Master Summoner Online

Chapter 219: Sword of light

After visiting dozens of stalls, Magic Moon stopped at a stall and looked at the things on the stall.

It seems that she saw what she wanted. I remember the words of Brother Superman, and immediately contacted him, and the whole body glowed up and down after one minute. The superman brother who is full of the power of the king appears! The proud pride behind his chest has a cute face Tian Zhao behind him, but at this time I found Tian Zhao holding something in his hand and walked in to see it was a bag while Tian Zhao moved, put his hand in, take Put out something like potato chips and put it in her mouth. It seems that she has bought snacks.

Then I pointed out that the Superman Brothers at the booth was a young man. At this moment, he saw the Superman Brothers shouting, "Well, isn't this the Superman Brother! How can I visit the shop today? What do you like? Pick whatever you want, I'll give you a 20% off! "

This business talk is so slippery, it seems that Superman is a celebrity here.

"Huh!" Brother Superman responded with a note from his nasal cavity, and then he asked me, "What do you think?"

"I'm not my girlfriend," Xiang Xiangyue said, "what do you want, Yueyue?"

Magic Moon pointed at a long sword on the ground, and Superman immediately picked up and asked, "Man, how much is this for?"

At this moment, a flower bloomed on the player's face, and he bent his hands and said, "Your vision is really good. This is the spoils that my companions and I exploded from an abyss demon in an underground ruin. The huge price of three thousand people took that end ... "

"How much?" Brother Superman impatiently interrupted his bragging and asked straightforwardly.

"Of course the price is not cheap if someone else comes. If you want it. Well, 200,000 gold coins is enough!" Said the merchant player with a smile. Mouth opened no less than a lion.

"You're kidding. You sell 200,000 gold coins in a silver suit. Do you think this thing is gold or orange? Is it the legend that the dark gold can't be achieved! I want 20,000 gold coins!" Superman Brothers countered.

Upon hearing this price, the merchant player immediately said, "How is this possible? Look at this as part of the silver suit. You should know the price of the suit ..."

Before it was finished, it was interrupted again by Brother Superman: "The suit must be a set to be worth it. Will you do business?"

"Brother, Superman, let's not put aside the suit but look at this attribute is the top ah! The price is not as high as you kill it, 20,000 gold coins, aren't you making me lose money?" Said the player businessman.

Brother Superman said, "How much do you say?"

"180,000 gold coins."

"Fool me! What's the difference between your price and the price just now? If I really want to spend 200,000 to buy things, would I still care about these 20,000? It's really boring to do business with you, there is no real price!" A little annoyed.

"Brother, Superman, I really did n’t bargain. Now there are very few such things as suits. The attributes are poor and no one can use them. The attributes are good and I ca n’t afford them. I have spent a lot of money acquiring that monster profile. You Take 20,000 yuan away, you really made me lose my money! "Said the player and businessman with a sad face, and it didn't seem to be a lie to look at it.

"Forget it, you can set the lowest price. You don't have any good goods here, it's suitable for me. I'll go to another house at this price!" Superman Brother said calmly.

"Minimum 160,000, can't be lower!" Players and merchants gritted their teeth:

Brother Superman said, "Brother, we go. This guy has no sincerity. He originally wanted to buy a business to take care of it, and left! Let's go to another booth."

However, Magic Moon was very concerned about this sword. Of course, at this time, both me and she knew that they couldn't dismantle Superman's stage, otherwise they might be seen by this cunning businessman, so they could only leave with Superman.

The four had not walked a few meters, and behind him came the deadly mother-in-law misery: "80,000! I guarantee the lowest price this time."

Aha! Back to that person, we smiled on our faces, Brother Superman said, "How about?"


"Thank you!" Magic Moon also said, then Brother Superman and then smiled and turned his head and said, "Look at you, say that the price isn't enough, and everyone will be happy, why not!"

