Master Summoner Online

Chapter 248: accident

"Take your strength and let me see it." The little knife proactively rushed up when the rain fell, and the frozen devil wolf knife in his hand began to explode more brightly than the blue sky. Brilliant light.

"Ding!" The two weapons collided together, and then bounced one after the other. After the rain and dust bounced off, they quickly moved to the left of the small knife, and then the black short knife in the hand chopped down.

The little knife also responded quickly, crossing the body, blocking the blow of the rain falling dust with the Frozen Devil Wolf Knife, and at the same time, the cold air on the Frozen Devil Wolf Knife began to gush wildly, allowing the rain falling dust weapon to start quickly. Icing.

Three drops of sharp claws "Sizzle!" Popped from the gloves on the other hand of the rain and dust. Three blood-red claws swept across the front of the little knife. If it hadn't been for the moment when he moved his head back, I'm afraid his face had been scratched into a rag.

At the same time, the short knife that Yu Luochen held in his hand began to burst into a **** breath, and since this breath was suppressing the cold on the Frozen Devil Wolf Sword.

"Ha!" The little knife shouted in a frantic breath from the Frozen Devil Wolf Knife, shaking the opponent away.

Then, the little knife chased, but the other person suddenly sneered like this, and the body disappeared. The little knife was surprised. While he was surprised, the other person suddenly appeared behind him. He grabbed the collar behind him and threw it forcefully. Into the air.

Before the opponent had time to adjust his attitude to land, Yu Luochen dusted his legs with his legs down, then jumped up. The little knife behind him grabbed the collar behind the little knife and dragged it, The sound of beatings kept ringing in the air, and the rain and dust continued to hit the body of the little knife without stopping his feet in the air.





After the fourth drop, the rain falling dust propped herself up with the body of the small knife, came to the top of the small knife, and then knocked it on the belly of the small knife with one foot and struck it directly. Fall on the snow, and make a mark on the snow. -1204 Damage Brushed.

"Ha!" The little knife spit out blood, then the rain and dust fell from the air, and the short knife stabbed into the little knife's chest, but this time there was no harm in brushing it out. Become a scarecrow in an instant.

At this point, the small knife appeared on the open space, panting heavily, and filling himself with medicine at the same time, "Great!" The small knife was very surprised.

"You're not bad, use fake action at the moment of landing, dodge the next fatal blow, and do a good job!" Rain fell dust, twisted his neck, put on the offensive posture, it seems that he has set Determined to turn the little eyed knife into his own booty.

The little knife didn't say anything, while holding the Frozen Demon Sword in both hands, held it flat on his chest, "Roar! Angry! Run through everything! Tear everything! Polar fury!" With the sound of the little knife, the frozen monster in his hand The wolf sword waved sharply, a giant wolf flew out, opened his huge mouth, and made a terrifying howl.

And with this howl, a huge, half-moon-shaped silver light blade emerged from the mouth of the giant wolf. This huge silver light blade emitted an extremely strong light, and I could not open my eyes for a while and a half, "Oh I just heard a horrible cry, and after a second I opened my eyes and saw that Yu Luochen and the small knife kept a distance. At this time, Yu Luochen had an extra deep wound on his bones while still staying The blood, the golden eyes of the fire swept by, and the rain and dust at this time was less than a hundred points, and it was clear that the blood was empty.

However, the little knife's trick is overwhelming. First, he shouted a powerful slogan and a move name, and then despicably used a powerful and powerful light blade. The final purpose was to confuse the other's vision, and then a gap appeared in the other. Launch a fatal blow instantly, but to be honest it is definitely an absolute and practical combat technique.

At this point, Yu Luochen suffered a big loss, and he immediately replenished his blood and stopped himself. The game has been updated N times. The fidelity is already very high, and it is enough to be confused. Of course, the fidelity can be adjusted. If you do n’t want to see the **** picture, turn it down, and if you like to pursue stimulation, turn it up. I just like stimulation. So my fidelity will always remain 100%, so that I can see the most realistic scene .

"Roar!" Someone was smashing the field when he was in a hot fight, no! It shouldn't be a human but a beast. I saw a monster that didn't know where it looked exactly like a polar bear. Standing on both feet, the bear's paw hammered his chest and made a dull sound, as if to show off his strength.

"Fuck!" Yu Luochen yelled, and the bear yanked his red nose hard. It seemed that he had smelled the **** smell in the air. Then a beam of light hit its right eye with precision!


