Master Summoner Online

Chapter 697: Break through the blockade


The dragon-slayers in the sea of ​​fire screamed and wailed. The Dragon Slayer's health decreased sharply, and he instantly entered 50% of the area. The Dragon Slayer is obviously a very powerful DPS, but the defense is very low. It has been a miracle that he did not die immediately in the first strike when he was attacked by the precise multiple magic attack.

Seeing this, I also understand that the defense in this place is obviously a countermeasure written for those players who have amazing physical attack power.

The enemy's enhanced **** guards did not participate in the attack at all, but just blindly defended with heavy shields. No matter how high the player's power is, as long as he is not killed directly, he will not be fatally injured. And many other magician units like Scarlet Priest follow behind. Some people work as avant-garde blood, others attack with curved ballistic magic. This is the formation that the high-attack BOSS will take in battle.

The Dragon Slayer managed to crawl out of the flames that were gradually dissipating, swallowed the potion as soon as it came out, and at the same time Shu Tao also applied a light recovery magic to him. The remaining blood of the Dragon Slayer began to fill immediately, but it was clear that this could only support him for a little longer.

The Dragon Slayer quickly retreated and said, "Nima! This group of guys cooperated so well, they almost couldn't return!"

Ghost laughed: "You're too defensive, let me do it!" Ghost apparently noticed the enemy's way of fighting. Now the protracted war is not good for us. He dare to report himself and stepped forward. Obviously, he is very confident in his defense. So the black spear in his hand poses and rushes towards the opposite side. At the same time, the three **** guards in the previous scene are holding giant shields. Come forward.

The nether one quickly moved away from the **** guard, but just when they took a step, the three **** guards moved at the same time and blocked in front of the nether. At this moment, the arrow was on the string, and they had to send out. There was a violent collision with dazzling sparks.

—6198—6194—6199 At the same time, three **** guards floated a head injury, and the damage caused by the ghost was immediately made up by a few **** priests specializing in blood. After that, several other scarlet priests sang and attacked magic, and a wave of **** energy fell from the sky and rolled into the vortex of explosion.

With the help of his defense and thick blood, Ghost escaped from the dead and returned to us. Ghost was depressed and said, ‘No way to live! Who designed the map is too fucking. "

Yun Lan said: "Let ’s try to bring the **** guards over and then break them down. When the monsters are brought in, we are responsible for holding up, which **** priests steal the Song of Life."

Everyone nodded after hearing it, Shu Dao shook his hands with a group of **** guards and hit a magic wave in front of his face. As a result, the monsters and birds did not bird him.

Shu Road smiled: "It seems that it can't be attracted."

I said, "I'm going to try." After finishing one arrow step, the top three **** guards came up, and Youlongbu immediately lifted out and directly bypassed the three **** guards. When they came to them, they just flashed the **** guards suddenly. Several orange rays devoured my body, blew it up, and crashed on the ground.


After a sudden burst of Venus in his eyes, he fell heavily on the stiff ground, and his legs were embarrassed towards Sirius. It hurts to fall! In the second world, the feeling of "pain" can be switched on and off. If the pain sensor is turned off, it will not be said that there is no feeling at all. For example, being directly attacked by magic is the most uncomfortable feedback. People like me who have all the sensory systems turned on will leave an explosion in their heads when they are attacked. Not to mention, the skin will also feel a sting, and the impact will make the balance feel out of control. Its effects sometimes affect the physical body in the real world, and you may still feel short-term headaches and dizziness after waking up.

"Oh, what a ghost map!" I stood up and patted my head.

"Long Ling is all right!" Xueyue Yunlan came together.

I patted myself on the dust and said, "It's all right."

"It seems that only melee can lead to one by one." Xueyue said.

I nodded the two wolf emperors and summoned them to face the **** guards. The two pairs of wolf claws scratched against the giant shield ping pong and turned around. The three **** guards immediately ran ahead, but they just ran out two or three. After stepping, stop and then step back into the original formation.

Several of us looked at each other at the same time and sighed sorrowfully: "What should we do now? The lead can't be drawn again, but it can't be rushed. Can't we give up?"

I said in a low voice: "I don't want it! I won't believe it!"

