Master Summoner Online

Chapter 189: go ahead

Han Guangjian dropped a zombie's skull in front of me and cut it off. I don't know whether it was blood or brain. The black liquid splashed and swept away, and it cut off half of its head in one fell swoop.

The zombie without a half-pulled head opened his ugly mouth and opened a scream of anger and pain. I slashed a sword around his neck and fell down. At this time, a tragic green slime was like an arrow. Direct me. I hurriedly avoided, and the mucus flew to the ground as soon as it came out, and a white foam appeared on the stone ground to make a "zizi" sound.

Acid Zombie Level 63, Elite Beast, Introduction: Zombies living in underground ruins can spray mucus with strong corrosion ability and can destroy the enemy's defense.

Immediately I waved the cold sword, this acid zombie was chopped down by me and no blood. The last sword wiped out his head. The acid zombie in his head shook a few times and immediately fell to the ground.

I got an acid zombie, but I can pass the screams one after another, and there are a lot of zombies in my eyes, but I find that these zombies are not powerful. They are powerful because they are very large. The entire passage was occupied, and the corpse sea tactics were played to the fullest.

Against the front of a line of warriors and summoned beasts to resist the attack of this group of zombies, the Hellfire Demon inserted his hands into the ground, and suddenly turned into a lava pool in front. The zombies suddenly fell into the magma zone. Suddenly took 1000 points of fire damage, the number of injuries was frantic, the firepower was full and the incense saw the fire property skills are very effective. Immediately, whether it is a single unit or a group, as long as it is fire magic, it will roar in the zombie group, These fire skills also have a strong lethality to the zombies, and each successful release of the skills is accompanied by a lot of flying injuries.

The zombies hissed in the fire. Several of us who can fight melee take the opportunity to wield their weapons and fight hard to advance. The pretty doctor continues to add blood and status to us. If this continues, it is not sleepy to clear the zombie group, but at this time, a A new unexpected situation has emerged!

"Boss! There are many zombies in the back of the mine!" The vole said blushingly, "there are too many to count!"

It is hard enough for us to cope with the attack on one side. If we are struck by both sides, I am afraid the situation will be greatly worse.

"Give you guys behind Tianzhao!" I shouted, and Ziyue shouted at the same time: "Kuchulin, you go too."

"Yes! Brother Long."


In the back of the mine tunnel, more than a dozen heads have been seen dragging their feet, saliva-filled zombies came over, and their ugly faces were twisted sharply. As if suffering great pain, the only way to vent the pain is to tear these humans in pieces and swallow them.

When these zombies approached within a dozen meters, Tianzhao and Kuqiulin would kill them. —5525—5145—5141… —4256—4656—4566 ... The chin is about to fall off. He certainly didn't think about how the attack power of these two people would change. He certainly didn't expect them to be summoned beasts instead of players, eh! Don't be distracted when fighting. I immediately draw my attention back to the zombie in front of me.

"The roaring hell's flames form an insurmountable barrier! Protect me!" The firepower shouted loudly, and then his staff waved ten meters in front of us. A fire wall across the passage suddenly rose, and the rising hot flames rushed straight The top of the mineway separates the zombies from us.

Those zombies chased from behind were helpless against the wall of fire, dare not cross the thunder pool, they screamed angry but helpless, but there were still many bold zombies jumping into the wall of fire, but immediately burned to ashes, then The mark suddenly struck "What is he doing?" Qiao Yuyi exclaimed.

"Shadow Strike! Taunt!" The lone mark drank in a low voice, struggling in the zombie group. Whenever he ran, those zombies followed the devil, followed him, and the lone mark ran into the wall of fire. He also ran in obediently and was burned into a horse. The firepower kept swallowing medicine to maintain the continuity of the wall of fire. After the lone mark brought a group of zombies into the army, we also brought in a murderous kill with weapons in our hands. Cut down on those zombies like a violent storm. At this time, it is meaningless to use skills. The skills of the same team cannot hurt teammates. We are in the fire wall! One end is cut.

The Hellfire Demon roared to join us in the battle. Its flames were much stronger than this wall of fire. The zombies fell down in batches, and the lone marks brought a batch of zombies. Soon, most of the zombies had been destroyed. There was no major problem in making the siege within 5 minutes.

"Ah!" The fighting naughty made a terrible cry, and a purple claw reached into his chest—2131 points of damage floated out and his face became purple—100—100—100 ... Several purple poisoning damage numbers floated out of the battle The niche could not help yelling, "I have XX OO, that **** attacked Laozi!"

As soon as the words fell, I saw two black shadows flashing on the top of the mine tunnel, and two monkey-sized monsters rushed to the rock wall, and swiftly used the strength to bounce up and pounce on Cola!

This monkey-like monster popped three claws of nearly 20 cm in length on each of its forelimbs, grasped it directly to Cola's head, and the whistling sound of the claws piercing the air was clear and audible!

