Master Summoner Online

Chapter 446: Income

In the early morning of the next day, a pleasant day began, but I found that Xueyue was gone, and I woke up? Well, scratching my head, I also got up and changed clothes, so the cheerful girl's voice was pushed open by the door and gave me a normal blow!

"Brother, let's take a bath together!"

"Long Xin, you," I stared at Long Xin who rushed into the room without hesitation. The coat in my hand had fallen to the ground when I reacted.

Beautiful flowing black hair, always energetic smile, smooth white temporary skin, my Long Xin is still so beautiful and cute. But, unlike usual, she now only wears a thin white towel? The slender and powerful legs, as well as the developing cleavage, were unreservedly displayed in front of him.

"Brother, come together, I haven't taken a bath with you for a long time." Long Xin said at the same time, his body was tightly attached to my body. The little cute in development was pressed directly on his chest.

"No, please, it's not a kid now, we can't take a bath together !!!" Now there is no doubt that my blush is like cooked lobster.

"What's the matter! Although girls can't take a bath with men casually. But you are my brother, my half-brother, didn't we often take a bath together when my mother was still there? Question! "Long Xin held my hand unwaveringly and walked towards the door.

"No, why do you have to take a shower early in the morning?" I asked. To be honest, I'm more nervous now than ever, it's almost more tense than when fighting with the big boss.

"Today is New Year's Eve. Of course, we must wash away our obsessions. To welcome the new year, our guild has risen to the second level. After taking a shower, we go online to earn income." Long Xinyue said that he was pulling me harder without giving up. I saw that her heart had shaken a little when she saw her picture without any other intentions, simple and innocent smile.

We are an ordinary reeling boy. Now this age should be the age of qi and blood. If a beautiful and lovely girl invited to take a bath with her, would she refuse? Don't even guess.

Although I really wanted to refuse, but I could n’t refuse it, I was dragged into the bathroom by Long Xin. The next thing to do was to be calm and calm! !! Don't think about it, as long as you can keep your normal mind, what's wrong with taking a bath between brothers and sisters, just treat yourself as a stone, a piece that can always remain quiet and will never shake a big rock!

For me, Long Xin ’s own lovely sister, looking at her, Long Xin can be my last loved one (of course, there is a man who is not known to be alive or dead and is called dad)

"Brother ... can you hug me?" Long Xin asked suddenly.

"Yes." I still wouldn't refuse this request, so I stretched out my hands and easily embraced Long Xin's body into his arms. At this time, Long Xin in her arms looked like a cute large doll. She couldn't be said to be cute. Now, a girl in the family who wants to see her will certainly be unable to help but take it away. Alas. "

"It's so warm in my arms. It's been a long time." Long Xin, who was embraced by me, closed her eyes and made a cute sound like a small animal.

"Is that it?" I smiled and stroked Helen's long and soft hair, feeling that she was as lovely and docile as a kitten, and a sudden sound came from outside the door.

"Hey! How long are your brothers and sisters going to wash?" The roar coming from the door pulled me back, looking at Long Xin in her arms, Long Xin smiled slightly at me, then quickly washed and changed People, after all, my family is more than just our siblings.

It ’s more than 8 in the morning after eating something and logging into the Second World. I remember that the New Year's celebrations will officially start at 2 pm and will continue until midnight on New Year's Day.

The content of the celebration event is jointly formulated by the game company and the main brain. In addition to the reward of doubling the experience of playing monsters during the event time, a special event will be launched every day to let all players celebrate the New Year together.

When it came to the Dragon Capital, it was already a silver-clad world, and the entire main city changed its appearance overnight. Numerous delicate and beautiful decorations make the city even more splendid and charming.

There are more crowded players in the city than usual. Originally the crowded city was overcrowded, and everyone was coming online soon, but it took a lot of effort to get everyone together. After all, there are too many people. And there was light snow in the sky.

People living in the south like us can hardly see snow in reality, but it can be satisfied in this virtual world. In the game, the snowball is pinched hard and smashed hard and it will not hurt people. You can be brazen. Fun. Everyone in the city was venting their joy.

All members arrived at 9 o'clock, and the Dragon City demonstration area was full of high-level players. At this time, there were 3,000 members in the second-level guild.

Let me talk about income before I said: "Everyone will wait for income, be sure to pay attention to RP, at first glance, it is definitely not the kind of players like robbers!"

