Material Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 565: 1 cut for flicker

"well said!"

Qin Hai clenched his fist tightly and sang with a voice just enough for Yang Xinyu to hear. ↖ 顶 ↖ǎn↖ 小 ↖ said,

It is a wonderful goal to develop a world-class engine with independent technology. However, if you evaluate it carefully, as Zhang Yewei said, this is a goal that is worthless and difficult to achieve.

It is said to be difficult to achieve because engine development is not just a technical issue, it also involves a large number of patent barriers. Since China is a latecomer in the automotive industry, the roads that can be taken in the past are already labeled by others. If you want to go past, you have to pay others for the money. If others feel that you may threaten their interests, they will not even collect the money to buy the road and directly refuse you to pass through this road.

If you want to completely bypass the patents of others, you have to create a new set of design ideas. But are new ideas so easy to produce? Foreign auto giants have the technology, experience, and funds. The idea that they can't come up with. Why can Chinese car companies pat their heads? Putting huge sums of money into such completely uncertain things is simply a senseless risk.

If there are only difficulties, it is also advisable to concentrate resources to make breakthroughs for the purpose of mastering technology. As an industrial power, you cannot always be a follower in such a field as the automobile. You must strive to compete with international counterparts. The problem is that the fuel car is already a sunset industry, the oil on the earth will soon be used up, and new energy technologies are facing a blowout. At this time, it is completely unnecessary to invest a lot of resources.

Think about it, if you concentrate the best people, you will spend tens of billions of dollars. In the end, a best gasoline engine was developed, but the mainstream of car power became new energy. Wouldn't such technology become a chicken rib?

The car industry does not involve military purposes, so there is no need to occupy the forefront of the world. China is still a poor country and demand for premium cars is small. What is needed for the national economy and people's life is an economical ordinary car. Equipped with the engine of this type of car, the technology is very mature at present, and the localization through the introduction of methods can be described as beneficial and costless. Why not?

The market for high-end engines is very small. Even if you don't mention patent barriers and obstacles to brand loyalty, can you let the world's rich people abandon Ferrari and accept an unknown luxury car brand? Can you make Ferrari abandon your engine and accept your newly developed self-owned brand engine?

All these factors have nothing to do with technology. It was decided that the independent development of a first-class engine completely turned into a performance project, except for satisfying people's illusory "national self-esteem", it was not economically feasible.

From the perspective of Yang Xinyu, it was understandable for a while to see the relationship. But if you say that the boss of a dry car company doesn't know this, I'm afraid it can't be justified. Everyone knows that they can't do this. Half of them are to meet political needs, and the other half are thinking of getting state funding. If we can fool around, let the country come up with 2 billion yuan to tackle the problem. Then each enterprise can be allocated 350 million yuan, and as for what can be finally released. It doesn't matter.

For things that can take effect in ten or twenty years, there is no need to worry about what responsibility to bear. Think about it, will Yang Xinyu still be in the post of the Machinery Committee in 10 years? Will Yuan Longsheng, Wang Kaihua, etc. still be vice presidents in their respective companies? At that time, the parties have already changed. Who will investigate the success or failure of the project?

Everyone came to this venue pretending to be confused, but there was such a Zhang Yewei. Unwilling to let everyone get confused, he resolutely opened the lid and exposed everything to the sun. It is not wrong to say that he is a traitor to various car companies, but this "traitor" is what it is. It is the healthy growth of China's auto industry.

In daily life, we often hear industry insiders talking to the media arrogantly, saying that there is a gap between themselves and the international advanced level. If they do not catch up, the Chinese nation will be in danger. For this kind of thing, everyone is just listening. The subtext is nothing more than policy and investment. As for how far this industry really is from others and whether there is really a desire to catch up in the industry, then only God knows. Know it.

Some people think that leaders like bragging. In fact, this is a misunderstanding, at least an incomplete understanding. When leaders want to get promoted, they will blow 100 to 1000; but when they want to benefit from the country, they will turn it back and say 1000 to 100. Those who don't boast about how successful the industry is on occasion, either are inattentive, or just plan to finally get a vote and then move on.

