Master Summoner Online

Chapter 256: explore

Huofeng said: "I remember a clump of mixed woodland on the northwest side of Wannian Snow Mountain. It used to be the site of a strong empire. You can go there to see it."

I said, "Thank you." After saying goodbye to Fire Dance and Summer, they went to the mixed woodland. Of course, they did not forget to buy hot drinks for two people, walked out of the city gate, replaced the Ruyi stick in their hands, and took the inverse scale gun. To be honest, I really do n’t know if I have high savvy or good luck. Since the time I ’ve cultivated in the ark of the ark has made me realize, the Cavaliers ’professional skills are“ proficient in gunnery ”.

With this skill, I can equip gun weapons. For me, guns are no longer holding cool things, but real weapons, and I do n’t have to worry about secondary weapons in the future. Since then, I have become my secondary weapon. From now on, when I pick up the stick, I am the summoner, and when I pick up the gun, the knight will of course add a pseudo word to the back.

Where do I go to find monsters to open my spear with my inverse scale gun, and then step into the cold-covered forest step by step, the surroundings have become very dark. I held the inverse scale gun and looked around carefully, it seems that I Has stepped into the depths of the forest.

But then someone appeared in front of me. This guy was a few years older than me, smiled at me, and was about to speak, but suddenly felt a strong wind, and a strong sense of danger was born in my heart!

There was a burning pain in the shoulder, a dangling spear fluttering flesh, and the spear separated two gun shadows. It was a knight's proud skill, even a spike!



Qi and blood fell off instantly, so powerful attack! Footsteps slipped and moved right two steps, skillfully dodging the opponent's next attack, I turned abruptly, but suddenly a burst of fire rushed up, and face-to-face were several severe attacks!





I lost more than 3,000 blood in an instant, and my blood strip was only half left. I was killed so much blood all at once. The attack from the other side was too horrible. I stepped back and opened the distance. The guy who just started talking, this man is a warrior profession covered in a black cloak, holding a spear, looking at me coldly, with a proud smile at the corner of his mouth, and a golden eye scan-

Level 71, Cavalier, Equipment: Armored Steel Gun (Silver), Black Demon Cloak (Silver), others unknown.

The level 71 is very high. Because this guy first started, all his names became red, and the three words of cracked shadow floating on his head. What is cracked shadow? I know that there is a strong wind shadow person in the book of leaves. Which onion is this cracked shadow, is it the brother of Gale Shadow? It doesn't matter, since this guy is here, let him test the gun.

I filled a blood bottle and recovered most of my blood.

Then this guy named Rikongying looked at me with a lot of time, and didn't attack first, but just smiled coldly: "Tianlong City is the most powerful defensive main city of the Dragon Kingdom, but the players inside it are not very low. Today I bet on the honors of the G-list holders. Today I am here to master the dragon dragon! "

I scratched my head and asked, "Where are you from, man? Don't tell me that you changed your name and walked through Wushuang, the world."

"Unparalleled in the world? Oh! I have been reading that book and I like it very much." Cracking the sky, swinging the swinging spear: "To talk about the book, let's come back later, today I came over from Xuanbing City, just to tell you Tianlong City What do these self-proclaimed guys know about the level of Utopia players! "

I could not help laughing, my eyes were full of contempt.

Cracking Shadow coldly said, "What are you laughing at?"

I said, "Don't tell me, you dare to claim to be a king-level player."

"Fuck! You're the second one. Our G-list holder is not a Heavenly King."

I asked, "What is that G-list?"

The other person was obviously out of temper, so I said, "You'll know when I get back to town."

I said, "It's you who hangs back to the city to hang the weak."

The other party was furious: "Don't be arrogant, your ability is at best a joke ?!"

I hesitated and smiled, "I can't do it!"

Suddenly, I flew away and launched a heroic charge, and the other party was obviously not a rookie. As soon as I rushed out, I had stepped back and flashed into a bush, the target was lost, and I hurriedly stopped myself.

This guy hid in the bushes and thought he wanted to sneak in on me, but I wasn't stupid. The perspective skills of the dragon-patterned helmet were launched, his eyes swept into the bushes, and then he was stabbed by the inverse scale gun!

"Oh!" A blood puppet flew out, and the inverse scale gun cut open the opponent's shoulder armor. -2134 points of damage floated out. Sure enough, the inverse scale gun was more powerful, such as a stick. The unskilled attack effect was actually destroyed. With so much blood, the other side was suddenly startled: "Scared? Good attack ..."

However, the other party was not surprised for a long time, and then the other party roared, and the spear stabbed at it with a thunderous speed. The real knight was more professional than my pseudo-knight.

Then, with the spear of cracking the shadow, my chest was stabbed a bit. At the same time, real and fake actions were launched, and I avoided it with a stand-in. At this time, the other party was frightened when I saw my body turned into smoke. Then I appeared in On the side of him, he punched empty-handedly on his left face with a fist, causing him to fly sideways.

