Master Summoner Online

Chapter 232: Pie in the sky

The real and fake action started, and quickly turned over to avoid, at the same time the sky also jumped away from the other side. After I rolled away, I was lying in the soft forest with the smell of rotten leaves, and my heart was very depressed. I was afraid that the boss would catch up .

It seems that the half-orc leader is not a good bird. Since the summoning skill is to summon his boss to help out, it is completely the wing of the cow. After lying for 1 minute, I stood up.

Immediately after getting up, I gave myself a gas therapy. At the same time, I saw that the formerly noisy battlefield was quiet at this moment. The boss of the Orc leader has nowhere to go at this time, and the whistling mountain wind whimpered through the dense forest and brushed The sound of gurgling water flowing in the mountains and rivers is faintly audible. It is hard to imagine that a devastating battle broke out here a few minutes ago, and hundreds of players lost their first level experience.

Fortunately, since the Orc leader sat on the spot to rest on that day, this is undoubtedly a chance for the pie to fall from the sky. At this time, the Orc leader is at the end of the crossbow. His blood should be very low, and his boss is no longer there. , The surrounding players have been hung up, this does not mean that this half-orc leader is already owned by me.

Of course, experience may not have the right to pick up things that are not burst. It is not mine. At that time, I can wait until the monster hatred disappears. I am killing it. I remember that the system stipulates that the interval between damage to monsters cannot be greater than or equal to 10 minutes. Once After more than 10 minutes, the experience and ownership of things after the monster's death will be recalculated. At this time, the group of people has been weak in the dragon capital. The time for weak is not short, and it is definitely greater than 10 minutes.

In addition, a large number of equipment items exploded by players were scattered all over the place. This area of ​​equipment appeared in front of my eyes, and I couldn't believe my eyes. You must know that the probability of this happening is too low. I can almost think that the goddess of luck not only sent Qiubo to herself today, she just opened her jacket and showed her thighs!

After ten minutes, all the summoned beasts were summoned and then came down to the command: "Tianzhao, Gatling Blast Dragon, Sonic Werewolf lost and exported that half-orc. If the half-orc in the dragon battle wants to escape, stop me!"

"Yes, Master!"


At the next moment, the four glowing bullets hit the side of the half-orc leader who was resting in place. The half-orc leader who was attacked suddenly stood up while making a thunderous roar, and then the Gatling explosive bullet, missile, The light, all out, all the damage exploded on the orc leader, and the damage was achieved in one go. Immediately, he gave the orc leader a dismissal.

The Gatling Blast drove Boss's hatred this time, but this guy was not an opponent and started to turn around and wanted to run, but he had already blocked the dragon battle he had gone, and the black sword in his hand swept away suddenly. Get out of here.

Get out of the half-orc leader, and then roll out a short distance, then peel off a large stone from the ground and stand up, then throw the large stone, but at this time the crescent moon of the Sonic Werewolf sent out, and a crescent-shaped energy wave suddenly burst Go on the big rock and crush it.

At the same time, in front of the boss who came directly from the sky, one shot of "Blood Dance" sent out-3444 damage numbers flew up, then the blood storm crossed into a cross, black energy burst out, and the death cross burst out!

The black energy of the cross exploded on the chest of the orc commander, and the ruptured armor was smashed under this blow, and the defense of the BOSS who lost the armor must have decreased a lot at this time.

However, at this time, the boss punched fiercely, and the sky shook away quickly, but the boss then lifted the giant axe and slashed at the front of the Sonic Werewolf. The Sonic Werewolf crossed his arms in front of his chest to make a defensive action. Smashed on the armguard of its arm, the powerful force directly pushed the Sonic Werewolf to slide out four or five meters, hurting the number—2789 flew over its head, and the other party seemed unwilling to stop, quickly approaching the Sonic Werewolf, and saw BOSS's arms actually swelled and muscles appeared. Seeing that the stout arm of the half-orc leader had swelled to the limit, he clenched the axe with both hands and lifted the giant axe just to fall! But at this moment the Sonic Werewolf issued a harsh growl.

"Roaring Cannon" was launched here, BOSS was stunned by this sudden, and then Tian Zhao's double-edged sword passed the Boss thigh accurately, and suddenly a deep knife mark appeared on the Boss thigh, and at the same time there were four A missile exploded on the boss's face, and the boss who woke up from a stunned state dragged an injured leg and began to escape to this side, but the dragon battle quickly blocked its way, and the dragon's breath fell and he was washed immediately Take a bath.

