Master Summoner Online

Chapter 160: Fire Dragon King

"Roar—" A dragon yin rang through the whole world suddenly, as if all the creatures in the world had been shocked, responding to the roar of the mountains and rivers, Longyin! It was the most majestic roar between heaven and earth, and it was a symbol of absolute strength and status.

But not only if a human with a black body all over that pillar rides a war horse full of blackness, with a sharp sword around his waist, an invincible trend, and the war horse is also magnificent. A guy filled with a sense of anger appeared and laughed. My colleague carefully observed only to discover that it is not the war horse that can fly, there are countless wind elements entangled at the foot of the war horse, just like flying. Mess.

At this time Long Xin asked: "Well, who is that guy, is he the ultimate boss? That dragon is his younger brother?"

Xiao Ai then said: "Don't be kidding, if the dragon is his younger brother, then we don't have to live, Long Ling look at the details of those guys!"

I immediately opened the eyes of fire to scan the dragon in front ... Fire Dragon King, unknown level BOSS, Status: Dafa, Introduction: Fire dragons living alone in a crater in the Holy Land of Fire, basically will not leave except foraging. Crater step.

Dark Magi-Karent, 80-level BOSS, Introduction: Karent is a very good magic knight of a powerful empire in the West. He is proficient in all kinds of dark magic, especially the control system. Comparing to the gods, he is also the master of this series of siege warfare. The specific reason should not be known.

Yijian frowned and said, "Listen to you, that Karente used Dafa to control that dragon, didn't he?"

I nodded: "That should be it!"

At this time, Carrente had fallen under the pillar and laughed: "Haha, Tianlong City is known as the strongest defensive main city of the first empire in the East. Today I see how I destroyed it by myself. Not all of you Orientals call themselves dragons. Heir to me! Now I will use this fire dragon to kill all of you so-called heirs! The fire dragon king listens to my orders to attack! "He said that he took out his sword and directed the fire dragon king below, then wrapped around the pillar, and immediately acted, dragon tail At a sweep, a heat wave suddenly set off. This heat wave came fiercely. All the surrounding ruins were blown up all over the sky. An empty space was swept up from the ground. Everyone was scared by the destructive power of the Fire Dragon King. It seemed so casual. The sweep of the tail actually contained such great power, so some people hesitated, some people were afraid!

Mr. Zhao shouted loudly, "Classmates, success or failure is here. As long as we kill this BOSS, we will be able to defend Tianlong City. There will be countless rewards, but if you hesitate and shrink back, then not only will you lose this one. City, we still have to lose the third level, students, this is the last battle, everyone rushes up with me! "

There are probably more than 200 players from our academy roaring behind. In addition, this is the last remaining player in Tianlong City, but there are more than a thousand people. If this group of people is not good, then Tianlong The city can only be lost!

At this point, everyone was scattered, and it was obvious that they didn't want to be burned by it!

Three white light flashing electronic ultimate dragons are coming, followed by the mechanical tyrannosaurus and the battleship dragon beast, and the electronic dragon beast that reads weird noises. Finally, it is the guardian of the blue door rider who turns into a motorcycle. .

Branches of green leaves spread out, interlaced with each other into a set of green Kai Jia, and the little rookie that originally thought to be hanging appeared again, rushing up as a two-meter-high green giant.

A little bit of Mars floated up and formed a guard to protect the body. Long Xin raised his staff and began to read magic.

The weapon in one hand of the sword became a ten-meter extermination sword, holding the handle in both hands, and slightly pedaling with both feet. As long as the timing is right, a bad move is about to be issued, and it is a strike.

Feng Xiaoyue's thunderbolt suddenly became violent, and the soul-stealing sword in his hand was devoured by a thunderbolt into a lightning sword.

With the invisible holy sword in her hand, the moon can walk around constantly, and the sword also emits a dazzling golden light, and the sword of victory is ready to go.

`` `` `` `

Every strong man demonstrated his strongest power in an instant. Everyone understands that if he succeeds in killing dragons, he will get unbelievable benefits. At this instant, the fear of the fire dragon king suddenly disappeared. Everyone wants a fight.

