Master Summoner Online

Chapter 454: Take advantage of

"Ah! Beast God!" Ji Jian shouted in surprise.

I laughed: "Hello."

Xueyue said, "Is it time to say hello?"

I scratched my head and said, "Are the two fighting now?"

Yan Jian and Kaka turned pale for a while. Obviously under these conditions, they could not escape from them. There were strong enemies in front and chasers. Now there is no doubt that they are fighting for themselves.

Kakadao: "Beast God, let's fight for a while, I propose that we join forces to destroy this group of monsters first."

I nodded. The sword and Kaka looked at each other. I didn't care about them. If they wanted to play tricks, I wouldn't be afraid. I called the Gatling Blast Dragon. The team members forced to retreat, and at the same time drank: "Sonic Werewolf, Gatling Blast Dragon to protect Mo Yan!" The red-eyed dragon gun flew up and down, hitting the Chiming player with the power of the hand dragon, and it suddenly exploded. This A member of the Chiming team was shot in the chest, making a terrible cry, shaking back two steps, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Xiao Zheng didn't say a word, and immediately stood to the left of Gatling Blast Dragon. The crescent-shaped bow and arrow flashed a dazzling fire instantly, and then turned into a beam of light. He went straight through and hit a red man. The member of the underworld, the member of the underworld who was hit was immediately shot into a huge transparent hole, howling and falling to the ground.

Immediately after the bow and arrow shot in his hand, one of the Chiming players mourned. At the same time, the Gatling blast and the Sonic werewolf followed closely to Mo Yan's side. There were two beasts to protect them. Mo Yan can supply us very securely.

The sound of fighting was endless, the red-eyed dragon gun swept over in the hands, and three Chiming members fell down mournfully, but at the same time, they were hit by several Chiming members' weapons.

Qi and blood frenzy, but Mo Yan's rapid and rapid treatment fell, followed by a medical wave jumping between us, everyone's lost blood was quickly recovered. At this time, some members of the Chiming gave up the melee and fired a long-range fireball attack. However, the Gatling blaster quickly blocked her in front of the shield and took damage. After the opponent's round of volleys, it also began to perform. The sound of a click, the roaring tongue of fire at the muzzle swept across, and for a moment, a member of Chiming, howling, fell down, and Mo Yan behind was unharmed.

In addition, the two swords and Kaka also tried to resist the attack of the Chiming team members. The two were the masters of long-term cooperation. In their joint battle, the Chiming team members fell one after another.

At this point, Xueyue completely broke out in the monster pile. She is worthy of a full-fighting warrior. She has a pair of dark gold swords and the best set of physical jewellery. Her attack power has reached a scary level. Boldly hit a large group of monsters, and the two weapons in both hands flew up and down. Wherever they went, the Chiming teammates could not stop, and screamed in her two swords or be chopped. When the head is dropped, either the body is cut or the legs are cut off and planted on it, as if it were no one.

I dropped my gun with my hand, and the members of Chiming, one after the other, were put on the ground by me. When I pushed back a Chiming player, suddenly another Chiming player hit him severely, with a strong impact, and suddenly my body could not help slipping back seven or eight meters.

"Damn!" I yelled as I was preparing, and as I continued to go up, I suddenly noticed that a black thing on my right hand suddenly struck from the void!

My subconscious body was postponed, and the black ball swept past me, followed closely by this black thing, which formed a huge vortex, and instantly swept the two Chiming players in and eliminated them.


Some of my eyes saw the corners of Yan Jian move, good guy! Take advantage of people! This kid really dares!

At the same time, Kaka had already held his spear and rushed over here. The gun head was burning with a golden flame, and the terror was horrifying. A Chiming player who was standing in front of him was banged by him and banged. Pop up.

At the same time, both of them have been aggressively killed behind them. A group of Chiming members followed and killed them. At this time, Wu Canhua and Xueyue were trapped by the surrounding Chiming members. Sonic werewolves and Gatling blasters protected Mo Yan. Inconvenience immediately, Xiaozheng was blocked by the group of Chiming members and could not give me effective support, hateful! The kid ’s sky photo and the black **** are all right here, but unfortunately they are outside and looking at the two at the same time. It is estimated that they want to use control skills to restrict me, and then cooperate with monsters to kill me. Yeah!

