Master Summoner Online

Chapter 493: Jungle battle

This group of people a little bit, except for the front of the Berserker who needs attention, this group of people prepared the first five soldiers, one male and one female two priests, three magicians and an archer and standing There is no doubt that the animal trainer who paddled aside. This group of people completely handed over the investigation to that animal trainer. They focused on killing monsters and ignored the surroundings completely. As long as we mixed them in, they must have no idea.

At this point the players had the upper hand under the leadership of the Berserker, and a strange bear fell down.

I whispered, "Tianzhao lurking over you, chop down the two priests first, and ask your brother to level the archer."

Everyone asked me to seek confidence and said, "Leave it to me!"

I said, "OK! Action!"

The words didn't fall, and everyone told me to seek my brother to sneak in, especially if the light and flint rushed over. At this time, the group of weird bears felt something "嚎-!" A weird bear snarled and the two rushed out.

The next moment the two priests' throats flashed with two lights.



At these two times, it seems that I think it's too safe to stand behind, and even the shield is not open. In front of the sturdy attacking power of the sky, this cloth armor is almost useless, and both priests are immediately killed. Two priests Suddenly this group of people was shocked.


Suddenly, the faces of these people were filled with shock, and I happened to seize this shocking time and face the animal trainer--

Heroic Charge

Swipe forward to sprint the digital distance, hit his shoulder heavily on the animal trainer's body, push him out and hit the tree behind him, and stun, then pull out the red-eyed dragon gun, the tip of the red-eyed dragon gun The blue fire cone ignited and slammed against the trainer's chest, followed by a dragon moan, howling dragon gas chopping, and the injury figures flew in succession--




Three damage numbers are actually enough to send this guy back to the city, because the golden eye scan found that this guy was **** but in his early sixties. My combo this time caused a complete waste of firepower, but also with a tamer In the death of the beastmaster and two priests, these demon kisses were startled: "How did these guys mix in, brothers, let the monsters kill these **** together!"

I couldn't help but smile, "while taking advantage of it now!" The black **** in the grass killed his hand instantly. The sickle waved a mage and fell to the ground immediately. At the same time, the brother also killed the archer alive. It should not be a problem to have enough levels and equipment to compete with the Dragon Three.

"Burning the earth!"

As Long Xin's body drank, the earth split into tens of thousands of cracks. The fiery flames rose in these cracks, and a group of people were suddenly in the sea of ​​fire. Then the two black gods and Tianzhao rushed into the sea of ​​fire, and the teammates There is no need to worry about being affected by my skills, so the two can rush into the sea of ​​fire without fear. The two rushed into the group and someone immediately fell to the ground. The mage profession was killed immediately, and those low-level fighters were fine. Where to go, both Tianzhao and the Black God attacked super high, and this person could be ecstatic to deal with the same level, not to mention these low-level fighters.

All of the people except the Berserker all returned to the city all of a sudden. At this time, the Berserker did not expect that this result would occur. I mentioned the Red-Eyed Dragon Lance and rushed towards the Berserker.

Only then did the Berserker come back, shook his head, raised the tomahawk in his hand, and saw that the two sides were about to collide with each other. My body was stunned, and the Berserker's axe passed over my head.

The savage fighter's fierce blow fell into the air, and he couldn't help looking around, his face blanked.

I kept on, and the Red-Eyed Dragon Gun pierced into his heart instantly, and then smiled at him. "Bye!" The Red-Eyed Dragon Gun was pulled out, chopped up, fired the gunshots, and squeaked three times. Li Xiang, after receiving three attack rights, split off according to the Berserker, and there is no defense against the Berserker who opened the three auras and immediately fell to the ground.

The team was destroyed in an instant, and at the same time they were fighting the team. The bears did not know which one was wrong. Since they rushed towards us, the experience of delivering the door can not be wasted. The black **** immediately went up to the sickle and waved one by one. The strange bear fell down and fell to the ground.

"Distorted space!"

As soon as we settled this squad, a loud voice suddenly sounded. As soon as the voice fell, a line of purple light suddenly appeared around us. Suddenly, a cube-shaped purple mask with a diameter of about ten meters was opened. Zhao, Black God, Moumou, etc. are all covered in it

"Ding ~! You are affected by Twisted Space, stunned for 08 seconds!"

