Master Summoner Online

Chapter 157: Tyrannosaurus

This group of NPC troops rushed into the strange pile, which was extremely fierce, with weapons up and down, and monsters were beheaded. The battle between NPCs did not have any attack and defense at all. In their world, they were hit by weapons and killed. That injury, unlike players can take medicine or something.

At this moment, I found the existence of an incomparable ox fork, an NPC wearing a golden armor was waving the sword in his hand, chopping up and down, and a beast dragon fell to the ground! Extremely fierce.

Wow! This NPC is too fierce! Let me see what you are. Scanning with fire eyes and golden eyes, Zhao Han, Level 76 BOSS, introduces: The empire is sent to a dragon defender in Tianlong City. His task is to lead his subordinates to help adventurers during the last monster siege.

It turned out that a general sent by the system was no wonder that it was like this. I think there must be more than one NPC. Soon I saw that there would be BOSS of this level in the other three city gates. Suddenly the pressure on helping players was greatly reduced. At this time, I think that Kodo Beastmaster is incapable of dying, but the chance of being hanged by the NPC can be said to be very small, and there is no picking up of the exploding things. The right is set, that is, anyone can take it, just like the pie in the sky.

However, there is a master of this level to sit in the town, and there is no problem with monsters who want to block this wave. Of course, the tyrannosaurus has nothing now, after all, it is the strongest BOSS.

But even in a powerful existence, it wo n’t last long in the dense enemies. The NPC ’s blood dropped very badly. I roughly calculated it. Once this NPC team defeated, the team of players behind it will be fixed. Can't live, and now that the NPCs are gradually unable to support them, one by one, as the number of NPC teams getting closer and closer to the monster army, the players immediately reinforce this team, Numerous bows and arrows magic fly to the monster pile, there are too many mobs, the attack carrying the player should be crowded over.

The monster army is getting closer and closer than 300 meters from the inner city wall. The monster army is now rolling like a black stormy sea, and it is estimated that it will take up to ten minutes to finish this NPC team.

At this moment I saw that many priest players did not add blood to other players but added blood to that NPC, keeping his blood and blood stable at more than 80% of the safety line. I thought, as long as the NPC captain is here, cut down this The boss will not be too difficult!

The same situation can occur in other gates, and the situation is still not so optimistic. The NPC soldiers are killing less and less. At this time, the gates have been closed. Presumably, all NPC soldiers in Tianlong City have been dispatched. The soldiers given by this system are also Too little

Various spells of mages, archer's arrow rain covered the area below, the warrior player rushed out, but the player obviously couldn't resist the attack of this group of Beast Dragon monsters. Don't take a few more now while the monsters get the NPC to knock down the city wall. It's over!

The warrior players successfully attracted the hatred of the monsters below. The players above severely smashed them. The summoner's wolf tiger and leopard scuffled with the beast dragons. The output on the city wall was very happy, but the city wall floated at this time. There was a white light, and the fighters played very hard.

At the same time, the stones thrown by the trebuchets on the city wall fell to the ground and made a loud noise, but the monsters below seemed to have no feeling at all, not to mention those bow and crossbow cars, which were either rebounded or rubbed on the monsters. There is a Mars, but none of these Beast Dragon monsters will be remotely beaten by these things. They can only vent their anger on the fighters who resist them, batch by batch, and new fighters change batches and batches. In a batch, the two sides entered a war of attrition.

Those NPC captains have survived by the player's priest, and their soldiers have returned to the main brain, and as long as the priest is still there, there will only be more monsters killed by these BOSS-level NPC captains! At least it should be no problem!

The Kodo Beastmaster in the front was also planted in the hands of these NPC captains. One of the two bosses in this wave fell down. At this time, the terrifying dragon from the back shouted violently. It's extremely fast, and monsters and players are hit by it all the way.

There are fewer and fewer Beast Dragon monsters below. Without the help of this group of NPCs, I think the inner city walls have now been pierced by these monsters.

At this point, Zhao Bo immediately said: "Please pay attention to all the pastor professional students who practice, all the healing skills lock the remaining NPCs, all the skills with negative status are thrown to the BOSS, all the attack skills lock the BOSS!"

