Master Summoner Online

Chapter 208: Flower delivery task


"What's wrong? Didn't you understand me, adventurer? I need you to give ninety-nine roses to women in the city."

"Ding ~! Do you accept roses?"

This ... I was very hesitant, but I still ca n’t get the map to the Dragon City if I ’m not sure about it and I do n’t pick it up. After receiving the task, open the task introduction-

The gift of giving a female rose can be unusual in meaning. Although the customs of different countries are different, this task examines the player's courage and being a human. Whether the other party accepts it or not, it can also be seen how the giftee thinks about the giftee. The rose for this flower delivery mission is set as a red rose. Players can purchase it from the Glorious City Commercial Street Flower Shop. The mission time is 3 hours. Please send the rose flower within the specified time or the mission will fail. Then start counting.

Note: Each rose can only be given to one person, more than invalid.

Well, there is a time limit. Each person can only give one. This task is strange enough and harsh. After taking the task, the flower shop bought ninety-nine roses and three copper coins each. Women only need one copper coin and buy ten They also gave one, and the man didn't even give a fart.

Organize your clothes and hold the blooming red roses. Although it is very crowded at night, especially to the square. "I don't like this task at all ... what should I do if Aizhao is me?"

"It doesn't matter. It's a rare experience to do it, brother Long." Tian Zhao patted my shoulder.

This task is really interesting, and I have never achieved a task like this. I was curious, would there be a girl accepting the red rose I sent out, what if I was a hooligan?

"Okay, let me try." I stared at the red rose in my hand, and a certain mage MM wearing a red magic robe with a burning flame temperament appeared in front of me. I ventured forward to start the first offensive.

"This friend, the night ... but I use it to find the light, you ... I have never met a woman with a unique flavor like you, you are my angel ..."

Well, I really should recite some things like Ye Shuang's love poems. The mage MM in front of me looked at me with a strange look and said, "Uh ... sorry, I don't understand what you are saying Do you want to send me flowers? But I'm sorry I can't accept gifts from unknown men. Maybe, you are a good person, goodbye. "The other side rejected me cleanly and ran away.

This is still a good temper, if you hit a bad temper, it is slapped over.

But I can't just give up. Failure is **** successful, and all great successes suffer setbacks before victory.

Who are you looking for next? I wandered around the square. At this moment, I saw a beautiful woman holding a blue harp in her hand. She should be a woman who is proficient in music and art.

I immediately stepped forward, but the other person seemed to leave after seeing me. Am I scared, am I so scary?

"Brother Long, can you give the first flower to Tianzhao." Tianzhao playfully bounced my face, then stood in front of me.

"Of course." Then he picked one of the ninety-nine red roses he held, and handed it to Tian Zhao, but the summoned beast he gave to him was not counted.

However, immediately after Tian Zhao took the flower, a pop-up "98 roses left" popped up in my task prompt.

It ’s really possible but you can only send it once, and then you ’re in trouble, “You brother can call your female friends here to send them flowers!”

It ’s a good idea to hear what Tian Zhao said. Contact your friends right away, and the student congregation girls are all online and immediately send a message to Summer: "Are you free in summer?"

Xia Xia replied: "What's wrong? Is there anything? We just finished the last round of tasks and we need to take a break off the assembly line."

I said, "Will you be able to come to Glorious City before you go offline and help me with the task?"

"What's wrong, what task did our NB Summoner stump." Summer laughed.

I said, "It's right to come. This task has time constraints, and to call them all. The more people, the better, and they must be women."

"What mission is so mysterious ... Okay, it's okay now, anyway," Summer replied.

Half an hour later, "Long Ling brother, we are here!" Xiao Guang, with a big personality, ran over happily, while waiting for the girls to be behind her in the summer.

Xia Xia said, "What is your mission, Dragon Spirit? Da Lao Yuan called us over."

I held up the rose in my hand and said, "Pick one for everyone."

But the girls did not take it away immediately, but were thinking about what it was like. Yinyue said, "You guy, do you always call us to send us flowers?"

