Material Empire

Chapter 241: Too shameless

"... China's agricultural machinery system must follow three principles to catch up with international advanced technology. Watermark advertisement test Watermark advertisement test is the first and systematic principle. To form large, medium, and small agricultural machinery supporting, northern dry land and southern paddy field machinery, One-stop agricultural mechanization system for farming, harvesting, processing, and transportation ... Second, the principle of frontierization. We must carry out scientific and technological research around the international technical level in the mid-to-late 1980s, focusing on independent research and development, supplemented by introduction and reference ... …;third……

The products that need to be developed during the Seventh Five-Year Plan period are divided into the following five series: First, tractors, including 120-horsepower crawler tractors used for sloping land cultivation, high-chassis 65-horsepower wheeled tractors for flat land vegetable and fruit cultivation ...; 2. Tillage equipment, including a hanging six-row universal tiller top-dressing machine, a trailed disc harrow, a trailed wide-row rotary tiller ... "

In the big conference room of the Ministry of Agriculture, Wang Changsong, the deputy director of the Agricultural Machinery Department, was eloquently introducing to the participants the "Agricultural Machinery System Catching up International Advanced Technology Action Plan" which they had prepared for three months. In order to make it easier for the delegates to understand the contents of the plan, Wang Changsong also let his staff carefully make hundreds of slides. At this time, according to the progress of his speech, it was put on the curtain at the end of the conference room at any time.

Representatives participating in the seminar included Deputy Minister Cui Hongchun and leaders of several relevant departments and bureaus, as well as officials from the Ministry of Machinery, Science and Technology Commission, and other experts in agricultural machinery systems. One of the most striking is Qin Hai. Most people at the venue did not know this unusually young guy, but this person was also arranged by Cui Hongchun to sit next to himself, which seemed to be very favored. .

"Nice, this solution is very good!"

After Wang Changsong's explanation, an expert from the Academy of Agricultural Sciences named Huang Wan'an couldn't wait to applaud, applauding and applauding: "This plan is built in a high building. It reflects the trend of the international new technology revolution and fully Considering the technical and financial limitations of China as a developing country, the proposed goals are scientific, forward-looking, feasible, and flexible ... "

"Yeah, seeing this plan. I also think that Maoset is open. This is the correct development direction of agricultural mechanization. With this action plan, we have guidelines for future work ..." The director of a large agricultural machinery factory Zhu Detai also echoed.

"I would like to add a small supplement. When I visited the Federal Republic of Germany, I learned that their rural areas widely use a variety of large agricultural machinery. For example, the size of the grain combine they use is 85 hectares. The scale of the fertilizer machine is 270 hectares. This large-scale agricultural machine has the advantages of saving manpower and energy, and it is the future development trend. I think that this report does not emphasize enough on this point ... " Officials returning from a circle abroad are speaking.


Everyone, you started the discussion with a single word. As in all previous seminars of the same kind, the speakers basically praised and gave two points. Coupled with a point of advice, these suggestions sound very high, but they do not conflict with what has been said in the plan, at best it is to change the statement. Wang Changsong looked at each speaker with sincere eyes. It was as if they were really looking forward to what they had come up with, but in fact, he knew that these opinions had no effect on the plan at all, and everyone was very compliant and did not come out to disrupt the situation.

While everyone was speaking, Cui Hongchun's face was always smiling, and the pen in his hand kept something in his notebook from time to time. Qin Hai sat next to Cui Hongchun, peeping, and found that what Cui Hongchun wrote in the book was not what the speaker said, but one question mark after another.

"Professor Chen, can you say something?"

When everyone came to an end, Cui Hongchun made a gesture to Chen Heqian, who had not been silent, said.

Chen Heqian calmly handed a look to Qin Hai, then coughed slightly, and said with a smile: "I am a layman for agricultural machinery. I just listened to the introduction of Director Wang and heard the leaders and experts. During the discussion, I felt I learned a lot and benefited a lot. "

"Professor Chen is very polite. The plan that Changsong is working on is mainly based on the opinions of our internal staff of the agricultural machinery system. The authorities are fascinated. There are certain things that we must not consider carefully. As an expert outside our industry, can Professor Chen Higher altitude, point out some deficiencies? "Cui Hongchun interjected with a smile.