"Red Dragon growls!"

The dragon gun was thrown in his hand, and turned into a red dragon in the air. The dragon's mouth uttered a roar that shook the earth. The roar shook the surrounding air. The dragon turned to the **** guardian dragon claw and turned down Flick. I saw the timing to step forward, and with the right hand using the dragon gun, the empty left hand climbed to the edge of the shield. Relying on more than 7,000 points of attack force to separate them. Faced with such unreasonable actions, the other party apparently began to get confused. So immediately inserted the dragon gun into a little bit of the gap.

In the face of such an iron wall defense, even if the soldiers never thought of such a chaotic rush up, I'm afraid Shu Tao and others have never seen it in the back.

Just as I forcibly knocked on the opponent's defense at the same time, the Scarlet Priest Group has already begun singing magic spells. The magic chants of magicians are time-consuming. These magic monsters are no exception. Direct black dragon armor to open the opponent's magic group With a sharp voice across the sky like a bomber bomber. Get me and the **** guard into the flame flower at the same time!


In the flames, a dark shadow suddenly moved. Compared to this dark shadow, the burly **** guard is not even a fart.

"That is……?"

The shadow was slowly standing on the spot, this shadow has a pair of pointed bifurcated horns on its head. A comparison tire is still bigger. The big eyes are flashing red light, and the **** mouth that reveals the teeth exhales a flame. There are red scales and the sharp flame burning on the scales, the tip of a long tail is burning with dazzling dragon inflammation.

Yes, this black shadow is really my amber dragon. In order to break this iron-walled defense, I forgot my identity. Now when I think of it, I immediately show my most charming side. The amber dragon appeared. Roar slowly into the sky!

"Roar roar!"

A thunderous roar sounded. This roar repeated and the whole world started to shake.

"Amber Dragon! Breakthrough!"

"Roar!" The roar caught the moment, and the dragon tail flew into a formation that was as stable as Tarzan. Although it was not blown away, three **** guards were knocked to the ground and sprayed out of the mouth. Breathing burned the three **** guards to ashes, and then rushed to the **** priest behind him, but immediately other **** guards stepped forward and stopped.

"Amber Dragon! The annihilation!"

The cyan flame sword immediately penetrated the body of the **** guard. The next instant of huge damage came from his head, and the **** guard fell to the ground with 10,000 points of experience.

Immediately after another flamed sword killed another **** guard, after killing the two **** guards, the amber dragon once again issued a deafening roar towards the **** priest behind, first using the jaw to pass another **** guard from head to head. Swallow your feet, and then use the left claw to pick up another **** guard on top. Go out to the other side of the open space, and the **** guard throws it out and hits a huge stone pillar, directly hitting a deep mark on the stone pillar.

At the same time, the companions also rushed up and looked at the other **** guards. The monster formation was completely destroyed, and the Scarlet Priest Group followed behind. But I didn't give them almost. Magic monsters are almost the same as the player's magician. The defense is a little weaker than the **** guard.

The priest of the Scarlet Priest can sing quickly. Just before their singing is about to end, the Amber Dragon shoots at the Fire Priest opposite Yan Long, and then sweeps towards the Scarlet Priest. The fragile blood-colored priest was blown off like a piece of paper, and after spraying a red laser directly in the air, it disappeared.

Yan Long shot at the front of a scarlet priest without any pause. After rushing into the monster group, a pair of dragon claws and two scarred priests flew away. After breathing out, a group of scarlet priests were burnt to death and a black smoke was emitted.

The amber dragon roared again. A blood-colored priest let out a wailing sound, followed by a wing flying up, and fell heavily on the ground. Suddenly, the demon that vibrated the whole ground, the amber dragon fell to the center of the other group. The next situation can no longer be called a battle.

Whenever the dragons waved, the breath from their mouths set off flames. Scarlet priests withdrew their staffs and pulled out short knives for melee combat. However, the magical scarlet priests of the two sides could not break the defense of the Amber Dragon, and they lost their lives under the power of the Amber Dragon.

In about fifteen minutes, all the monsters were completely wiped out and dropped out of the equipment. Everyone is very happy, after collecting all the pieces, step into the next area in the protected magic circle.

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