Master Summoner Online

Chapter 216: Rain falling (2)

"Then let the horses come!" I yelled at the rain.

"Let you see, I'm terrific!" Then the two fell to the ground while I set the magic moon aside and kept a certain distance from her, while spreading to her while the two dragons kept roaring in the air, and then shouted. He scuffled together in the air.

At the same time, Yu Luo in front of me on the ground was covered with a light yellow light, Yu Luo clenched his fists, and then opened his eyes. Behind him, countless white arrows "Ha!" Accompanied the rain roar Countless white arrows shot like locust showers.

"Whew! Huh! Huh! Huh!" Countless arrows swept through the air to create a sound of emptiness, and being hit by such a thing, even steel might be easily penetrated. Such dense attacks, regardless of whether the opponent is a group or one, will definitely be effective against any opponent. In the face of such dense attacks, summoning Gatling Blast Dragons is absolutely impossible, so the attack and the guardianship of the wind are turned on.

"Ding! Ding!" Countless crisscrossed white arrows swept across the void in front of me. I immediately started without thinking about it, spreading my wings for thousands of miles, and the speed soared, almost like a rocket, screaming and rushing up, and thousands of words The column of white light shot densely, and I quickly advanced against two layers of shields, which suddenly dwindled. The shield that started the attack broke instantly, and then the guard of the wind also broke. Numerous arrows passed through the body. The blood splashed instantly, 8000 points. His blood is madly diminishing.

"Ah-" I can't help screaming and sprinting all the way with the blood bottle. The rain on the opposite side must have never imagined that my speed could increase to this level, but with just a blink of an eye, I was wearing white The arrow rushed into him less than 200 meters.

"See when you can reach it!" Yu Luo shouted.

I immediately changed the cold light sword to the ice armor to launch the damage reduced by the ice armor. I rushed to him in an instant and "clicked" the ice armor was broken, "Hah!" I stretched out my right hand, and then hit it with a strong palm! The rain fell from the front and took my lightning-like high-speed assault.

That right palm. Wrapped with a layer of white light, it is this light that presses on the rain and at the same time a powerful force launches from the explosive effect of the grab gun that explodes in this not so strong hand!

"Boom!" The heavy explosive power of Yu Luo's chest exploded and grabbed the bomber. He flew away instantly—2134 points of damage floated out. I do n’t know how much blood was killed, but he made a mark on his chest. Rain After falling in the air, I turned around several times before landing, and at the same time gliding backward for one meter, but less than a second after he landed, I had greeted the Ruyi stick, and the Ruyi stick became larger and thicker. Then destroyed the blow, smashed the blow, and the energy explosion. The rain fell with his arms crossed and raised his head. Then a golden shield appeared at the front of his arms to meet my skills. Three skills burst the rain on that golden shield. When the ground stood, the entire land was sinking, the golden shield was broken, and the rain fell at the same time reached out my hand and grabbed my wishful stick, and attacked my attack.

At the same time, Ruyi stick changed back to its original size.

"Yeah!" Yu Luo shouted, grabbed the front end of Ruyi Stick with both hands, and stepped on the ground with both feet, moving to the other side.

I was thrown out by him with a stick. I fell tens of meters away and bumped into a big tree, and a stamp was hit on the thick tree-311 points of damage were blown out. The damage was not great, but I felt a lot of pain behind it, as if the bones were broken. Immediately treat yourself with gas therapy.

"There are two hits ..." Rain fell out of breath and he seemed to be quite concerned about the attack I just made. This kind of brutal fighting method might not even be thought of by such a close-minded person for a while, but I have already If it weren't for his golden shield relying on his hands alone, I'm afraid his hands would be abolished.

"You're such a messy guy, I didn't expect it."

"I have always been like this, you have to be careful about people who are messing around with me." If you say, until now, I have learned that this opponent is very dangerous, and the skills I have are extremely dangerous, careless If you do, you have to plant it here.

In previous battles, I did not encounter this type of masters. The masters of the other party were not serious enough to cope with it. What I have to do to deal with such people is to go all out.

"Come on!" I patted the dust on my body. Qi therapy has already repaired my body almost. The dialogue just restored my endurance value a lot. In order to fight against such an opponent, it will be too bad to fight like this. You must be serious and fight 120% of your spirit.