Coke immediately held up the alloy shield in his hand to resist the harassment in front of him. In desperation, he raised his sword to meet one of the monsters, blocking the opponent's flutter, and the other monster's claws were about to sting his helmet.

"Roar ~!" The Sonic werewolf roared Cannon and was released. The monster was immediately stunned in midair, and then recruited Cola's unreported intelligence, but the monster was agile and quickly escaped.

"What was that just now?" Cola called, and the fighting naughty was also healed by Qiaoyu, and then we watched that monster jumped back to the zombie group immediately after jumping back to the mine wall, Driven in search of the next goal.

I immediately scanned this monster, Poison Claw Zombie, Level 65, Elite Beast, Introduction: The acid zombies that have been eroded by poisonous gas all year round in underground ruins have mutated and become unable to spray acid, but they turn the acid into The venom covers the whole body, especially the venom contaminated on the forelimbs' paws.

At this moment, the poison claw zombies avenged on the Sonic Werewolf who had just done bad things, but it found the wrong object. The poison claw zombies just jumped up and met the crescent moon of the Sonic Werewolf in the air. The moment the Sonic werewolf jumped out of the ground, countless boxing greeted him, and this poisonous claw zombie was immediately hit into the ground and did not move.

Another poisonous claw zombie quickly turned into a data stream under the revenge of the siege of combat naughty and Cola.

We then proceeded to fight with the remaining zombies. The zombies blocking the front were already very sparse. Just a few more rounds of slashing could clear a safe passage. The zombies in the back were already chopped by Tianzhao and Kuchulin. After that, the fire wall was fully removed.

It's stabbing! A few flashing electric flashes suddenly flashed in the mine tunnel. The four of me, the fighting naughty, Coke, and the lone mark immediately twitched back, and there were several injuries on my head!

"Not good! It ’s a discharge zombie, you guys retreat!" The vole hurriedly shouted, "These zombies do n’t have high attack power. Although the lightning they emit does not have a strong lethality, it has an additional paralyzing effect to attack Their bodies will also be paralyzed and unable to move. "I heard he said that I understand that this monster is very troublesome for melee players.

Discharge Zombies, Level 55, Reinforced Monsters, Introduction: These mutated zombies are entangled by lightning in a thunderstorm. The lightning can attack the enemy and those who attack them will be damaged by lightning.

This kind of discharge zombie is much more handsome and elegant than other zombies without arms and legs. They are about two meters tall, have a complete body but are all blue and are entangled with blue and white currents. On the same bare head, two Blue ghostly eyes, just like ghosts, stared at the crowd gloomily.

Their open hands form a sphere around the chest. A blue electric current is gradually generated between the palms of the hands. Once this electric current is thick enough to reach the size of the thumb, the discharge zombie pushes the hands flatly. warrior.

There is indeed a set! However, I can't help it. The metal ball is thrown. My love will show Gatling Blast Dragon, "fire!" Click! Click! Click!

With my order, the Gatling machine gun in front of the Gatling blaster fired at the same time! At the same time, a photon missile launcher sent out a luminous missile from its body, forming a dense barrage to meet the incoming zombie group.

In this narrow passage, Gatling Blast Dragon began its masterpiece. The powerful fire suppression in a short period of time is its masterpiece. Its attack does not cost magic ammunition supplies at all, and once it comes up, it can fully serve the squad. The main attacker's duties.

The Gatling machine gun spouted his fire with a long tongue of fire! The first dozen zombies at the front were torn into pieces by large-caliber machine gun bullets in a split second, and the zombies that followed were even beaten with blood and wailed all over the place, like waves of wheat stubble. The ground fell.

boom! A glowing bullet opened a flashing flower in the eyebrow of a zombie who had been discharged. The eyes of the attacked zombie suddenly lighted up, and a current was sent when he raised his hand, hitting Gatling Blast Dragon squarely!

—10 points of damage floated, but Gatling did not have a fart. Instead, he opened his mouth, an orange-red light shot out, and instantly swept an open space among the zombies in front of him, and then a current hit me, and I But without its shield, he was suddenly numbed with electricity. "Ding ~! You are attacked by a current that discharges the zombie into a paralyzed state. You cannot do anything for 5 seconds!"

This zombie technique can be shameless, "Ding ~! Your teammate Qiao Yuyi uses the Holy Medical Beam to you!" Then a light curtain dropped immediately eliminated my negative state and helped me recover my qi and blood.

It's nice to have a nurse! I sighed that I continued to let the Gatling Blast Dragon output, and once suffered a loss, this time I learned smart, hiding behind the Gatling Blast Dragon, and relying on it to resist the attack of the discharge zombie.

... Then went into a big battle. The zombies in front of us all turned into our experience. The team and I and others outside Ziyue were promoted to the first level. The spoils of war were piled up all over the ground, and the battlefield was quickly cleared Then we came to the entrance of the third floor, everyone walked quickly together.

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