-520 damage comes out.

"Damn!" The other person was hit by me on the snow, but he quickly stood up and his left cheek was beaten red and swollen by me. It was funny. At this time, this guy finally looked at me carefully, with a look in his eyes. Calm, snorted, and said, "Today, I ’m here to get to know you. You can also open a video. After this battle, we will have a person famous in China!"

I shook my head and chuckled: "You are the one who wants to be famous and crazy! Forget it before you get it."

"Mum-, ​​you are too crazy!" With a sharp look, I already had a gun to kill, and my hand was a general skill charge of the soldier. I rushed up with a heroic charge, and then fell into the smashing blow with an inverse volley. Smash into this guy's forehead!

However, the other side's body was slightly deflected. Suddenly a shift had reached my right side. The spear swept a perfect arc. The target was obviously my waist.

But I was faster, sent out by the inverse lance, and at the same time, the speed of light was launched! Lightning and flint sent out, and the inverse lance pierced his chest. "What ?!" Rikongying was frightened, not thinking of the suddenness of my move.

Then I stepped out of the sandbag with a big fist in the middle of his face, and -520 points of damage came out. Then I held the inverse scale gun with the other hand and pulled it out. At the same time, I took away a blood arrow from the opponent, and then the ghost dragon shot. !!

Four ghost dragons appeared entangled around him quickly, and then took a bite on his shoulder, left foot, lower abdomen, and right arm, "Oh! What is this!"

Three seconds later, "Boom Boom Boom!" Four explosions sounded, and the smoke dispersed. At this moment, the cracked shadow was half-knelt on the ground, leaning on the gun in his hand to support the body, "Well! How could I lose to you? This nameless little pawn! "He stood up as he ate.

"What kind of spring onion did you lose to this unknown little puppet!" The words fell, and in front of him I had already launched the inverse lance gun in his hand to stab his body against the scale.

-3414 points of injury floated away, taking away his last blood, this guy who suddenly emerged was buried under my gun like this, kneeling slowly and unwillingly before me, just unfortunately, burst out After taking some potions and a belt, it was bad for the kid to touch me today, but it also proved that this inverse scale gun is good enough.

The enemy who settled the attacker continued to the old site.

After the second goods were settled, I arrived non-stop, and the location that Fire Phoenix said was not a lot of ancient architectural relics in Wannian Snow Mountain. I came here at this time and found that there are already many players here. The group is playing leveling, and of course there is no secret dating here. At this moment, Tianzhao jumped out of the summoning beast space and said hello to me with a smile: "Good afternoon, master!"

"Good afternoon! I'll take a break before I ask you, don't make yourself tired." I said.

Aizhao said: "Say that. The master should rest more."

I was joking all the way to the site of the old site. At this moment I was in front of a broken temple door. I looked at the pattern on the wall outside the temple and said in my mouth, "This is it, let's go in according to the sky!"

Tian Zhao nodded. At this moment when we were about to enter, several players came to my side. A soldier player asked, "Are you here to do the mission?"

"No, I'm here to level up." I looked at these people. They attacked five people. Two fighters, an elemental division, an archer, and a priest were all around forty or so. .

"Is there a mission here?" I asked

"Yes, we are here to complete the task. Our task is to kill the 65-level boss evil priest in this temple." The male warrior player said just now.

"It depends on whether you want to hit the 65-level BOSS too reluctantly!" I smiled bitterly in my heart, and then casually glanced at the scars on these guys, guessing that they must have hit a nail in the temple.

"Big Brother and Sister, please take us! This task is too difficult, we killed several times back and forth, not only did not succeed!" The players looked at me and asked.

I smiled at the words and agreed to their request.

Take the lead and walk in. At this time, many monsters in the black robes are standing behind the monsters. These monsters are forty-level elite beasts. I can easily get it with two and a half days of Tian Zhao. At the end, the evil priest's typical magic The monster monster has poor blood and defense, and under the round of beatings between me and Tian Zhao, there is a little blood skin left. I said, "Do the rest yourself and I'll go."

After speaking, a corner around the temple disappeared into the sight of this group of people. What appeared in front of me was a dark channel and all the way down. This channel is relatively narrow. I followed the call of the Sonic werewolf and followed me, then I made Tianzhao invisible, and carried out the responsibility of exploring the way. The Sonic werewolf continued to follow me and watched the surrounding environment vigilantly.

This channel, to be honest, is more like a large sewer. Anyway, in such an environment, I have no sense of direction. Under the sky to explore the road, I don't know how far I walked around, and finally saw a building that looked like a gate.

Since it is underground and there are no lighting objects around, if there is a priest here to illuminate, the lighting problem can be solved, but I am not a priest, but I am not helpless. At this time, I find that there is a lot of wood around, facing One of them used the summoner skills to burn and make a simple torch.

