Master Summoner Online

Chapter 638: Head to the battlefield

"What happened to me?" I sat up and scratched my head.

Black Shinto: "Master, you finally woke up."

I said, "How long did I sleep?"

Black Shinto: "It's twelve."

"Ah!" I shouted in shock: "Did the territorial war begin long ago."

Really red-eyed black dragon said: "The little devil is good, tame that thing."

I asked, "What is that thing?"

True red-eyed black dragon said: "Take off your own armor and look at your own body."

I immediately put the equipment away and lifted up the system underwear. I looked down and was shocked when I looked down. I saw a dragon wrapped around myself and looked tattooed, but it was like a living creature. I put it on the armor and said, "This What is it? "

True red-eyed black dragon said: "This is the dragon pattern, the dragon's coat of arms, to you, the essence and blood in your body have been dehydrated, now your power is very powerful."

I immediately checked the system prompt that I ignored-"Ding ~! You are baptized in Dragon Vessel Pond, the blood of blue eyes and white dragon in the body is awakened, all your attribute points are reset (resettable)"

"Ding ~! Dragon blood strengthens your body structure, you get stronger strike and anti-attack ability, get five strengthening skills, upgrade gun mastery to dragon gun upright, please check!"

"Ding ~! Dragon Blood Awakens, automatically understand Dragon skills, please check!"

Soul of Attack (Passive): Has a strong attack power, doubles the original attack power of the melee unarmed attack, and adds a slight knockback effect to the attack. Requires: 100 Strength Specialization.

Mind of Agility (Passive): Possessing a physique that is as light as a swallow and gaining the ability to move, avoid, jump, and jump high requires: 100 agility expertise.

Iron Body (Passive): With a reinforced iron bone body and a standing physique, it increases resistance to attack, reduces equipment durability, and is immune to slight knockback. It requires: 100 Armor Specialization.

Hot Body (Passive): Boiling hot blood is flowing throughout the body, increasing the speed of Qi and blood recovery and physical resistance. 03% of the endurance value per second is restored. Requires: 100 Constitution Specialization.

Magic Essence (Passive): Strengthen the communication of magic ability, increase magic recovery speed and magic resistance, 1% chance of immune magic damage, need: 100 magic specialization.

Dragon Gun Uprising (Passive): When using a series of guns with the word "Dragon" to attack the enemy, you can increase weapon attack, physical crit rate, attack speed, and attack with 300 constant dragon attribute damage.

This is to strengthen the skills. The four passives are very good. Immediately assign 100 points to each of the washed-down attribute points and add them to the agility. Then look at the dragon skills.

Dragon Walk: Consumes 200 magic points, increases 30% movement speed, 30% evasion rate, ignores the unit's collision volume, and gains 25% damage bonus on its next strike for 1 minute. Cool for 20 seconds.

Dragon Claw: Consumption: 450 magic. Grab an enemy in front to cause physical damage and spray a stream of energy to deal magic damage to the enemy. If you kill the opponent, the cooling will be cleared and the cooling will be 23 seconds.

Dragon Dazzle: No Consumption, Activate: Automatically generate a Dazzle (up to six) at a certain interval. Players can direct the Dazzle to attack the enemy. The Dazzle will explode when it hits the enemy. Inner enemies deal magic damage and cool for 05 seconds.

Dragon Power (Passive): The majesty of the Dragons, falling 25% of all units within a 20-meter diameter radius has magic resistance (not valid for bosses above their own level)

Dragon Breath (Passive): The dragon blood in your body is fully awakened and you are a friend of the Dragon race. The Dragon race will not take the initiative to you and considers you to be a member of the same race.

It's true that I like these skills, especially Yulongbu. Ignoring the effect of unit volume collision, and the acceleration of calcium carbide fire, it can completely make me take the first rank in the chaos and become a breeze.

Glancing around the summoning beasts around, I suddenly noticed that Amber Dragon's figure was larger and taller than before, and also became more powerful and more mature, with two diamond-shaped shields on my arms.

Immediately point out the attributes of the Amber Dragon-Name: Amber Dragon-Dusk.

Species: Fauna.

Race: Dragon Quality: Super God.

Evolvability: No (final state)

Life: 300,000 points.

Attack: 8000 ~ 11000 points.

Defense: 5000 points.

Skills: Treasures: Shield Shield-Material and Spiritual Sacrifice, Sky Warfare (Passive): Amber Dragons will have an advantage in air combat.

Fighting (Passive): The Amber Dragon has a very strong hand-to-hand combat ability, which reduces its physical energy consumption during hand-to-hand combat.

Explosive Flame Breath: Amber Dragon spews a fiery flame from his mouth, causing enemies on a line to deal magic damage.