This is called cheap selling. I ca n’t help but think that I ca n’t do business and bargain for a long time. After looking at it, it ’s even more tiring than destroying a monster. After paying the bill, Huan Yue happily hugged this long sword Superman and said: This weapon is really good, it is high in silver. "

Hagitsu shook her head and said, "This is not what it looks like, and its attributes are not true."

"What do you mean?" I said with Brother Superman, and then Magic Moon squared the long sword on the table and then gently placed it in the mouth and said, "The shining brave, the silver angel, the master of the sky, came far away. The power of the world, the judgment of the Holy Cross, gives me the right to judge! "

Then there was a crack in the shell of the sword and it burst open. Then a long sword measuring one meter five or six appeared in front of us. The sword was surrounded by a silvery light. The body of the sword was very smooth and the blade looked superb. Sharp, followed by attributes-

Blade of the Silver Sword——Sword of Light, Grade: Silver, Attack +2000, Ignore 3% of all types of defense, constant light damage of 200, light damage, 5% damage to all dark creatures, skills Increases damage by 10%, additional skills: Holy Cross Judgment, consumes 1400 mana, summons a Holy Light to strike a local unit to cause real magic damage that ignores magic defense, cools for 10 hours, sharpness: AA. Need to wait: 60, need Power Specialization 100, Silver Sword Angel Set. Introduction: The Silver Sword Angel Set has nothing to do with the Silver Sword Angel in a masterpiece.

After the appearance of this attribute, the person's intestine will regret it. This attribute has an attack power of two thousand plus the defense and 3% of the defense. This attribute tells everyone who dares to fight with the magic moon so surely will die. It's hard to see, plus the last NB to death skills, the magic moon beauty is invincible!

At this time, the face said how ugly it was, and Superman Brother laughed aside, of course, he didn't laugh out loud, let alone 80,000, even if it is estimated that 880 million people have bought it for some reason.

Then we bid farewell to the player who spit Mozi in place, and we went in. The stalls of the more than twenty grid structures set here are obviously different, but there are no player booths, and many players crowded it here. Yes, it looks like business is booming.

"Brothers are the special NPC booths here, and the goods here are a lot more upscale than the outside, but the risks are greater." Superman, who just led us into here, introduced: "Let me take you to the NPC boss there It ’s very good. ”

Then we came to a very inconspicuous place here, but there were also a few senior players who were buying items and equipment. After those players left, Superman took us forward and said hello: "Haya Boss, it's been a long time. How's business lately? "

The middle-aged NPC called Haya said: "Hello Mr. Superman, I think you haven't been here for a few days and I thought you had left here."

His gaze fell on us immediately: "These friends are born face to face, are you Mr. Superman your friend?"

Brother Superman laughed and said, "Yes, this is where we are leaving tomorrow. So I want to come to you to buy some treasures before I leave. I think it ’s best to be the leader of Haya. You have the best baby here. . "

Hayahaha said with a smile: "Mr. Superman is so good at talking, it's not my boast. I can't find anything else on my stall here in Haiya! My stuff is the best here, and of course it will be a little more expensive. "

I looked at the equipment he was posing and wondered, "Why do Superman's equipment here only see a few words of names?"

Brother Superman laughed: "This guy is the biggest shop in the night market. His business is different from other houses. This guy likes to seal up the equipment. I do n’t see the attributes when I buy it. I only know the attributes after I have paid for it. If you want to buy it, choose it yourself. After the price of this guy is opened, basically don't even think about counter-offering. As for the value of this thing, it depends on your luck and eyesight, so players call it a bet! "

"Gambling house?"

"Zhuang is equipped with equipment. This guy sells a few names. Players buy it is gambling. They are lucky to open out gold and silver equipment and other equipment. They have been wealthy overnight. The garbage equipment that bought the blue sky and white clouds lost a lot of money! "

Brother Superman continued: "I have played a few times before and lost hundreds of gold coins, but I also made a bet on this weapon from my hands! Guess how much I spent?"

"How many?"

"Five thousand gold coins, five thousand gold coins bought a 50-level gold-equipped staff, this thing can be sold in the market and sell for more than 100,000."

"You're lucky."

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