Master, what path do you cultivate?

Chapter 446 Enemies meet on a narrow road

Before going to bed, Ji Qinglin and Yu Ye had already taken off their facial disguises.

Feeling the special palpitations, Ji Qinglin and Yu Ye were both stunned.

Ji Qinglin quickly reminded:

"Looks like that thing is coming! Stay calm!"

Fortunately, the strong energy seems to be able to suppress the palpitations.

Taking advantage of their minds to stabilize, the two quickly stood up and put on their clothes.

Yuye said anxiously:

"Oh no, Master! That thing should be in the village, and there are many villagers in the village!"

Ji Qinglin comforted:

"Don't worry! You go check on Mark and the others first to prevent them from killing each other, and follow your feelings to find the source first."

It was early in the morning, and if someone released the flesh-sucking thing, you should be able to see it.

If you want to cover the entire village, it should be located in the center of the village, and this small hotel is located exactly in the center of the village, so it should not be far away.

And the closer something is, the stronger the palpitations may be.

As a former heart palpitations expert, Ji Qinglin was confident that he could find the source of this feeling.

Yuye saw Mark and two of his men in the room breathing heavily to calm down, and reminded:

"Concentrate your energy and guard your mind! Don't be affected!"

The three of them looked for the voice and nodded in agreement, but when they saw the graceful and handsome woman in front of them, they were also stunned. After all, time was tight, and neither Yuye nor the master had time to pretend.

"Are you the secret policeman?"

"Otherwise? After calming down, go and save the boss's wife. Master has already gone to find the source of the trouble."


Heart palpitations and a strong desire to kill can easily form psychological control when alone or with no one to communicate with.

But after knowing what caused this and what to do in advance, there was less panic and it was easier to keep calm.

The only problem at this time was that time was running out, so Ji Qinglin, who was wearing clothes, kicked open the courtyard door in desperation.

It is hoped that this can create a deterrent effect, alert the enemy, and catch the opponent faster.

I could even hear the screams and roars coming from the village.

It sounds like the villagers may be venting their bloodlust.

Ji Qinglin was not very affected. This feeling was still worse than when he used the blood of the immortal.

But what Ji Qinglin never expected was that as soon as he went out, he saw a scene that he couldn't understand.

Fen Ye was actually at the door of the hotel, with one hand holding a monk and pressing it against the wall, and the other hand holding a glowing red object.

What's going on?

Is it because my opening method is wrong and I am in an illusion?

I did guess that this matter should be related to Fen Ye, but with this guy's intention, he must be looking for a scapegoat to do this kind of thing.

Even if you really come by yourself, you will definitely do it quietly, and what does this scene like a fight on the street mean?

Judging from the feeling, the red light emitting from Fen Ye's hand should be the source of disaster.

But what's the point of releasing it at the door of the hotel where you live?

No matter which angle you look at it, it's too arrogant. Could it be some kind of trap?

Fen Ye was even more shocked.

Where did this guy Ji Qinglin come from?

If what happened in these two villages aroused his alarm and came to investigate, he would still be able to accept it.

Even if he came to investigate immediately, he couldn't understand it, but why did he come to the next village?

Judging by her attire, she seemed to have just woken up and stayed in this hotel.

Are you kidding me?

This guy happens to be staying in a hotel in the center of Moshi Village that he randomly selected?

When they saw each other, both sides were stunned for a moment.

At first, Ji Qinglin was worried that this might be Fen Ye's trap, but the look was too real. For someone who often acted, he could tell at a glance that it was true.

Before the embarrassment in the air solidified, the next second Ji Qinglin stepped forward and drew his sword straight towards Fen Ye.

Fen Ye also immediately let go of Zhao Heng and flew back at the same time.

Because the relic was held in his hand and taken away, the shock it erupted into people's hearts was also weakened a lot.

Not only Yu Ye, Mark and others in the hospital felt lighthearted.

The people in Moxi Village who drew weapons and prepared to kill each other also woke up for a moment.

Fen Ye didn't stop at all, turned around and ran directly out of the village.

Upon seeing this, the subordinates of Wanfo Temple who followed Fen Ye hurriedly flew to stop Ji Qinglin.

"Get out of the way!"

But almost as soon as he reached him, Ji Qinglin slashed his shoulder directly with a knife. Blood spurted out, and he flew out and hit the wall next to him.

Seeing this posture, Fen Ye was secretly frightened. Could it be because of the relic? Why was this man's murderous intent even stronger than before? It's really like shooting yourself in the foot.

Ji Qinglin shouted while chasing:

"Fen Ye, we are really enemies on a narrow road!"

While flying away, Fen Ye also calmed down a lot and guessed that Ji Qinglin must have met him by chance.

"Mr. Ji must be here to investigate the deaths of villagers, right? Isn't it putting the cart before the horse instead of caring about the situation of the villagers in Moxi Village and chasing me?"

But who knew that Ji Qinglin's reply made Fen Ye almost vomit blood.

"What does their life and death have to do with me? The only person I want to kill is you!"

Fen Yexin said, can such a person also become the deputy commander-in-chief of the secret police? Obviously much more ruthless than myself.

But Ji Qinglin had actually taken the safety of others into consideration. What affected the whole village must be what Fen Ye had in his hands.