At this moment, the boss is desperate. The skill of summoning his boss is expected to cool down for a long time. The dragon battle broke its escape route. Tianzhao and Sonic Werewolf both left and right. No stress.

Gatling Blast Dragon is easy to make a long-range attack nearby. Because the orc leader is a melee monster, he cannot launch any energy waves or elemental magic. At the same time, he wants to throw a stone, and he will be thrown by the Sonic Werewolf. He intercepted it in mid-air and wanted to run to pursue the attack, but was stunned by Roaring Cannon when approaching. At the same time, the long-range attack of the Gatling Blast Dragon made Boss only be beaten but unable to fight back.


I was slowly picking up the equipment on the ground at the same time, watching the exciting fight very easily at the same time, my skylight wielded the storm of my blood, and the rapid attack frequency of the two swords was reflected, "嚓嚓 ~ 嚓嚓~ 嚓嚓 ~! "A row of **** red blades swept across the body of the orc leader, while the Sonic werewolf waved his fist to attack, the dragon battle was sneaking behind the boss, and a breath of dragon blast exploded on the back of the boss, plus The attack on the Gatling Blast Dragon has never stopped. The blood of the BOSS plummeted. When it was only fur, it recovered some rest when it was not supposed to bottom out under such an attack. Suddenly! The orc leader burst out suddenly, and it seemed unwilling to die. The long-suppressed anger was poured out, and the huge axe hit the ground. The strange magic circle reappeared.

I was taken aback. Is it that the cool-down time for that trick has come, and is it time to call your boss again? ?

Of course, whether you call your boss or not, but you ca n’t make it succeed. I saw the death cross of Tian Zhao exploding again, and hit the Sonic Werewolf after hitting the BOSS. At this time, a ghost has appeared in the magic circle, and then Sonic Werewolf The claws turned into a perfect arc on the boss's chest. The boss's chest left four shocking injuries almost at the same time. At the same time, its pair of bell-sized eyes filled with despair, it is estimated that he had seen his death.

"嘭 ~ 轰轰轰 ~!" Immediately after the four photon missiles of Gatling Blast Dragon formally emptied its remnants, the huge body flickered, and its summoning magic array also disappeared. The summoned things were impossible to come out. .

boom! Under the command of the half-orcs, the huge body pushed Jinshan forward and fell down like a jade pillar, and fell heavily on the ground, splashing a scattered dust, and at the same time burst out a shining booty!

Gaining experience doesn't make much sense to me, but this guy has too much stuff to burst out, too much! I did not hesitate to empty all the food and supplies in the march bag, and then I picked up the equipment first.

Even so, my backpack will be full after picking up the equipment. Naturally, the coins will not be let go. Money can be stacked indefinitely. At this time, I can say it is full, and I look at the rest on the ground. Is the material. I quite feel like crying without tears. Compared with these materials, the equipment packed into the backpack is more valuable, and most of it is the player's explosive equipment, so the attributes need not be identified at a glance, and the previous group Players are mainly mages and fighters, and the equipment that bursts out is naturally good.

I don't know how long I've been busy. The system's refresh protection time has passed, and the materials on the ground finally disappeared into the battlefield piece by piece.

Standing straight up, looking at my backpack full of equipment, I have an indescribable taste. I now want to learn the martial arts master shouts but still forget, it is better to have a shotgun congratulations, but I did n’t My summoned beast was and was a machine gun.

Then Gatling exploded into the sky, hit a shuttle, and quacked! Just hear a scream coming from above!

I looked up in surprise at the sky, and suddenly found a group of gray objects falling quickly towards him and me.

Slap! A flurry, sharp-billed bird fell at my feet, and then swept through the horizon to get 15 experience tips.

this is okay too? I was a little bit crying. This kind of thing is a level 20 mob, a very common flying monster in the dark forest, and there is no danger. I do n’t know what day it is! At this point I heard dense footsteps, immediately withdrew the summoned beasts, and quickly left the battlefield to hide behind a large tree not far away. At this time, many players came from the woods. When they saw that the ground was already It was empty and scolded.

I hid behind the tree and laughed so happily that I took out the city roll and left the thing undiscarded. Then I returned to the square of the dragon capital the next moment after the city roll was cast.

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