Master Summoner Online

Chapter 653: Hidden things

"Not ... not ... fiancee !!" I petrified for more than ten minutes before stuttering such a sentence. Can these three words be said casually? But this is something I never thought of breaking my head. It's unknown how even all the clutter have been tortured back to the city.

Heaven is up! We are just 20-year-olds, and my girlfriend, Xueyue, was just handed in a few months.

"No no no! Absolutely impossible!" I shook my head fiercely.

Wushuang Storm said: "It's not clear here, we will meet at Tianhe Cafe."

I hurriedly said, "Don't go there!" That place is my aunt's shop. In case she was standing there today, I brought in a stranger MM, and by then I would not have jumped into the Yellow River and could not wash it. .

The other said: "Okay! I'll go directly to your house!"

I was startled: "Do you know my home?"

"Crap" Wushuang Storm Road: "If you do n’t live, Gulou District, XX District, Room 304, Building 34, Building No. 6, you call yourself" Dragon Nest ""

"I know so clearly."

Wushuang Storm embraced his chest with both hands in a proper posture and said, "That's it."

"If you want to know everything, just meet offline. If you don't want to go to the coffee shop, I'll go to your house directly!"

"Not to mention!" I said hastily.

"Why?" Wushuang stormed.

I said, "In short, don't just don't." In the current situation in my family, even if Ye Shuang didn't let him come, let alone a person who claimed to be his fiancee, wouldn't I be strangled by Xueyue if she came !!

Wushuang Storm also said, "It's all right at the entrance of Tongpan Elementary School."

"That's fine."

"Okay, come here now. I haven't seen you for thirty minutes. I'll rush to your house to find you!"

"do not!"

I can only admit it, in order to understand the context, I can only go, this time MM is fighting for the level, this opportunity to go out for a while, and then let Ye Shuang that cover to cover it, load the helmet and wash it .

Dare Ye Shuang called when I was going to go out: "Brothers are free, let's do the task of guild skills."

"No, I'm going to meet someone."

"See someone?" Ye Shuang was intrigued: "Woman?"

"Well." This is how the goods are owned.

Ye Shuang gloated, "Going to see other MMs with your wife on your back, be careful to come back to kneel and wash the clothesboard!"

Wear your shoes and go out and close the door: "Come on, Xueyue really asks, you know what to do."

"Relax, who do we talk to, do you still distrust your brother and me?" Ye Shuang said.

He went downstairs and said, "I believe in you. When I don't believe your mouth, if you dare to buy me, all your equipment and mounts will be turned over to the guild."

"You are too ruthless. We are also the main player. You lost my equipment and mounts. What did you let me eat?"

I said, "If you want to keep your equipment, keep your mouth tight."

"Okay," Ye Shuang said, "see who to go, you can always tell me."

"Mo ... Yun ... Lan." I murmured these three words.

Ye Shuang suddenly jumped up and said, "Yun Lan is back! Why don't the brothers tell me, I'm going, even if it's a light bulb. The little beauty I haven't seen for many years doesn't know what she is like now.

"You want to go?" I asked.

I said, "Either way, she won't say no to anyone."

Ye Shuang said, "Where do you meet?"

"Let's elementary school!"

"Understand, I'll be here!"


The door of Tongpan Elementary School by car is now half past noon. The weather is not very good. Tongpan Elementary School is not close to where I live. Strictly speaking, it is a little far away and it takes ten minutes to make a car, but Ye Shuang's home is very close to my home. Ye Shuang appeared a few minutes later. He drove back to his alma mater with this guy. It was a great time for him to return to his alma mater. He had a wonderful childhood here.


When I arrived at the school gate, it was finally the end of the winter vacation. There weren't many people here. "Brother told me how you found her." Ye Shuang said with interest.

"It's nothing. I happened to encounter it while mining." I skimmed over the shocking vegetable abuse battle.

"Okay, brother, I have to ..." Just when Ye Shuang wanted to say something, the two figures coming from the end of the street came into our eyes. One of them was a man with short black hair. Beautiful appearance, perfect figure, a mature woman in professional attire, next to this mature woman is a Ming and Xueyue little age, eyes rippled, delicate Yao nose, rose petal-like lips, delicate Faces, and countless other elements gathered together are not inferior to Xueyue.

At the same time, when I saw this face, I was shocked, countless clips flashed in my head, Mo Yunlan! It ’s the same as Ye Shuang and I described, but there is a problem, what is that chest? As far as I remember and Ye Shuang's description, she is the poor one in the milk, the best endorsement of the airport, wearing a men's clothing is a super beautiful young girl ...

Ye Shuang came over carefully and asked, "Ye Shuang, are you sure she is Yun Lan?"

"You ask me? She and you have been at the same table for almost six years, saying that your youth is not too much, and you can't possibly not know it." Ye Shuang replied.