"Roar!" The tyrannosaurus resounded like a rocking mountain, and the tyrannosaurus shook his head, and his head, the size of a car, smashed into an NPC captain, and instantly hit this The NPC was knocked down, followed by another turn of his head, and his **** mouth opened wide, and he slammed, biting another NPC captain who had just rushed from head to waist.

After the tyrannosaurus bit the NPC captain, the head blasted wildly, forcing the remaining NPC captain to smash the mud, and then suddenly spit out the other half, stepped on the huge foot, and stepped on the name. Captain NPC stepped into the ground. Everyone was shocked to see a NPC captain face to face and was killed in seconds.

At the same time, the captain of the NPC named Zhao Han rushed to the front of the BOSS and slashed with a huge sword in his hand!

There were a few more scars on the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and the golden eyes swept away to find that this NPC set destroyed more than 300,000 blood of the boss, but the other side had 4.5 million blood and had to say that this boss was too strong It's up!


BOSS turned his body, and a heavy flick pulled him to Zhao Han and hit him far away. His body kept rolling and kept flying out of the distance of 100 meters. Then he stopped barely, and he couldn't climb for a while. stand up.

At this time, the last NPC captain was a magician. He waved his staff with millions of ice falling from the sky, and then a large number of ice cubes and whistling blizzards were all thrown at the BOSS, and the tyrannosaurus was frozen. At this time, when you see that there is a cheap player who can rush forward immediately, but the attributes of the two sides are too far apart to hit the damage, they are almost all forced by the system—1 point, but the Tyrannosaurus is not willing to be frozen at this moment. The thick scales of Tyrannosaurus turned upside down and crunched, and the frost that sealed it turned into a shatter.

Suddenly, the NPC magician had no time to act. The tyrannosaurus dragon who had restored his freedom had "slammed", swallowed the NPC magician who had just been in front of his mouth, and began to chew the final return. Hit a choke.

At this time, the two NPCs were knocked up and stood up again, and rushed towards the Terror Tyrannosaurus. At the same time, more players also made up. I jumped to the back of the dragon battle and the Gatling blasting dragon also followed behind. Carrying me and it fly into the sky, at the same time I see that my left is a guard sitting on the head of a mechanical tyrannosaurus, and my right is a purple moon sitting on the back of a silver eagle, and I said to them, "What are you doing? "

Guardian said: "Kill the boss, why not come?"

Ziyue said: "Yes, but let's watch the war first. We will die if we go up blankly."

"Okay." As I finished talking, the boss's huge tail was pumped on the ground, and Zhao Han was immediately pumped away. The whole person hit the city wall. A loud sound of "Boom" hit almost the entire city wall.

Then the players rushed towards the BOSS frantically under the leadership of the remaining NPC captain. But the monster in front of him saw his tail flutter, which immediately ended the lives of a small number of players around him, and then the terror dragon abdomen swarmed from On the left side, a black energy spewed out at the front 180 degrees, and a black flame descended. The players below suddenly burst into screams. Anyone who was touched by the black flame was almost spared, even the NPC soldier. Also burned to ashes, at this time Zhao Han started to rise from the ground, and a large group of priests on the city wall locked the treatment output on it, bringing his blood back to full! Zhao Han made a loud roar, his eyes turned red, and then the red and gray colors flashed on him. The skills of madness, fire of anger, and extreme defense were all used by him. Then what kind of anger, shock waves, and other messy skills? Hit **** BOSS!

This time destroying more than one million blood of the other side, the tyrannosaurus was angry, and another flick swept Zhao Han over the city wall. The priest hurried to add blood, but this time the tyrannosaurus hit the city wall immediately. The city wall collapsed, except for Zhao Han crawling out, players of such a piece were actually killed in seconds!

Then the other three players swarmed up. It seems that there is something strange here. It can be said that everyone must grab this BOSS and start to attack desperately. Countless skills fell on the BOSS, but they only played a little blood and tragic. Just playing MISS, the dragon battle flying in the air while the Gatling blasting the dragon Gatling kept blasting the tongue of fire also hurts little, but it is always safe, after all, the tyrannosaurus will not fly.

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