Barrier annihilation: An enhanced version of the barrier smashing. The Amber Dragon sends a burning sword from the attacking shield on the arm. This attack attacks the enemy and ignores 70% of the target's defense. If the target is in a defensive state, it can directly kill the opponent and cool for one minute.

Fire Dragon Fire: Fire the enemy's laser from the "Ghost Shield" for 10 seconds, causing physical damage every second. Each bullet will reduce the target's defense by 1 (infinite stacking) for 2 seconds and cool down for 16 seconds.

Meteor Storm: Generates a huge tornado of flames that sweeps through enemies on a line and causes magical magic damage, cooling for five minutes.

Hell's Fury: An adult amber dragon can summon **** karma to devour enemies. Karma will swallow all units (including allies) within the summoned area, causing huge fire damage and constant 5000 constant damage. Cooling for 5 hours. Ultimate skills: Fire regeneration, After being killed, the Amber Dragon will not return to the Summoned Beast Space to fall asleep, and will enter the 'indestructible inflammation' state in place. In this state, it will automatically respawn after 40 seconds, limited to once a day.

Introduction: Amber dragons are born with super high endurance, resilience and fighting ability. However, this race is now endangered. One can be seen very rarely in the entire continent. Adult amber dragons are very powerful. Power, even in lava, it is possible to act. He has the character of fighting spirit when facing a strong enemy.

It has finally evolved into the most complete state, difficult! There is a qualitative leap in attack and defense. With five thousand points of defense and hidden attributes, the Black God tank is incomparable to it. Since the ultimate skill is a skill that brings back life, my summoned beast has a promising future.

True red-eyed black dragon said: "Isn't there still a very important thing for you, can't you?"

"Ah! Territorial war!" A word awakened the dreamer.

"Not yet!" Really red-eyed and black dragon said.

"Then ... goodbye." The summoned beasts retracted, and then they took out the teleport crystal.

"Your stuff is ready. Go ahead. I've called Arad to accompany you."


The teleportation conference 蜃 Dragon City rushed to the smithy. At this moment, the dragon man and the frost dragon Arad stood at the door of the smithy door. Dharma walked out of the doorway with a huge iron box: "Hi prince, your things have been replaced You are ready to pack. "

Arad grabbed the big iron box and said, "His prince, please do it to me, and I will take you to the battlefield."

"I'm overworked." After speaking, he took the two women and turned around.

"His Royal Highness is sitting firmly!" Said a pair of huge wings instigated, quickly vacated, turned around, and suddenly I felt like I was better torn apart, my head was empty, and my spirits trembled.

"His prince, we are here."

Arad's voice awakened me. Looking down at a wide canyon hidden in the mountains, Arad's height decreased. I saw that the ground was filled with smoke and there were signs of players fighting.


Immediately open the guild team, the guild team is the exclusive leader mode of the guild. After opening, I can position all the people in the guild and the position of the enemy in the battle with them.

Immediately after starting the team, I saw the distance and began to appear dense red and green dots. Green belongs to our player's position, and red is the enemy's point.

Open the system map, combine the guild's coordinates with the location on the map, and immediately shout, "Arad flies right."


Turning around and turning, I flew a hundred meters away and saw a group of people rushing into the mist. A few minutes later, I stepped on the gravel grass in the mountain, with yellow leaves hanging on my shoulders. At the forefront, the speed of the brutal combat boots and the movement speed is still quite useful. Behind, 20 meters away, the shadows are superb, the fighting spirit is strong, Youyun Eighteen Riders, Xu Yang and others follow.


Arad walked through the fog. At this time, he saw the corpse on the ground and the equipment exploded after the player died. A silver wolf flew out. A teenager dressed as an assassin was on the wolf's back. It's a small knife. The polar devil wolf slaughtered between his army and his horse with his master on his back.

Immediately afterwards, the smoky and rainy years also stumbled, and the swords were full of blood. I don't know how many people this kid killed. There was no evil value set in the territorial battle, otherwise this guy must be famous. Like anything, a group of players followed behind a black cheetah riding in a smoky rain, and this group of players was actually called Lingyun Pavilion!

In the smoky and rainy years, he rode two long swords in the cheetah's hands and waved wildly, his expression was almost crazy, which shows that he was desperate, but even so, he was forced to lose ground, his body was scarred with blood, his body was **** Shang showed deep wounds one after another. If it wasn't for his perseverance, he would have fallen down.

And his opponents are five high-level fighters of Lingyun Pavilion. Although a pair of five players are in a disadvantage, they cannot defeat him. There are hundreds of dragon teeth players, such as small knives and wind marks on his side. All were covered in blood, fighting **** battles, rocks were constantly cracking everywhere, and pieces of rubble splashed out, the scene was appalling.

You can see how fierce it was.

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