Chu Han said: "Sister Mo Yan, I can't support you, please help you add blood to the beast god, so you can beat them."

"Understand!" Mo Yan bit her lip and nodded deeply.

I watched the two men grinning and said, "You really dare to take advantage of people! But trying to kill me is not that easy!"

"Then try it!"

The sword exploded, and then turned around and swept across the sword. The attack continued to splash on the monsters in the back, which immediately angered the group of Chih-Ming players. At this time, many Chi-Ming members began to spray fireballs. On, all of these fireballs flew at me all of a sudden.

Majestic! A huge arm stood up instantly and appeared in front of me to be baptized by the fierce fireball of monsters!


The Chi Ming teammates around me also started to spit fire, and the hot fireball exploded on me at the same time. At the same time, the sword and Kaka's weapons flew at the same time. I immediately started the real and fake actions and stayed in place for the real body. Go sneak. At the same time, I laughed, because at this time, the players who were behind me were already brewing fireballs. I used the substitute to avoid two people's attacks. Once the substitute disappeared, the fireball that was originally sprayed on the substitute was blown to the two!

The flames flew past, and these two boys were panicking. They wanted to overcast me, but they didn't expect to be overcast by me, and they rushed, and countless fireballs fell on them. The dense numbers of injuries flew up, more It looks very spectacular-





It ’s so cool. This time I was beaten by these two moments. Kaka is a knight with defensive skills, but Sword is a swordsman. Suddenly, he has no chance to start up, weapon skills. There is only less than 25% of the guy's blood left. If this guy is not very well equipped, otherwise he will not survive. He was burned and ashamed, not only shouting: "Fuck! Beast God! My grass mud horse !!!"

I couldn't help pouting and laughing, after sweeping away the surrounding Chiming team members, Tengyun launched a raid against the sword.

At the same time smiled slightly: "Brother Jian Jian, rest in peace!"


Ji Jian looked at me. In his pupils, my red-eyed dragon gun suddenly flew out. After the attack of Tengyun, immediately followed by the crushing blow and energy explosion, he was not given any chance at all. Pupil With a fierce harvest, the injury figures burst out from the top of the sword, slowly kneeling to death.




This can be described as stealing chicken without losing rice! Since I want to fight, then I will complete them, not to mention, when the danger of people is the most hated.


"Do you want to come too!" I said with a smile! At the same time struck a Chi Ming team member.

Kaka could not help but take a step back, he was not my opponent before, not to mention, now, suddenly this guy turned around, now that he started to escape, and at this time there were only a few remaining members of the Chiming team that had been killed, I At this point he was going to chase him and send him back to reunite with his brother.

At this moment, in this passage, Xia suddenly came with a sound of wind, and rushed over like a lightning figure. I saw a huge white tiger appearing on the other side of the channel, fast as lightning, and everyone was surprised that the white tiger had arrived in front of Kaka, less than 50 meters. At the same time, a figure was sitting on the white tiger. At this time, Kaka suddenly sounded a long howling, and with the long howling, rushed over, it seemed that he wanted to forcibly break through, but the figure of the white tiger also suddenly sharpened.

The indescribable speed, the unimaginable momentum, and the dazzling appearance of the human figure in an instant made everyone feel palpitated and regretful.

Only a long, weird, howling sound like a piercing void sounded, and the white figure man passed by with a white light that had landed and rushed over Kaka.

The moment when he went wrong, Kaka suddenly exploded, and at the same time, the figure, five meters behind Kaka who had already come, the next moment Kaka spit out blood and kneeled on the ground.

And this figure fell to the ground, everyone can clearly see that this is a person who is shrouded in a set of silver-white armor, behind them, there are three pairs of six golden-yellow spikes extending diagonally.

Gorgeous, noble, can not describe the beauty and momentum of this guy's equipment. At this time, the angry Kaka turned and attacked. At this time, a giant blade appeared in the opponent's hand. The giant blade had a white and black seat. After seeing this giant blade fall, Kaka split and broke in a split second, followed by another circle, and saw Kaka's body, which soon became two, four, and four, and broke into pieces, and then left behind. A piece of armor turned into a white light and left here.

Long storytelling, in fact, all of this was completed in an instant. At the same time, his white tiger mount also flew to him, and this person looked at us with jealousy.

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