Holding the torch in my hand and using the fire light, I randomly selected a large amount of the surrounding environment. This looks like an entrance to a very old underground palace, and the stone gate in front of me is very tall. I guess at least there is at least A dozen meters high. The surrounding walls have any patterns and symbols on them, just smooth and flat stone walls. And the only thing that impresses people here is ‘emptiness’, which makes people feel their small openness. At least in my mind, there is no palace in the world that can be compared to this, of course I do n’t know. Imagine that the entrance to a place is so magnificent. What would the palace inside be like? Obviously my heart is full of curiosity now.

I guess I found the treasure today, and signaled the Sonic werewolf to open the door in front of him. The sky appeared and returned to the side. In such an open and quiet environment, the sound of the giant stone door slowly opening was so harsh. . Watching the giant gate slowly opened, I was also alert, after all, no one knew what was in it!

Finally, Shimen was pushed away by the Sonic werewolf. At this time, the entire palace regained its former disturbing silence.

The Gatling Blast Dragon was also called out, and the two of them went into the underground world carefully. As soon as I crossed the gate, I came into a hall. Before rushing to make me lament the majesty of the hall, my attention was attracted by the dead bodies in the hall.

Looking around, the whole hall was covered with dead bodies. Looking at the chaotic sword marks on the stone pillars on the wall and the blood flowing on the ground, it was clear that this was just a large-scale blood battle. After examining the corpses on the ground, I was surprised to find that these corpses have players and monsters, and the monsters are all humanoid. Obviously a battle has just happened here, a group of players entered and were blocked by the monsters, and the players completely destroyed these monsters with a small loss.

After checking around, Tian Zhao said: "This master looks at the bodies, this battle should have just ended not long! And Tian Zhao also felt a breath of necromancy."

I took a deep breath and said, "The breath of the dead? Interesting, let's look forward."

"Huh!" Tian Zhao nodded.

Then proceeded, Tian Zhao went up to explore the road and soon she returned to report: "Master, there seems to be a fierce battle in a large passage behind this hall. Tian Zhao thought that the person who had entered before did not leave long. "

"It seems that people have already been sprinted." My first reaction at this time was that there were people who came here faster than themselves, and the other party had a lot of people and strong strength. They went all the way, watching the number of monster bodies Randomly count, the number of these corpses of monsters should exceed 100. And the more and more corpses of the players, the monster corpses are left in the end, and the players who can defeat this group of monsters without loss, its strength is not generally strong.

I can't control that much for the time being. Since it's here, we have to find out how. I quickly came to this larger channel and looked inward. I saw that the channel was also full of monsters. Obviously, the previous group of players must have killed all the way through this channel.

Then proceeded into the passage. Suddenly, a heartbreaking howl came from the quiet passage ahead. It didn't sound like a human voice, more like a devil's cry.

With that creepy sorrow, the surroundings returned to an unbearable silence. In the dark channel, my mood is also up and down.

After walking along the passage for a while, I heard the sound of fighting coming from the front. You don't need to guess to know that it must be the previous players who are fighting the underground monsters.

I hid a bite while observing from a distance, and the cat slowly came to a position not far behind the player in front of the waist. At this time, a player wrapped in a black robe directed this group of undead creatures, including skeleton soldiers. , Zombies and corpses, and four others in black armor, riding high horse knights and fighting the opposite. On that side, the monsters were a group of human soldiers.

These human soldiers, including infantry and cavalry, far outnumbered the undead forces around that player, but the player was very savvy. Skeleton soldiers and zombies came forward to make meat, attracting the hatred of human soldiers. Four black armor knights, plus long-range fire support behind a large number of corpses.

Although the monsters have absolute advantages in terms of numbers, the players are even more terrible. The skeleton soldiers and zombies fell to the ground in front of each other, but the other infantry soldiers were killed. The players read the incomprehensible formulas, and those who died were the soldiers Famous players enslave skeletons and zombies. The more players fight on the player's side, it ’s only a matter of time before they die.

Soon, human cavalry and infantry were killed a lot, a large pile of dead bodies on the ground, at the same time a human cavalry fell, under the player's spell, these cavalry turned into black armor knights, the monsters cleared, the player The troops here have grown stronger.

"Who? Come out!" The player shouted a deep voice to his rear, and it seemed that he had been exposed, so he came out and said, "Hi! Would you like to help?"

"The blood is brilliant!" The other shouted, and I looked at the ring on my hand, so I said, "Who are you?"

"My name is Hao Long, one of the three giants of the Blade of Death, professional undead mage, what is your name?" Said the other party's self-reported name.

The blade of the **** of death is my fierce **** opponent, so I took the inverse lance and said: "My name is Weiweilong. As you see, the fiery **** one, I am a professional war animal warrior, do you want to fight me?"

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