"No, that face shape and what you said and I still look at the chest symmetrically ..." I said, but the voice was very embarrassing to the other person.

"Chest ... Brother, it's the eighteenth year of the female college. Others have stipulated that they can only grow their heads but not their breasts," Ye Shuang looked at.

"No, I'm not talking about this ..." To tell the truth, her **** will be the same as Yinyue's, and speaking of Yinyue's **** that are almost foul, especially on those who are not very tall, they are like weapons. It's hard to notice that in a sense, Yin Yue's weapon is stronger than the long bow and body surgery behind her.

Ye Shuang said: "Brother, you, my childhood sweetheart (maybe also a part-time fiancee) suddenly became so cute and feminine (should be too much), not bad, Xueyue and Yunlan are both super big beauty. I'm really envious. "

During our chat, the two of them came to us and said, "You two are still mixed together."

The mature woman stood up: "Long Ling, you are his dead party, Ye Shuang. It is not convenient for the two to speak here. Let's change places."

We nodded, and then we sat down face to face in a private room of a tea house. I said, "Can you tell me everything?"

The mature woman said: "My name is Mo Yunfei, and she is the" Warriors Sword "in the game. She is my sister Mo Yunlan."

I said, "I can know me, why is she so familiar with me, and why haven't I thought of it before?"

Mo Yunfei said: "That's right. If you say it, you don't know if you believe it or not. If you don't remember Yun Lan's things clearly, you shouldn't forget it, and for other reasons."

"What's the reason?" I asked.

Mo Yunfei continued: "When you said goodbye, you rushed to desperately trying to stop Yun Lan from boarding. You were still playing and making trouble at the airport. Several security guards couldn't stop you."

"I'm still going on?" I can't believe what I've done.

Mo Yunfei said: "Yes, it took a group of more than a dozen security guards to subdue you, but something happened while subduing you."

"One thing?" It wasn't just me. Ye Shuang and Yun Lan came together, Mo Yunfei said, "You don't even know Yun Lan or even told you about this."

"What is not telling me?" Yun Lan said.

Mo Yunfei said: "When the security guard subdued Long Ling, you naughty man, I was going to take you out of the airport, but then my father made a very excessive move."

"What move?"

"He ordered his bodyguards to use a high-voltage electric stun gun against the gangsters to shoot Dragon Spirit at almost zero distance to your head!" Mo Yunfei said.

"What!" Yun Lan and I were shocked at the same time, Ye Shuang even turned into a 0-shaped mouth.

Mo Yunfei said, "I know you are surprised, but all this is true."

Yun Lan shouted, "Sister, why didn't you tell me!"

Mo Yunfei shook his head and said, "The scene at that time was because I would loose my shoe laces, and then I saw the delay of tying the shoe laces. Why does my father do this? I do n’t want to let Dragon Spirit continue to entangle you. He There must be a reason for this. He hasn't talked to us about it for so many years. Besides, Lan, haven't you written many letters since then? "

Yun Lan nodded, and Mo Yunfei continued: "In fact, none of the letters you wrote were sent out, and all were intercepted. You wrote another letter one month before we returned to China."

"Every time I write a letter, I ask Uncle Zhang to get me the post office."

"Just after you gave him the letter, I looked upstairs with the slits of the blinds. Uncle Zhang did not believe it and took it to the post office but burned it!" Mo Yunfei said in a deep voice.

"How can this happen! I letter to return home every two or three months, but I did not expect that since the envelope was not sent, and every time Uncle Zhang said that it was sent, he has been deceiving me." Yun Lan was surprised.

I was even more confused. After they had finished speaking, they responded and said, "I don't know all this."

Mo Yunfei said: "I'm afraid it was the stun gun at that time. The electric current stimulated your brain to affect the memory. In addition, Yun Lanxin didn't reach you, and lacked communication. Memory fades slowly. "

"Speaking of brother, in my memory the day you came back from the airport, the whole person became groggy, and rarely talked. You usually run into trouble everywhere for half a month. Now that you haven't lost half a child, the teacher thought you were I was n’t sick. I thought it was because of your depression since Yun Lan was gone. I did n’t expect it to happen. ”Ye Shuang suddenly said this.

Mo Yunfei said, "Dragon Spirit, where are you taking classes now?"

"Golden Dragon College."

"Oh! That place is really a good college that is cultivating game talents and is now the banner of the Chinese game industry." Mo Yunfei said.

I asked, "Where do you know?"

Mo Yunfei said: "I used to have a lawsuit with a teacher there. My current occupation is a lawyer. I also do some surveys in that college. The college has a strict income. Instead of looking at the academic results, they see income. Where to study is less important, mainly game talents and aptitudes. They will give each student a different entrance exam. This exam varies from person to person. I want Yun Lan to go there. At least she is very free."

Yun Lan said: "Yes, Long Ling asked your teacher to leave a space for me. I will report to you next semester."

I don't smile, but I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse.

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