Master Summoner Online

Chapter 643: Shock

"Troublesome people are coming!"

The blade of the king standing inside the steel bunker drank lowly. A large group of soldiers in Lingyun Pavilion approached, a group of people carrying their weapons, and a leading officer said: "Kill, they fight back!"

"Kill them!"

Commanded Gallulu to grab it first, the mouth opened wide and absolutely frozen air was sprayed out. The fierce cold air bloomed in the crowd, bringing out a number of injuries --- 6743-6892-6729 ...

In an instant, these soldiers had left all their blood and turned into moraine, and the amber dragon caught up, the dragon tail swept away, the mouth burst into flames, and a flame was blown out, and it ended successfully. Dozens of high-level soldiers fell to the ground and turned into one. With a charred corpse!

The guard took the mechanical army to send a "Booming Rumble" into the battlefield, and the electronic ultimate dragon, battleship dragon beast, mechanical tyrannosaurus, and electronic dragon beast mechanical army rolled over the field, and after clearing the soldiers in Lingyun Pavilion, it also let dusk. The ghost's team was even more severely damaged, and the guardian instantly cleared out a vacuum zone, only to horrify those people back and forth, seeing ghosts.

Long Horse face shouted: "Everyone of the Twilight Ghost quit the fight quickly!" The people of the Twilight Ghost that immediately brought them ran towards no one's place.


Standing on the battleship Dragon Beast, Yinyue twisted her round buttocks and held her high breasts, and aimed at Lingyunge's army in front of her with her bow and arrow, she commanded aloud, "The strongest firepower shoots and kills these turtle grandchildren!"


Arrows flew like locusts, and the following units of Lingyun Pavilion and the ghosts of Dusk immediately found this overwhelming attack. At the same time, the missiles equipped with the battleship Dragon Beast fell down and destroyed a large group of players. The ghost of Dusk occupied the majority. After the attack, the cavalry regiment rushed out together. Ye Shuang sat on a raptor and picked a blood-stealing magic gun. He immediately cast off a horse rider who was riding a Lingyun Pavilion on a war horse and was then trampled by the raptors behind. Then a strong cold air blasted out of the ice crystal phoenix wings of Xueyue in the air, directly turning the group of players in front of them into ice moraine! Immediately after the violent blizzard raged, a group of players froze with pain!

The old cow is even more violent. His mount is not a raptor but a silver-grey scale earth dragon. He rides the earth dragon without hesitation and rushes into the crowd. Holding the shield in his left hand and the tomahawk in his right hand is completely a moving fortress, completely unstoppable. Riding the ground dragon, he knocked out a Lingyun Pavilion soldier in front of him, and came out, then came to the other side, and the ground dragon lifted his forefoot and stepped on it, and the man was smashed by the bones.

Ye Yuqing, Butcher and other people are also extremely fierce, and rushed into the army of Lingyun Pavilion in one breath. No matter the cavalry or the infantry were not their opponents at all, there was not even a decent person who could slightly block it. You can take one away!

The mage in the rear is also very powerful and the magician of the other side starts to confront each other, but the two sides are not at the same level at all, loneliness is enough for the other side to sing alone, and Lingyun Pavilion is backed up by the long-range troops. Before we can make up for the blood, the players on our side have rushed forward, and various melee skills immediately dropped, and this group of slow players was sent back to the city directly. After cleaning the enemy's first army, we continued to strike the iron while we went on. Forward!

Under the open path of the players in front, the cavalry regiment in the back rushed more smoothly, it was like a rage!

In just a few minutes, Lingyunge's assault troops were dispersed by us, and I immediately shouted, "Brothers, charge, blow these silly soldiers!" After a few minutes, the players in front of the other team were together. Fall to the ground, no one lives!

Bei Mingxue is in the rear, with dozens of archers throwing shots and flying arrows. With the addition of bow **** strategy skills, this group of archers is simply against the sky, with 100% attack power increased, even if it is Multiple arrows and random shooting are enough to make the other party ecstatic, and in a flash, it created a large vacuum zone again!

At this moment, under our full attack, Ling Yunge retreated, and the ghost of the twilight burst, and there was no fighting at all. The long horse face was riding a wolf beast and holding a tomahawk, and loudly said: "With me Retreat backward, there is no need to fight here! "

The ghost of the evening retreated, the cannon fodder was not there, but we still had to sprint.