This prompt was swiped out immediately, followed closely, and found that many people appeared in the jungle in front of them, and these people seemed to have been prepared for a long time, all kinds of magic. The arrows blasted towards us!

Five kinds of magic, such as the thunderous thunder, meteor fire rain, death hurricane, ice crystal hell, and various arrow rains, with whistling fury, especially if the end is coming, smashed into this cube space!

In the beginning, it was fragile and completely gave up the surrounding vigilance. It was originally false. This was a trap at all. How could it be possible to control the surrounding vision by relying only on a few flying beasts? No trick at all! Miscalculation Miscalculation!

"Boom!" Bang Bang! "In the various howling noises, the twisted space that limited our actions disappeared in an instant. Although everyone was free, the magic of each department has been smashed to avoid unavoidable lightning, fireballs, and wind blades. , Ice, earth, rocks, arrows, all kinds of crazy attacks mixed down and blasted down, I just feel that I have been baptized by all kinds of blood, constantly forgetting to lose blood.

"Anti-summon! White Dragon Shield!" A howling sound, the sky shone back, the White Dragon Shield emerged from the body and sustained a variety of magical crazy bombardment, the perspective skills of the dragon-patterned helmet opened, and a few moments locked through the grass Where the famous mage and archer are, do not want to, the mark of the beast **** is launched, the amber dragon is transformed into the left arm!

"Burning breath!" Li yelled!


Under the shroud of magic arrows of various departments, it was unexpected that a raging fire burst out unexpectedly. These magicians had not returned to God at all, and were immediately swallowed up by this dragon flame, and at the same time they The two archers were swept in together.

Bang! Dragon flame exploded, flesh and blood flames flew at the same time, the mage fled against the shield, but the two archers died instantly.

After the flame was extinguished, the black gods around him could still bear it at this time, but Brother Mou couldn't do it. As a result of this attack, he could survive for a while and it should be very good. Now he fell to the ground, his body still Well calculated, but he has no idea where his legs are, and the black **** is close to him, taking a lot of damage for him, otherwise this time he will return to the city, Long Xin and Lollipop will be fine, they will be affected by the distance, but it is fine .

At this moment, the jungle shouted, and seven hundred senior soldiers waved their weapons and bushes to kill them. Immediately, the dragon's arms moved forward, and the scorching breath was re-launched. The raging fire blew out again, and the fastest knight who fluttered instantly. And two swordsmen swallowed in.

Followed by a short step, he stunned and approached another warrior who opened the three auras. The red-eyed dragon gun was facing this guy's throat--

Lightning announcement!

With a stun, the Red-Eyed Dragon Gun was inserted into his throat, and blood spewed out, followed by the 'barrier' of the left arm of the dragon, breaking through the seat where his breastplate penetrated his heart, and then the faucet biting a beating thing Then he pulled back violently and saw a dragon bite a **** thing that would beat, and then a bite. The mad soldier immediately died, and three players on the other side died tragically under the attack of the Black God. Long Xin and Lollipop also rushed out. Brother Mou was carried on the back by the Lollipop's wolf. Now he has no fighting power at all.

"You all have to die!" With a roar, he turned on the electric light fire.

Flash left and right to avoid the surrounding warrior players, followed by the circle of the circle, the sky shone quietly again, and immediately flew into the crowd. The beautiful red eyes at this time did not have a trace of emotion in the inside, and the rest Only coldness and desire for blood.

The sky shines with two swords and swings out one by one. It is like swarming the sheep. In a blink of an eye, the three have been solved. At the same time, the soldiers behind them turned on the charge one by one, and I stepped on the ground. hit! ‘A water column rose into the sky and turned into a water dragon. Seven or eight soldiers were immediately entangled by the water dragon.

Immediately after summoning the circle, a wolf howl rang through the four directions, and Gallulu descended with a howl, and rushed into the warriors entangled with water dragons in a split second, and immediately screamed twice!

Garulu rushed into the enemy group, and he was invincible. He opened his mouth and exploded, followed by two steel claws constantly swinging and beating. Numerous missiles were sent out from the body. These soldiers were totally vulnerable and only heard howls And the bones smashed incessantly. Feeling the host's heart, Gallulu showed no mercy.

The forest's miserable blood is dripping, and today is destined to be a crazy **** day!

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