Master Summoner Online

Chapter 133: Heresy ruling

I went back and found that since I was not hanging, I looked up and saw the spikes and couldn't live a few centimeters away from me. Now that I stopped, a drop of blood fell on my face.

After a while, a voice sounded, "Master, are you okay." I heard this voice and I knew that since Dragon War came forward at the most critical moment, blocking us from this fatal blow.

I said, "It's all right."

"Hah!" Dragon War spurted blood, and at the same time the spikes also contained its body, but at this time it had several holes in it, and it was still bleeding, "Dragon War, you ... "

"Protection, Master, is my responsibility." Talking about the dragon battle, the body fell to the ground like a hill, and I saw that there were only a few hundred points left in its life, and it was still dropping little by little, and I hurriedly withdrew it. The dragon battle, but its condition in the summoned beast space has not improved, although the life is not lost, but there is no sign of recovery, it seems that it is really hurt too much, if this system update says that the summoned beast There are times of resurrection. Otherwise, many people will let their blood summon the beast hang up and wait for a period of time to be reborn. However, after the limit of the number of resurrection, no one wants to let them work hard to train the summoned beast. Go, but the number of resurrection is not fixed. The number of resurrection varies according to the level of the summoned beast. The higher the level, the more resurrection times.

Although I can't see the number of resurrection in the attributes of the Dragon War, but according to the understanding that the higher the level, the more the number of Resurrection, the number of resurrection in the Dragon War should be three digits, although this sounds like a lot, there is still a long way to go. The number of hundred resurrection is obviously not enough, so all must be cherished.

"You all right," I shouted.

The others stood up at this time, and the magic moon said, "It's okay, and you can fight again."

"Finally survived, Dragon Spirit thank you for summoning the beast." Summer thanked me.

"Go on." Honglian said calmly, picking up her too much.

"Okay! Let's go together! Explode it." I rushed up first with a loud scream, but I didn't know when Honglian had rushed to half before I ran to the front, pulled out the knife, and then jumped up the two spikes of the boss. At the first cross, crossed to the next one, and it made a squeaky sound. With this knife, Honglian cut the countless fine cracks on the two spikes of BOSS.

"The demon broken!" Honglian drank, and was cut out of numerous cracks and spikes by a single knife, and instantly disconnected. We were shocked and cut off the other two spikes with a single knife. Later, I had rushed over, and Tengyun attacked and attacked. , And then smashed the blow, the energy explosion, the assault, and fiercely bombarded the BOSS.

However, another spike of the BOSS swept away suddenly, and Honglian and I couldn't avoid being directly beaten and flew out. I saw Honglian in the air, since she adjusted her body in the air, and then stood on the ground very stably. Instead, I He didn't stand up like a kite that fell off the line and rolled out a few meters.

"You know how good I am." Summer shouted and picked up a black circular object about two meters long and about half a meter wide. At the front of this object is something that is a bit like a hive and a roulette used by a reduced roulette. Specifically, on a cylindrical cross-section, there are many round black holes. How does this thing look like a thing, a rocket barrel? !!

"Must kill, burst bombardment!" In the summer shout, the weapon on her hand began to rotate at a high speed, and then fired countless colorful things at a speed that ordinary people could not capture.

Boom boom boom ... Countless artillery shells hit the boss, although the minimum damage is only 1 point and the maximum is only 50, but the effects of those things are extraordinary. BOSS rushed out with multiple colors. Burning damage of red ground "-1". "-1" purple poison damage. Finally this blue "-2" frozen damage came out. It's not easy for anyone to hit this thing.

In the summer, she was so excited that she couldn't hit anything with her bazooka. She looked at us with a crying face and said, "5555555, there is no bullet."

We heard a row of black lines on our heads, but at this moment Honglian said: "Moon Moon, Dragon Spirit, help me."

"What are you going to do?" I asked.

Honglian said, "Hit your strongest tricks on me."

Hagiyuki said, "What stupid thing are you talking about?"

I said, "Yeah, if you do that, you must do it!"

Honglian said, "Do n’t talk nonsense, hurry up! I want to instill all your strength into my sword, and I alone can't break through its overall defense, then we will gather all our strength together, like this It should be ok, and I have a 20% chance of ignoring defense on my knife. This hit can definitely cause a lot of damage to it. "

"So it is"

"If you know, just do it." As I said, I rushed up first, and I followed up with Magic Moon. Magic Moon gathered the powerful wind energy on her hands, and her entire hand was wrapped in a hurricane. "Contract-the sword of victory! "

"Come here, the Sonic Werewolf!" The second auxiliary skill of the War Beast Division was launched side by side. At the next moment, the three-meter-high Sonic Werewolf came to me in an instant and then I immediately ordered the fist of victory to start. The huge golden fist energy and the golden torrent Swallow Honglian's body together.

Then in this mass of golden energy, Honglian rushed out, and the blade of her sword turned golden, but the boss would not let her cut herself so easily. Three spikes sprinted over quickly, and the Sonic werewolf jumped up immediately. A strong punch hit a spike and then opened his mouth wide. A loud roar sounded and the BOSS was fainted.

At the same time, Honglian had jumped into the air, and the blade of the knife in her hand became long, with a length of tens of meters. "Heterosexual ruling!" Honglian drank sharply, while the giant golden blade looked at BOSS stiffly, and then followed Honglian's body descended and chopped down. When she reached the ground, Honglian jumped away, and then the huge body of the BOSS was also cut in half, and the amount of -500,000 damage was brushed out. I wiped my eyes completely. I can't believe that since such a terrible number of injuries will occur.

But then something unbelievable happened. Since the BOSS was cut, the guy was divided into two just now. Since the part started to squirm, it also grew wings, limbs, head, tail and other organs. Honglian I was the first to stab -1340 points of damage. At the same time, Mirage also wielded a sword. I saw a thousand points of blood again. At the same time, I also pulled out the cold light sword and then reaped a lot of blood from the boss. When we were trapped half of this BOSS, since the other half flew up, it flew towards Tianlong City.

But not far before, a white energy beam swept over it, and then countless shells hit the tower, and then a dark shadow appeared in the air at high speed and kept harvesting the BOSS blood.

At this time I realized that since the person who shot was the guardian and her vote of the mech clan beast, relying on the electronic ultimate dragon and mech tyrannosaurus to suppress in the air, the battleship dragon beast kept on the ground and the electronic dragon beast approached. Fight.

Although I do n’t know what is going on in Dragon City, but now the BOSS is being pinned down by us. Players in Dragon City should be able to get those Thunder Beasts by relying on the tactics of the sea.

Time passed by a little bit, and the blood of the BOSS was almost cleared by us, but at this moment the two-part boss screamed and then shook us away sharply, and then the two guys were holding each other in the air, what were they doing? , Engage in base? !!

The two guys hugged and glowed. "Oops! It seems to explode!" Summer said, in fact, she doesn't need to say that anyone who sees this situation knows that something is bad, but she must escape anyway.

With a "Boom!" Sound, a huge loud noise sounded in the sky, and then a bright white light was emitted, which took my eyes, and then I lost consciousness.

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