I nodded. "See you back" all the girls said in unison, turning around and seeming to leave, "Wait! I said it's not good for you to help, this is my last task!" I began to scream.

The girls turned back one by one and showed weird eyes. Summer laughed: "Is it good to help you complete the task!"

"Yeah, it's no good. I won't do it." Yinyue said.

"We can't work for nothing." Guardian said.

"Okay." I shouted, "Wait off the line and I'll invite you to supper, so that's always okay."

"It's almost the same," Summer said.

I first gave a flower to Xiaoguang, Xiaoguang cheerfully accepted "Do you like it?" I said

"Like!" Xiao Guang laughed.

The third flower is Silver Moon.

"It's not bad, it's your last gift." Yinyue said.

The fourth flower is the guardian.

"Giving women red roses, your mission is really weird." Guardian took the flower and said

The next summer, but her name did not take over the flowers immediately, I asked, "No?"

Xia Xia said, "No. It's time for a flower supper for a supper, but you fool don't know what it means to give this to a girl?"

"I don't have the mood to take care of this now." I smiled bitterly.

The sixth flower is phoenix.

"Thank you, I actually like flowers." Huofeng accepted it happily.

It was very smooth to send out six flowers, but only people I knew. Seriously, it was really embarrassing if the flower delivery was rejected.

What to do next? I started to suffer again. After giving six roses to a girl I knew well and not being rejected, the remaining ninety-three red roses were really painful.

How could I get such a **** mission, but at this time she wore a half-body armor that was easy to move, and her delicate body covered her slender body. It looks like he should be a warrior and a warrior who is good at attacking techniques such as skills and speed. At this time, the beautiful dark-haired girl with such long legs has sat with some people and said, "I have the courage You are the one who gives flowers like this in this city. "

"Who are you?" I asked, looking at this kind of awkward person.

"It's her." Summer

"Troublesome guy." Huofeng

I asked, "Do you know each other?"

Huofeng said: "We are all born in this city. This person is the eldest sister here, the glorious city first mercenary regiment, and the boss Wushuang Jian Ji."

"So what, I'm doing my job, what about her?" I said.

Wushuang Jianji said, "I hate men the most. You want to send flowers here, but I won't allow it."

"Hey, hey, why don't you allow me to send my flowers, you go your way, what's wrong with you, Obasan!" I shouted.

"Here, she hates people calling her Obasan the most." Summer whispered to me.

At this point, Wushuang Jianji had already been violently violent, and growled angrily: "Boy, I want to fight you, you must apologize to me if you lose, and get out of this city at the same time.

I could not help seeing her angry and said, "Okay! If you lose, you and everyone under you must take a flower of mine."

"Good!" Wushuang Jianji said.

Summer said: "Be careful, this guy is very strong."

I laughed: "Not afraid. The stronger the opponent, the more fighting spirit I have. I must win this battle."

"Huh! Imaginative dream!" Wushuang Jianji replied politely.

Location, town PK field, this is where players can learn from each other. There are more cities in each city. I have never been to this Wutai Shuangshuang Jianji and asked, "Boy, what kind of profession? How many levels?"

"Well, I'm just a summoner, level 50 is not enough," I laughed.

"How is the summoner? How did you choose such a junk class? Look at your outfit and you are a soldier for you." Wushuang Jianji said.

I said lightly: "Warrior I am not a warrior, but when it comes to warriors, I have done a lot without the summoned beast, arrogant and arrogant, but not very powerful."

Wushuang Jianji said, "I'm still a master, I don't seem to pay much attention to our soldiers."

I laughed: "How can there be, some soldiers are really not good?"

Wushuang Sword: "Don't you dare to summon the beast and me?"

"Hey, hey, don't be too much. Does the summoner need to summon the beast to fight with you as a warrior!" Shouted Xiaoguang from the audience.

I laughed: "No, I can beat her without calling the beast."

"Arrogant!" Wushuang Sword Ji pulled out a sword that wasn't at his waist. This sword was not a type of sword often seen but a Western sword. Wushuang Sword Ji pointed at me and said, "Come on, Let me defeat your confidence! "

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