Oh ~ oh! Unexpectedly, the bear screamed, and the torn wound on his right eye was dripping with blood, dripping down and redening his white body, which looked shocking.

At the same time as the howl was made, at this moment the bear rushed towards me in an angry direction, and many of its companions followed closely behind.

Fire Eye Golden Eye Scan-

Ice Bear, Level 77, Elite Beast, Introduction: The giant bears on the Snow Dragon Mountains have unparalleled destructive power, and they are very sensitive to **** smells. They are always a little **** when they are hungry on the snowy mountains. The taste is to rush crazy, many people are attacked after they are injured on the snow, and all climbers must be extra careful.

The sturdy ice bear's full-force running was quite appalling, and the ice had a slight vibration. The small knife and rain falling dust immediately gave up the fight, and everyone devoted themselves to killing monsters.

Gatling's bullets and four glowing bullets greeted the ice bear rushing to the front first, and the Sonic werewolf also greeted him!

This thing is thick and fleshy. Each bullet killed less than 100 points of blood. The four-shot bullet can only take away about 500 points of damage. All attacks of the Sonic Werewolf's crescent moon are added. Thousands of injuries were smashed together.

The data sent back by Huo Jin Jin Yan shows that the blood and blood of this ice bear is as high as 10,000, and the high defense power, it is estimated that no one is willing to fight this monster.

However, the ice bear's body defense is very high, but its eyes are weak, otherwise the beam just hit more than 2,000 injuries just now.

I immediately made Gatling Blazers fire at the ice bear's head, but the other side was also quite cunning, shaking his body from side to side, making it impossible to aim accurately.

Even so, this can solve an ice bear, but ice bears are not vegetarians and beaten to landlords. After rushing over a distance of more than 40 meters, it suddenly hit a pair of bear's paw in front of it and the frozen ground, and the ice debris was flying across. More than a dozen crystal shining ice spikes burst out!

Immediately hid behind Gatling Blast Dragon, while Tian Zhao and Sonic Werewolf both flickered to the side at the same time. Unexpectedly, this ice spur came too fast, and one of them hit the left shoulder of Tian Zhao. It is estimated that she inserted her beautiful face directly!

Tianzhao was angry, and a long howling rushed up. The ice bear raised his front paw obviously to launch this ice spike attack, but instantly a knife was put into its chest and then pulled out-3555 points. The damage, then the two swords were placed in a cross, and the black energy exploded. "Boom!" An explosion exploded on the ice bear, causing 6713 points of damage to escape, and then the ice bear's body hit the ground like a large rock, arousing Countless ice debris.

At this time, another Sonic werewolf who was also killed by the Sonic werewolf was intercepted 20 meters away. The two were about the same size. I saw Sonic werewolf's left hand was bitten by the ice bear.

"Slightly!" The muscle was bitten by the teeth, and the sound of tearing was terrifying. Just listening to it, you can know what great pain it is suffering, and then "嗤!" This was pierced by the claws of the body Sound, while biting Sonic Werewolf's arm, Sonic Werewolf's claws penetrated the ice bear's chest faster. As long as it is hardened, it can be unloaded by eight pieces. The bright red blood had spewed out of the ice bear's wound like a fountain, staining its white hair.

The ice bear was forced to loosen his pain. The Sonic werewolf pulled out his claws and then waved his claws left and right to hit the ice bear in a severely injured state. Then a glowing beam of Gatling Blast Dragon shot through the ice bear's left eye and harvested. Take the last blood.

The ice bear screamed unwillingly, and stood up again, but this was its last struggle. The blood and blood that had been emptied could not support its huge body, and then collapsed to the ground.

The little knife rides the polar devil wolf and comes to me. The weapon in his hand has changed to the original. The little knife said, "There are too many monsters, so there will be so many ice bears at once?"

I laughed: "It doesn't matter, it's not good to have more monsters, so what are you waiting for, let's start work soon! Where is the rain and dust going?"

Little Knife said: "I don't know. I can't see anyone after the ice bears rushed in. It's really strange that these ice bears usually don't appear more than ten at a time, but why are there so many suddenly today?"

"Don't ask, kill the monster first!" I said and nodded the small knife. In the next few hours, we shuttled through the ice bear group and killed hundreds of ice bears. In addition to good experience and loot, I Vaguely found that the surrounding scenes seemed to have changed. These ice bears blocked the field of vision. Now that there are fewer ice bears, the field of vision begins to widen. When the last ice bear was brought down, my face appeared to me and shocked me!

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