Master Summoner Online

Chapter 1095: Two-game losing streak

The battlefield came to a prairie. At the beginning of the game, the two sides acted at about the same time. The boots stepped on the grass and walked along the line several times. The two men crossed each other and launched their first tentative attack.

After the first trial, the two sides pulled away, and the two rushed out at the same time.

Xueyue lowered her body and rushed forward, almost sliding against the ground, and rushed forward, turning around when she was almost in front of Lucifer, and the right-handed sword was cut diagonally downward to the left. The opponent's Western sword met the two weapons staggered, and then a fierce spark broke out. But Xueyue used a two-stage attack. The left-handed sword was 0.1 second slower than the right-handed offensive and slid into the inside of the shield. The two swords were fan-shaped and sealed each other to avoid space.

The left blow was almost blocked when it reached the enemy's side abdomen. It was not that the guy had a shield like a magician on the left. The left shot only had a ring-shaped light effect and emptied a circle. It's a pity, but this blow was only used to say hello to the beginning of this battle. Use your sword skills to get the distance and reposition.

This time Lucifer launched an assault with a right-handed Western sword like a salute. His right hand drew countless sword shadows in the void, which made people unclear.


A series of consecutive stabs were blocked by Xueyue. While blocking the opponent's attack, he sprinted to the right, using direct speed to bypass the opponent's sword, and cut into the blind area of ​​the opponent's field of vision. Allow plenty of time to respond to an attack.

But Lucifer held up the Western sword-"Aurora Sting!"

As the other party drank softly, the Western sword stabbed towards Xueyue, dragging the white effect light towards it.


Xueyue immediately crossed the swords in both hands to resist the attack. This caused a strong shock but ejected her whole body several meters away. First insert the right-hand sword to the ground to prevent it from falling, and then land in the air after a turn.

Unexpectedly, if this guy's attack determination is rapid, my reaction can be even faster than Xueyue.

Immediately following the addition of the opponent, Xueyue held up with two swords, and a series of stormy metal collision sounds came from the air. Originally, there were more attacks with two weapons, which can be used to win the game, but now The situation is really unexpected, the other party blocked Xueyue's offensive with two swords alone.

The dark red light of the Western sword in Lucifer's hands flashed, and suddenly a dark red arc moon was swept away. Xueyue dodged for the first time, but began to take a slower step. The Western sword brought the arc moon across her shoulders, causing damage. Number-9004!

While taking out the damage, Xueyue gritted her teeth, and the double sword in her hand burst into a cross-shaped sword light, which is the effect of the heaven and earth cross sword.


Lucifer sighed and had no time to reverse the blade to block. The armor was hit by the cross-shaped sword light, bringing out three terrifying damage figures—19129—19222—19126 attack power of the full attack soldier. Too strong, no time to readjust the situation after one hit, and once again use the sprint to shorten the distance between each other. The right hand immediately fired a single attack spur with a red light, and a metallic sound like a jet engine stabbed the opponent's chest. "Click!" The explosion sounded, and the opponent was bounced. Although there was no way to penetrate the shield outside this guy, the slight damage felt like "penetrating" past. The other's blood strips were slightly reduced. But this injury is not enough to determine the outcome.

When the opponent bounced off, Lucifer rushed his left hand behind his back at first, and suddenly rose, swelling red flames swallowing down in the sky, and Xueyue stepped on the phantom step and shifted behind him, dragging behind him. The long phantom flashes the flames falling from the sky just by moving.

As Xueyue dodged the falling flames in the sky, Lucifer raised a golden light on one hand and fell on her.

+ 34654 + 3000 ...

More than 30,000 points at a time? A continuous recovery of nearly three thousand per second? Just for a moment, the amount of blood that had just been cut off by Xueyue suddenly recovered more than half, and continued to recover.

This value makes people tremble, Mo Wusheng already knows that he is a double martial art of Mo Wu. He did not expect a cure that is even more terrifying than most priests, even if the priest hides his profession.

A "snap", the gravel on the ground splashed, and a whirlwind rose at the foot of Lucifer, moving faster than a human, faster than the snow moon that blessed the phantom step, and the snow moon just flashed Immediately greeted by the rush of Lucifer, "铿铿 铿" three swords in a row as fast as thunder, Xueyue used two swords to block.