"I know! Big Ben!" Yinyue looked indifferent.

Guardian said: "Well, if we didn't feel creative like that last time, should we do something creative to increase our popularity?"

Ye Shuang squeezed his chin with his hands and raised his eyebrows and said, "I'll give a solution."

Tears disappeared: "Talk about it."

"Okay! My attention is guaranteed to attract absolute popularity and people!" I bought a guanzi and said, "That's the girls in the maid outfits. I promise that will be the most attractive, girls here. , Judging from the body, there is absolutely no choice. The development is very good, there is also a good height, the momentum feels good, plus any type like us, no matter from which point of view is also good. OK, that ’s it It's decided! As for the brother of the props, he paid for it all ... "At this time, Ye Shuang started talking about himself intoxicated, and said it with interest.

But before he finished speaking, a series of horror mantras resounded from the mouth of the surrounding MM.

"The raging flames sleeping deep in the ground! Awaken in my calling! Turn everything on the earth into dust! The flames of **** are bursting!"

"Frost Dragon roaring in the sky! Please drop your anger, frozen ignorance in front of you! Frost Dragon Roar!"

"The monarch in the light! The lord of heaven! Please punish this person who blasphemes your majesty! The verdict of the Seraph!"

"The light shines in the sky! Convergence! Cohesion! Connect to form a line of defense against evil! Holy light bursts!"

"Druid imitation! Diamond Beast! Golden Diamond Blast!"

White Bai Yan, blue ice dragon, exuding a flame sword, countless white shining diamond crystals and a huge drill, all sturdy and sturdy all hit Ye Shuang's body instantly. The player in the demo area will be fine no matter how they are beaten, so the scene that makes people laugh is uncommon, these attacks actually only burned his hair and clothes more than half. "Stupid! Who wears a maid outfit! You have to wear it!" After the magical attack, the sword slash and the arrow combo, but like those powerful magic, these attacks will not hit Buckle blood. The end result was that Ye Shuang was blasted out of the demonstration area by a huge fireball and lost her trace ...

"Well, your brother is he all right?" Tears Wuji said aside.

I smiled bitterly: "It should be fine!" But to be honest, I also want to see how they look in maid costumes.

Although he was directly blasted out of the demonstration area, it didn't take long for Ye Shuang to return with a big swing. The traces of the equipment on his body have been refreshed by the system, and his appearance is nothing.

Immediately afterwards, he started to collect people. Although he did n’t wear any maid costume, the MM went to that station and he attracted countless people at once. A mage MM took the lead and said, "Well, what do you need to join the dragon?" ? "

Before I said a word, Ye Shuang interjected: "Men's level is over 80, and there is at least one piece of dark gold in the equipment. Women require good physique and white skin ..."

I haven't finished talking yet, and I was blown out by a bunch of magic again. I smiled bitterly and then used the eyes of a MM. This MM is a 82-level wizard, equipped with silver as the main gold and supplemented by the public. The players are of a high standard, and they look very smart. The dragon's teeth have more wolves and less meat. It is definitely wise to collect a little more MM, so that those guys will not reach out to the best MMs around us.


Then recruited, but at this time, a person came to the soldier to dress up, his upper body was a dark black armor with a faint black mist, and the black scales on the armor were like living things. In his hand, he held a long sword with the slightest red flame.

Look at it with golden eyes--

Level 84, Swordsman, Equipment: Blackscale Screaming Sky Armor (Orange Red), Hot Sword (Dark Gold), others unknown.

I saw the man striding forward and shouting, "Brother of the Beast God, finally saw you. Introduce me, my name is Wu Canhua. I want to apply for a partnership."

Level 84 is quite high, and it is still a hidden profession. It should be good, so I first asked: "What is the purpose of your joining?"

Wu Canhua said: "Fight together! Work together! Pick up girls together! By the way, there are so many beautiful women, and the quality is so high!"

I nodded and smiled: "That's it! Which one do you like for you?"

Wu Can Hua said: "The one with the mask."

Before the words fell, I pointed the red-eyed dragon gun directly at his throat and said, "That's my wife!"

Wu Canhua smiled and said, "Understand, anyway, the girl is not afraid of any chance." Said to accept him to come in, I saw this guy has come around, and walked around the girl, asked Dong Wenxi, staring at the MM mountain peak , I couldn't help but smile, and there was another pervert in the team.

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