This is exactly what happened in the automotive industry. The major car companies rely on the introduction of technology and earn their brains, but they still have to work hard and still hold high the banner of nationalism, flickering the country to reduce taxes and invest for them. As for what they are trying to catch up with, they do n’t believe it Otherwise, with the strength of these car companies, is it really impossible to make up the 2 billion yuan of scientific research funds?

Zhang Yingwei, like an honest child, suddenly said that the emperor was not wearing any clothes. To the leaders and technical directors of various car companies, his remarks broke through a lie they knew. For outsiders such as Yang Xinyu and Qin Hai, they opened a layer of window paper. Make them suddenly bright.

"Xiao Zhang, you are a little bit overdone." Yang Xinyu spoke. He pretended to take a serious look and rebuked Zhang Weiwei, but the happy expression in his eyes was telling everyone clearly: I think this guy said very well Yeah, you guys want to lie to me, right?

"According to scientists' estimates, global oil reserves can be used for at least 50 years, and new oil fields will continue to be discovered during this period, so it is optimistic to predict that in the next 70 to 80 years, fuel motor vehicles will still It continues to exist. 70 to 80 years is enough for us to cultivate an industry, so we should still consider the issue of advanced engines and not give up. "

Yang Xinyu gave everyone a peace of mind. He is a technical cadre himself and paid attention to the issues discussed in advance, so some of the data can be blurted out, which can be regarded as a correction of Zhang Yiwei's words. However, Qin Hai, who was sitting next to Yang Xinyu, knew that Yang Xinyu's assertion was not true.

With the reduction of oil reserves, the price of oil will definitely rise gradually, so that the economy of fuel cars will continue to decline. The development of new energy technology will provide a reason to replace fuel cars from another aspect. In addition, attention to the environment is also the reason for the gradual withdrawal of fuel cars from the market. This has already begun to emerge abroad. Domestic people are not sufficiently aware of this, but technical personnel with a broad vision such as Zhang Yiwei can certainly see This one.

As for when new energy vehicles will completely replace petrol cars, it will largely depend on the development of new energy technologies. In this regard, Qin Hai has more say, because at Anhe Materials College, there are already More than one new energy project is in full swing.

Seeing that the expressions of the leaders of various automobile companies were slightly milder, Yang Xinyu continued: "However, this question raised by Xiao Zhang deserves our attention. In terms of fuel vehicles, we are lagging behind by dozens of countries. It is costly and has many obstacles.

In terms of new energy vehicles, Western countries are just getting started. Compared with our leading level, it is within 10 years. In this field, there are still a lot of technological gaps to be filled, which is a good opportunity for emerging countries like us to catch up with the advanced world. So, with today ’s meeting, can you also discuss what our country ’s auto industry can do in terms of new energy vehicles? "

"new energy vehicles?"

The leaders of automobile companies face each other. They did not understand the concept, but they never thought that they would enter this field. Foreigners are just starting things. Why can we do better than others? Shouldn't a reasonable rhythm be that foreigners open up the road first, and then we follow each other step by step?

"New energy ... hmmm ~ ~ this thing is very good, I heard that people abroad are now engaged in electric cars, but the technology here seems to be very complicated, what kind of lithium battery, hydrogen battery ... … Or, we will organize technical staff to study it when we go back? "Yuan Longsheng said, it was the kind of insincerity when he heard it.

"Yeah, old Dong, you technical department will study this issue after going back. Didn't Zhang Yewei like this thing very much, let him work on this technology and give full play to his expertise." Wang Kaihua also turned back Dong Linsheng commanded that Piggyback also expressed Zhang's handling opinions.

Boy, aren't you a cow, dare to hit Lao Tzu's face at the conference, then give you an upset project to toss. No money, no equipment, no accumulation, I'd like to see what fame you can make.

When Wang Kaihua was talking like this, Qin Hai paid attention to Zhang Yewei's expression. He saw a slight disdain on the other's face. It seemed that he had been mentally prepared for this ending and had already made up his mind to beg for kindness. . When Qin Hai moved, he suddenly felt that Zhang Weiwei might be a useful talent. Rather than let him stay in the Beidian Group to wear the small shoes that Wang Kaihua gave him, he might as well pull him out and do interesting things.

Thinking of this, Qin Hai's face showed a relaxed smile. (To be continued ...)

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