can only start again. "

"Can Anhe Electrical Plant transfer this technology?" Chai Peide thought.

"It should be possible." Qin Haidao, "but even if it is transferred out, production is still a difficult problem. The technical threshold for motor production is not low. If we start from scratch, it will be too difficult."

Chai Peide thought for a while and said, "Another plan is to come out from the province and talk to Ohara Club, so that they can continue to cooperate with you after the merger of Anhe Motor Factory, and you both develop a new type of permanent magnet motor. ,what do you think?"

Qin Hai shook his head and said, "This will not work. Our permanent magnet motors are aimed at the new energy vehicle market in the future. If we cooperate with the Japanese, it is equivalent to giving them half of the control and profit rights, which will be too much trouble in the future. Now. "

"Then ... what if they let them do OEM for you?" Chai Peide thought up another trick.

"This is fine." Qin Haidao, until now, can only take one step at a time. The development of the new permanent magnet motor was carried out by Hu Zhizhong's team, but the funds were provided by the Daqin Group, so the Daqin Group should own the ownership of the motor technology. If Kohara is willing to do OEM for Daqin Group, it can give Daqin Group a buffer time. During this time, the Daqin Group can find other merger targets ~ ~, and can also cultivate its own motor production capacity, so as not to be confused.

"Well, let's decide this way first." Chai Peide wrote it down in his work notebook and decided to use this as a condition for negotiating with Kohara. He thought that Kohara would not refuse this condition. After all, it just needs to have its own new product to ensure the normal operation of the enterprise after it just merged with Anhe Electric Plant.

Seeing that there was no room for change, Qin Hai stopped talking to Chai Peide. He stood up and said goodbye to Chai Peide. Chai Peide sent him downstairs like he used to, and finally patted his shoulder and said, "Xiao Qin, don't be discouraged. This is just a small setback. I believe your Xiao Qin can handle it."

"I hope that such setbacks will be less." Qin Hai said to Chai Peide.

"Wait until our country's national strength is strengthened, and with the right to speak, such things will not happen again." Chai Peide said, "Maybe I can't see this time, but Xiao Qin you can hope to see. "

"Haha, Governor Chai, don't say that, you are still young and you can definitely see this day." Qin Hai said to Chai Peide with confidence. (To be continued ...) R1292

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