At this moment, Yu Luo was wrapped in a faint golden light. It seemed that he had disappeared at this time, and the crossbow on his arm was emitting an unnatural golden light.

I raised my head, the two dragons in the air were still struggling together, biting each other with their claws or teeth. At this time, although my summoned beast can be summoned, after blindly summoning the beast to let them die in vain, I must find a chance, Relying on them to win, now they can only fight on their own strength.

fighting! Fight on! Kill your opponent! win! In my mind, what sound is constantly sounding, that crazy killing intention, expanding endlessly. The body wall is constantly being impacted. At this time, I don't want to limit it, nor will it limit this crazy killing intention. The anger for being hungered for fighting and the moon being hunted down all came from the person in front of me.

Already, enough, already, there is no need to be patient anymore, let everything burst out! The voice in my head told me this way, a stronger and more violent power burst into my heart.

As soon as the body was broken by the wall, it was almost a bit! Just a little bit! Breaking through it to gain more powerful power, at this time I felt a force leaking from my body. This power started to shake the whole earth, and a huge airflow erupted around me, forming a huge storm. The great power condensed around me into something like a vortex, making a huge roar.

"This ... this is! No! Since breaking through at this time will not let you succeed, come on, take this barrage of souls. If you can take it, the suppressive force in your body may be Makes you a terrible monster, if you ca n’t reach it then you know! "Yu Luo tied his crossbow with his right hand and held it up, his left hand was grabbed on the arm of his right hand, and a dazzling golden light burst from the crossbow. His hand began to move parallel to his body, and the terrible energy above the crossbow was being charged.

The same powerful energy gathered around him, and then turned into a huge white light group, and then the crossbow was completely wrapped in this light group. The unprecedented sense of oppression was generated around me, in the presence of powerful forces, even the air Nothing seems to exist.

"Ka! Ka!" The ground beneath my feet began to appear numerous huge cracks, the limit of the strength gathered on the body, various energy fluctuations, hit against that wall, and the energy continued to squeeze and invade, finally, After all this was pushed to the extreme, I found that my body was gradually emitting a shining white light. In the white light, I felt a power, and at this moment I finally broke through, and that wall was broken through. Then, the force behind the wall sucked himself in like a whale swallowed.

and many more! It didn't suddenly feel wrong. The instillation of this power stopped. The next moment my entire body softened, and the whole person kneeled on the ground with both hands to support the ground. His sweat was dripping from his head.

At the same time "嘭!" The golden energy on the crossbow surrounding the white light group began to swell and grow. In the hot wave of energy, the crossbow seems to have become bigger and huge. I do n’t know if it ’s what my eyes tell me. At this time, the energy gathered on the crossbow seems to be pure energy, and there is almost nothing special. Attribute is to gather its own powerful power in everything and erupt the power to destroy everything.

"You failed to make a breakthrough! I'm so sorry, I will slowly study after eating my soul barrage! Take it! Soul barrage! Energy bombardment!" Yu Luo's stunt has always been recharged. To be honest, there is no attribute of simplicity The moves are often the best ones. This kind of attack without any attributes will not have any restraint.

Yu Luo started to pull his left hand on his right arm back, and I saw that the left hand was holding a string! Pulling a bowstring, around his land, as if all material was eliminated. Forms a small vacuum world in a circular shape. The crossbow has condensed to the extreme energy, and it is a perfect combination of white and gold arrows mounted on the crossbow.

"Ah!" With the roar of the rain, the arrow he called the Barrage of Souls was sent out, and this white and gold mixed energy gathered around this arrow, approaching it with devastation and rottenness. The energy in the air in front of me seemed to form an invisible huge mixing machine that shattered countless crushed stones, weeds, everything, and even the earth broke down.

"Damn!" Am I unwilling to be killed like this? would not! "Gatling Blast comes out!" Throwing a metal ball loudly summons Gatling Blast.

"Boom!" A barrage of souls condensing this terrible power burst out in front of my eyes, and the storm of gold and white that ripped everything was like the sky and the earth. The air, all rolled in, and then shredded, turning the world into nothingness!

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