All the strong men who thought they were eligible to participate in the dragon slaughter started their strongest at almost the same moment, which could almost be regarded as the strongest strike of the current Dragon Dragon City Powers, guarding the countless guns and bullets of the machinery army. Powerful light, heavy sword of extinct sword, Ye Shuang's "Royal Saviour", Magic Moon's "Sword of Victory", Long Xin's various fire magics "and my" Thunderstorm "... in an instant , All the horror skills, at the same time bombed the fire dragon king who despised everyone.

But the fire dragon king in front of me is a real dragon. The fire-red figure moved. Suddenly, it came out at a speed beyond everyone's imagination. With a wave of the claws of the dragon, the tail of the dragon swept away. The flames of Hellfire detonated into a mass of Mars dissipated in the air, and then another dragon tail hit the back of the battleship Dragon Beast. The armor on the back of the battleship Dragon Beast shattered into thousands of fragments and rolled over. When I went out, the ultimate destroyer of the mechanical tyrannosaurus was defeated, and she was hit hard, and fell down instantly, followed by a claw to detect the guard. If it was not the guardian of the ultimate electronic dragon, she would be affected by this. Hit the line, but her Electronic Ultimate Dragon also announced her retirement.

The little rookie was swept by the dragon's tail, and was instantly smashed. His head rolled out and was stomped. He couldn't die anymore.

Ye Shuang's royal savior was also escaped. At the same time, he took a dragon claw and crushed him to death, but at the same time, the sword was extinct and the sword was cut down on the dragon's body before he could brush out a -1 damage. Although I was hit by a dragon claw, although I saw that his body was a golden light, compared with invincible skills, he was still thrown away hundreds of meters away, and did not know where he fell.

The magic moon's sword of victory was also completely tickled by multiple mines of thunderstorm and Longxin fire magic. The fire dragon king swept away with a breath, the dragon battle quickly held us in our arms and we were protected from attacks, but other However, people directly encountered such a terrible counterattack. My summoned army of beasts suddenly died because they did not take back in time. Long storytelling, in fact, all this happened in the blink of an eye. Everyone showed their best moves. When the Fire Dragon King moved, everyone flew down and fell in all directions. In one move, the Fire Dragon King defeated everyone.


A bite of dragon's breath was sent out freely. Instantly, there were less than half of the players on the ground. The dragon battle also went back to sleep because of protecting me. Now there are no more than two hundred people on the field. At this time, a player directly throws his weapon in his hand. Out, I saw that the thing was a hammer head, but the hammer head bounced directly on the face of the Fire Dragon King. The Fire Dragon King's head didn't even paint a little damage to this defense force. It was amazing!

I saw Carent laughed: "Haha, stupid human, your useless attacks are undoubtedly futile. If any heroes survived the race battle, what might come from Tianlong City, but those guys Either dead or not as good as before, all of you are not saved! "Said to command the Fire Dragon King to attack again!

After the fire dragon king sprayed a huge fireball, the people scattered and fled. When a huge explosion was triggered, a large number of players were buried. At a time, the number of players was less than a hundred. In this way, Tianlong City could not completely defend it. live.

Talking again, several fireballs are flying out, and there are few players left online!

Long Xin hit meteor Fire Rain on the Fire Dragon King, then turned and instantly teleported, but the Fire Dragon King was faster and came to her in an instant, and then Long Xin was also offline!

Xiao Ai flies to the top of the Fire Dragon King, throws out four Javelins of Light, but can hit the Fire Dragon King with four -1 injuries. After the Fire Dragon King looks up and runs on Xiao Ai, he has no chance to even run!

At this moment, the Sky Fighter threw out a sword gas and changed a little damage. The Fire Dragon King turned back and saluted him and drowned him! This guy is probably the most powerful one who has died since the siege war.

The Fire Dragon King then spewed a flame vortex to burn Xiaoxi, Ziyue, Yinyue, Guardian and other people into coke instantly. At this time, I, Magic Moon, Fire Phoenix, Feng Xiaoyue, Summer and The priest Linger said that there are now 6 people left, and the man is me.

Seeing me coming back towards us, I lamented: "It's really unwilling to lose at the last minute after keeping so long!"

Then the Fire Dragon blasted out a fireball and flew towards us. I closed my eyes and waited for the offline!


With a light beep, I opened my eyes. Surprisingly, I was still playing, and the scene that appeared before me was so familiar!

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