Stopping in the open space in front of the steel bunker, I was photographed neatly and neatly in front of the other army.

The King's Blade stood on the steel tower and shouted at us: "Are you sure to do with us to the end?"

"Crap!" Dragon Gun shouted with a finger: "Brothers, rush!"

With a shout, he rushed out immediately, and Gallulu ran out. The black **** summoned the chariot with Gatlin blasting the dragon to stand on top of the amber dragon. The cavalry regiments behind the five guilds followed behind. Then there are the ground players of the five guilds of dragon, scarlet, war soul, sea, and death!


Before rushing, Gallulu's bursting breath was directly ejected, the breath of the Amber Dragon in the air fell, and Gatling's bullets, missiles, lasers, and other magic elements and arrows kept falling.

Immediately, a white light flew up, and dozens of players in Lingyun Pavilion succumbed to this. I jumped out of Gallulu, followed by a move of Dragon Soul to blast out into the crowd, and instantly opened a clearing. Only a few people can stand there!

"The dragon soul is broken!"

The gigantic dragon gun directly rammed into the crowd, and a loud boom broke out, and the earth and stones burst in a split second. A wave of dragon-shaped air cut from the ground and cut into the sky. Regardless of what kind of occupation you are torn and shattered by the dragon-shaped air waves, pieces of flesh are shattered, and before the dragon gun is retracted, a residual blood swordsman who was blocked in front of me by a punch is instantly spiked. Under the effect of the attacking soul, I The unarmed attack has 4,000 points of attack power, which is more than most of its counterparts, but at this time, the various long-range occupations of the opponent began to operate, and fireballs, ice blades, and arrows were thrown at me all at once. A large amount of injuries flew up, and I quickly hurried back. Fortunately, my blood defense was really hard. After being beaten up, the blood loss was about 30%, which is acceptable!

As soon as I stepped down and summoned the beasts to gather, the cavalry regiments rushed down and killed them. Ye Shuang, Feng Xiaoyue, and others had good blood defenses. In addition, we implemented a book that reads "A cavalry and a priest". Policy to improve the survivability on the battlefield. Although we do not have a number advantage, our number of cavalry has a considerable advantage. Relying on the Raptor 'Joint Combat' skills, two Raptor cavalry will take care of each other for 15 times. Spikes are also crippled, just make up a knife by yourself.

The deadly Leopard Cavalry hid among the many cavalry and was caught off guard. If you accidentally get hit by a mess, when a little blood is left, suddenly a Leopard Cavalry will fill up and take away the head.

Cang naval mighty knights are also incredible. Since their dragons are also combat mounts, the group of dragons will bite people. Players attack the three-way dragons and lay three. , And their attack comes with poison, if you can't bite you, you can poison you.

The cavalry in the front opened the way, and the ground players in the major guilds in the rear also joined the battle. For a time, the scene was extremely passionate, but the cavalry regiment opened a way in the front, and the players in the back followed directly and directly into the hinterland of the opponent's front line. In! Warriors are entangled in the forefront, and in the middle are some professions such as mage, priest, archer, and summoner. They slip into a large group of assassin players and lose the cover of these soldiers. Exposed naked in front of the assassins, a large white light rose up and down the body and spilled equipment.

"Back to the city," shouted the King's Blade on the tower.

Immediately after Lingyun Pavilion's army left a group of fighters dead, other players entered the city. The troops entered the rear door and closed the door. Immediately afterwards, they saw countless trebuchets and heavy crossbow vehicles firing at the same time.

Shot towards our square array 300 meters below the city wall.

For a while, the artillery roared, and the arrow rain flew together. The scene was spectacular, and there was a feeling of bullets and rain. The fully charged player team was immediately killed on the spot.

These catapult and heavy crossbow players can be made, but these things are not easy to bring. These things usually only appear in siege warfare. I did not expect them to bring these things up, and the number of these war machines is too much. You need to know that to make this type of war machine, you need a caster with an expert level or higher. How many casters do they have at this level? Life professional leveling is very slow. Their leveling requires experience not from monsters but Obtained by constantly making things.

The war machine on the city wall relied on solid fortifications, and Lenz suppressed our charge on the place.

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