This was followed by super high-speed continuous performances. The sword was resisted by the sword, and the sword was ejected by the sword. A variety of colors of light are constantly scattered around the two people, and the impact sound runs through the ground. Small attacks from time to time will occasionally hit each other, and the HP of the two will start to decrease little by little. Even if he was not hit by a heavy attack, as the battle between swords and swords became more and more fierce, the blood on both sides continued to decrease, Xueyue's rapid attack did not give the other party a chance to replenish his blood, and his own blood was reduced because of constant attacks.

The next moment, Xueyue gave up all defense, and the sword of both hands began to attack. It was a skill I gave her called "Starburst Air Slash". This trick can only be learned by full attack fighters. The sword was attacking the opponent like a stream of flames spurting from the stars. Under her continuous attack, Lucifer had begun to parry, and continued to chop him up, down, left and right. The reaction of the other side was getting slower and slower, which meant that he couldn't stop it! Lucifer, who had no expression for a long time, suddenly flashed a look of emotional expression on his face. what happened to him. Are you getting impatient? Suddenly, as long as the final blow has broken through his defense. The blade of the right hand lifted off the opponent's western sword, and the attack of the left hand dragged the light, and greeted Lucifer. As long as this attack works, immortality will also cause serious injuries. At this time, the world begins to distort.

......! I don't know how to describe it. It should still be said that time seems to have been stolen.

By the way, Hualian also gave me the time when everything around her was paused when she launched Tears Unparalleled. Now this is how Xueyue's attack stopped suddenly, just like the record player turned fast, the blocked western sword came to the left instantly, and the smashing blow was blown away.

Immediately follow the left hand and raise it flat, put out a claw type to force a grasp!


Countless soul powers moved up, directly binding Xueyue's body.

"Wh-", which made her heart cold and annoying secretly! Immediately chose to open the distance, but at this moment, a purple light flashed on the opponent's Western sword, the Western sword flew in the air, and the purple prison cage covered Xueyue inside!

Snow Moon fell into a lethal bondage. Lucifer certainly will not miss this opportunity.

"Broken Blade!"

A single stab from his right hand, with a cyan light, inflicted damage that was accurate enough to hate and just enough to end the battle, and Xueyue fell embarrassed on the spot.

1: 1 draw, Lucifer pulled back a point from Snow Moon.



Xueyue Telecommunications Standby Hall: "Woohoo, sorry I lost."

I immediately stepped forward and comforted: "It doesn't matter, the moment of victory or defeat, this is what you come to me, we still have hope! Yun Lan will see you next."

Yun Lan smiled with a smile and said, "Leave it to me."




The confrontation between the two, Yun Lan has an armor. This armor does not show his body wrapped tightly. On the contrary, the other side, Magic Ji, strikes a tight leather jacket, but the color is called dazzling white. Except for a small red cross on each side of the neckline, the back is empty, and the chest is dyed with a huge bright red cross, wrapped in a round and erect figure, which looks particularly attractive.





The battle begins!

The extreme breakthrough opened by two people at the same time, and they flew out at the moment when the battle began. The next moment, a magic black sword came out in the hands of the magical girl. Punch out!


—4211—17283 Two injuries flew out. The former was on the magical Ji and the latter was on Yun Lan. Yun Lan took a few steps back in one hit. The other party did not wait for Yun Lan to respond and closed. The purple light on the blade erupted almost instantly.

Yun Lan's beautiful eyes flashed a stunned color, hurriedly flipped her body, her right arm was raised high, and a transparent shield emerged to try to resist the opponent's attack.


The moment the sword hit the shield, it passed directly through the past. When the offensive right-handed sword was not completely hit, the left hand rushed out, and the left hand instantly turned into a black magic claw and hit Yun Lan!


Hyun Ji caused two injuries, flying from above Yun Lan's head --- 31202-19283. Once confronted by Yun Lan, he fell directly into the downwind. The whole person was bounced off by which attack of the magic claws just now. .

"The battle is over!"

The opponent's figure is like a ghost, and the black Taidao is suddenly sent out. The black flame from the Taidao sweeps the front. Yun Lan can't resist it. The other party can't help but launch a serial attack. The black sword vortex bursts out. When he escaped, he was twisted in by a vortex.


—90283 The vortex exploded, huge damage flew out, and Yun Lan was sent off the field.

1: 2, after Hualian's hard first score, she lost two games in a row. The defeat in this game is basically doomed.


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