Chen Heqian nodded and said: "Since Minister Cui has said so, then I would like to introduce a few points. As a layman, I think that this plan has a narrow vision, and it is not enough to grasp the technical gap between Chinese and foreign agricultural machinery. Accurate, there are some biases in the choice of work priorities ... "

These words of Chen Heqian are carefully considered, and each word is used very euphemism. Then, when Wang Changsong heard it, the words seemed to have thorns, and his ears were painful.

Nima, is this what a layman should say? The narrow field of vision, the inaccurate grasp of the gap, and the biased emphasis. Doesn't this deny the entire plan? If these problems exist, what else can this plan do?

"Professor Chen's criticism is really deafening. I can't think of the solution we have spent so long on. There are still so many shortcomings, which shows that there are still big problems in our work. Professor Chen, can you please? Could you please explain the points just mentioned so that we can completely modify the plan? "

Wang Changsong spoke with a grinning smile. His words sounded polite, but the subtext was extremely tough. That means that if the translation is a bit more popular, it ’s like this: your surname is Chen, your mother ’s face is too shameless, and all our plans are negated. You ca n’t tell us plainly, why our plan is not good!

Of course, Chen Heqian knew that his words had already offended Wang Changsong. In fact, what he said was all about providing cover for Qin Hai and pulling hatred to himself. He took a look at Wang Changsong and said, "The Chief Secretary has misunderstood. I did not say that this plan is not good, but just put forward some opinions from my personal point of view. Let me make a few comments for my student Qin Hai to prepare After a while, let him talk about it. "

"Well, then please Qin ... Qigong tell us about it." Wang Changsong set his sights on Qin Hai.

Qin Hai smiled to everyone, then opened his notebook, and said, "Since Mr. Chen asked me to speak, I would like to talk about it. In the field of agricultural machinery, I am a recruit, and my knowledge and theoretical level are far below. Leaders and experts, please forgive me if there is anything wrong with what I said. "

"Where and where, Qin Gong is an expert of the Automobile Localization Office, and Professor Chen is proud of himself. What is wrong with it? We are all listening to it." Wang Changsong sneered, holding Qin Hai fiercely Exhausted. In his mind, however, he had another idea, that is, whenever Qin Hai said something flawed, he would fight back sharply and make Qin Hai dumb and speechless.

Qin Hai did not care about Wang Changsong's attitude, nor did he have any sense of stage fright at all. In the previous life, he has participated in countless higher-level seminars. In the face of national leaders, he also talked eloquently, no matter what the deputy director would care about.

"Dear leaders, experts, Director Wang has just introduced the whole plan. I saw this plan three days ago. After reading it, I went to the reference room of the Ministry of Agriculture to check some old information. After these materials, my feeling is that this plan seems familiar and almost nothing new! If we can surpass the international advanced level according to this plan, then this goal should have been completed 10 years ago. " Qin Hai said bluntly.

As soon as this remark was made, the entire venue was almost exploded. Everyone's face showed a stunned look, and Wang Changsong's face became purple in an instant.

At this venue, one was counted as one who engaged in agricultural machinery all year round. Who doesn't know that this plan seems to have met? But can this blame Wang Changsong for not working hard? Farm machinery is just that, what kind of power machinery, farming machinery, field management machinery, harvesting machinery. Each type of machine has its own manufacturer. When making a plan, the interests of any manufacturer should not be sidelined, so it can only be sprinkled like a pepper noodle. Since the country proposed agricultural mechanization, there have been countless action plans for various "big work and quick start" ~ ~ each time is the same process, how can the results be different?

However, this principle cannot be argued with Qin Hai, because Qin Hai has broken the clue: If such a scheme is effective, then why did we fail to catch up with the advanced world level 10 years ago or even earlier? ? After this plan came out, what confidence do we have that we can do better than in the past?

"Comrade Qin Hai, your statement is too arbitrary!" Huang Wan'an had to come out to speak for Wang Changsong. "Director Wang, after months of investigation and research, fully grasped the situation of the entire industry, they made such a statement. Set of plans. Even if this set of plans has some similarities with other previous plans, it is normal. There is always some inheritance in the work. Can we completely negate the past work and come up with a completely different set of things? ?"

"Professor Huang is saying this." Qin Hai said, "I just think that the past work should be fully affirmed, so the current plan cannot be the same as the past. Otherwise, where is the basis of our past work? Since we have already Standing on the shoulders of predecessors, you should see a farther world, but not stand still. "


One more chapter before zero, today is equivalent to three more, hahahaha ...

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