As long as they are driven out of the village, the impact on everyone will be smaller due to the change in distance, and the purpose of protecting the villagers will naturally be achieved.

Just by running like this, Ji Qinglin didn't have the chance to use the Thunder Guide Sword.

At the same time, Ji Qinglin was more concerned about figuring out what was going on than grabbing what Fen Ye had.

After all, he still couldn't confirm what exactly Fen Ye was holding, but since it could suck so much flesh and blood, it wouldn't be unfair to say it was some kind of monster.

Then Yu Ye’s report came from the earphones:

"Master, how is the situation over there? The palpitations here seem to have disappeared."

"Okay! I am chasing Fen Ye in the west of the village. There are two monks in front of the hotel. They may know something inside and want to save their lives."


Seeing that Fen Ye seemed to be planning to run to the border and escape toward the Buddhist Kingdom of East India, Ji Qinglin stopped delaying.

Although he and Fen Ye had only met twice, this guy acted very indifferently both times, and he didn't change his face despite the collapse of the mountain.

But this time when he saw himself, he turned around and ran away. There must be some reason.

Otherwise this is his true form and he doesn’t want to risk his life.

Otherwise, it is something like that in his hand, and he doesn't want to get it no matter what.

Thinking about it, Ji Qinglin flicked his fingers outward.


Weishi's sword shot out quickly and stabbed Fen Ye.

Hearing the sound of breaking wind, Fen Ye cursed secretly and ducked away.

At the same time, Ji Qinglin also quickly blocked Fen Ye's path with the Dual Shadow Chasing Soul Step.

"You've already come, are you in such a hurry to leave?"

Fen Ye frowned and replied with a forced smile:

"It seems that Mr. Ji is determined to keep me no matter what the cost?"

Ji Qinglin heard this and hurriedly explained with his hands:

"No, I just work for the secret police. There is no need to fight for their affairs with you. I just want to know the cause of this murder."

Fen Ye explained while searching for a way out with his peripheral vision:

"Don't Mr. Ji know what happened a thousand years ago? Why do you ask so knowingly?"

Ji Qinglin said in his heart that immortals knew what happened thousands of years ago, but he was not a damn immortal.

"Of course I want to hear the details of the matter from you, otherwise I would have been chasing you like this, even when I arrived in the Buddhist Kingdom of Dongyin."

Fen Ye gritted his teeth and said:

"Okay, Ji Qinglin, you forced me to kill you!"

As he spoke, Fen Ye firmly held the relic in his hand. As a black and red flame ignited in his palm, Fen Ye actually directly held the relic and integrated it into his body.

The originally black living tattoo on his body also slowly turned red at this time. Ji Qinglin saw this and quickly distanced himself.

Immediately after burning the karma, a huge black and red Buddha body and solemn appearance began to appear.

Even in Moxi Village, one can see the Buddha's body from a distance. It is so huge that even Ji Qinglin has only seen it in his life.

Ji Qinglin was curious. This guy was so evil that he could actually form the body of a Buddha. Could it be that that little thing was an object from Buddhism?

Before Ji Qinglin could even take two steps back, Fen Ye stood there and pushed him away.

As the arm stretched out, the huge palm three to four meters high crashed out like a truck.

Buddha's Heavenly Palm.

Ji Qinglin was hit straight away with huge force, leaving a long mark on the ground.

Fortunately, he had taken a defensive stance and had the remains of an immortal to temper his bones, otherwise it would not have been easy to stand up again.

Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth and looking at the scratches on the ground, Ji Qinglin wondered why Fen Ye suddenly became so powerful?

But it soon became clear.

If Fen Ye really had the ability to kill himself at any time, he wouldn't have done it until he couldn't escape.

He was forced to fight back when he was helpless. At the same time, the red object in his hand was gone.

Then there is only one explanation: this guy absorbed the thing in his hand and hit himself.

Maybe because that thing is relatively precious, I don’t want to absorb it and do it myself.

After thinking about this, Ji Qinglin stood up again and turned around to leave without any hesitation.

Since you are consuming the things in your hands to fight, there is no need to fight him at this time, just let him continue to consume.

Seeing Ji Qinglin shamelessly forcing himself to fuse the relic, he turned around and left.

Fen Ye was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

Ji Qinglin's guess was not wrong. This fusion was irreversible in terms of flesh and blood. At the same time, Fen Ye had to consume the remaining power in his soul and relics.

No matter what, Ji Qinglin must die today! Even the Cyber ​​God can't keep him!

Under Fenye's control, Dharma Master Zhuang Yang raised his right hand high and struck hard in the direction of Ji Qinglin.


Kill the crime and cut off the karma!

The huge air blade hundreds of meters long struck down with force. Fortunately, the movement was not that fast, and Ji Qinglin easily dodged it.

This move left a deep sword mark hundreds of meters long on the ground.

Seeing this power, Ji Qinglin couldn't help but be a little speechless.

The two parties who are entangled do not know it.

At this time, Yu Ye, who was holding the jade tablet, and A Qing, who saw the Dharma form from the mountain, also rushed towards the battlefield together.

Thank you for your reading and support! (Ji Qinglin: Lie to others and run away)

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