Master Summoner Online

Chapter 1069: Dragon Gun Evolution

"This piece of equipment ..."

I murmured softly, looking at the new dragon gun, filled with cold, and also filled with flames, the original red color became more amazing red gold, and the barrel inherited the shape of the "red-eyed dragon gun".


Holding my recruit blade lightly in my hand, I trembled, and there was a glow of heat and cold in my hand, and a burst of heartbeat! This gun is alive!

A picture passed by, and two dragons roared in the sky. The huge red dragon on the left makes the original red-eyed dragon gun's broken dragon soul. The scales of the red dragon's body are flashing blood red, full of killing breath. This red dragon's horns have no forks, and dragon claws. There are only three toes, not even the ark, but the whole body is full of violent killing intentions, which makes people feel another kind of palpitations. The other dragon on the right is Scasa, but it is no longer that old, but full of vitality. The body is like an ice sculpture, and its length is hundreds of meters. It is estimated that it can match the realm of true red-eyed black dragon.

Watching in awe the two dragons flashed in front of him, filled with pride.


When I pulled out the new dragon gun, and my eyes touched the properties of the new dragon gun, my heart trembled suddenly. I know why I said that after walking with the Dragon Soul, I can walk sideways now. I did not expect that the attributes would be strengthened. In this non-human realm, well, basically, the next big world game is up to it!

Undead Flame Dragon-Belludinier Grade: Acquired Holy Attack Power + 25000-34500 Strength Specialization + 200 Armor Specialization + 200 Agility Specialization + 200 Magic Specialization + 200 Increases the user's attack power by 100% 30% of all attributes of the user.

There is a 5% chance to cause 7 times attack damage when attacking, which can overlap with any damage.

Special attributes: never wear. When the gun body is completely destroyed, there is a low probability of automatic recovery. This effect will be activated three seconds after the damage.

Incidental skills (1): Dragon's Flame (Destruction), Passive: 1% chance to burn the target with Dragon's Flame when attacking until death. Active: Consumes 1000 mana and burns the mighty dragon inflammation, causing damage to the main, lasting 5 seconds and cooling for 2 minutes.

Additional skills (2): Longyan breathes, consumes 1500 magic, throws the weapon into a dragon of flame, twines the target and burns, the target in the burning state creates 3000 constant fire damage per second, which will be generated after the combustion is over Explode and cool for 3 minutes.

Additional Skills (3): Flame Cannon, consumes 50 mana, saves a volcanic bomb (maximum of three) every 45 seconds, launches volcanic bombs to launch on the target, causes damage to the target, and consumes a volcano bomb. Launch interval is 15 seconds.

Additional Skills (4): Frost Breath of Skarsa, consumes 1250 magic, shoots Frost Breath of Skarsa, causing ice damage, and freezing the target for 2 seconds and cooling for 20 seconds.

Additional Skills (5): Skassa's Frostblade, consumes 1450 magic, the next attack, ignore the target's 70% defense, and ignore all shield defense effects. Cool for 70 seconds.

Additional Skills (6): Destruction-Death Shock: Consumes 70% magic and 50% breath, explodes all the energy in the gun, launches a devastating blow, causing 6000% damage, and then the gun body destroys itself. The skill cooldown is 20 hour.

Special Effects: Soul Imprint. This item cannot be traded, dropped, or strengthened.

Introduction: Undead Dragon Yan-Belludinir is the treasure of the dragon empire's first emperor Longan Princess-Gianla. It was transformed by the spirit of her partner Hell Yanlong-Belludinir and experienced numerous battles together. At the moment of life and death, with the efforts of the new master, the new dragon soul began to awaken slowly, and now the power of this weapon really began to emerge.

Requires Level: Level 160, Exclusive for Extreme Breakers.

"..." At this moment I don't know what to say, the Dragon Gun was not strengthened for the first time, but it has never been so thorough as this time, the attack power is almost several times before, the maximum attack power is 34500 points, the attack power Definitely the attack power that top-level soldiers with dual-arms have to look up to. I ran back with a shot and it was horrifying. The upgrade of skills made me stunned. It should be injected with Scazar's Dragon Soul. Relationship, and this upgrade even changed the weapon introduction and name. The Red-Eyed Dragon Gun is just a code name. Now it has a name that really belongs to it, Undead Dragon Flame-Belludinier. I woke up there for a long time and didn't wake up. The surprise came so suddenly. Now I am completely confident to bring people down. The final big move is to use self-destruct weapons for everyone. I really can't think of anyone else who can fight against himself, terrifying, too terrifying. At this stage, it is absolutely overwhelming the existence of all weapons, and it is definitely not an exaggeration to call it an artifact.

"Master ... Master, are you okay." Tian Zhao took a photo of me and said.

"Oh, nothing, nothing." I was so intoxicated that I almost forgot myself, and hurry up to get the last one of the Holy Dragon Yao. At the time of the world competition, I dare to take him directly even if I meet Leng Yueshuang .

"Master, can you take us back now," the black **** said over.

"Of course." I said.

Just about to leave. Suddenly Binglong MM said, "Please wait."

I said, "What's wrong?"

Binglong MM looked up at me and said, "Mr. Adventurer, if ... if I want to ask you, can I be with you?"

"Together?" I froze. "What does this mean?"

Binglong MM red lips lightly murmured, "One hundred years ago, I left Long Island independently, and eventually lost on the mainland. Lord Scasa saved me when I was in danger. Lord Scasa has returned. Dust, I'm alone here, so ... I want to be with you, it's better to be alone and lonely here, right? "

I was horrified and said softly in my mouth, "In fact, you can go back to Long Island."

"Don't! Long Island will be autistic if you stay on it for a long time." Binglong MM said dumbly.

"Dragons also have autism." What a fresh word.

"Of course it will. The Dragons can't survive the old age and die even if they are strong. And you should be able to take me to many places as a summoner." Ice Dragon MM began to get excited.

I scratched my head and said, "But my summoned beast space is full, you have no place to live." The five summoned beast space is really not enough.

"This ..." Binglong MM was obviously very disappointed,

At this moment, the black **** suddenly came up and said, "I have a way, master."

"Oh!" It would be nice to have a way.

The black **** stepped forward and said, "Would you like to be my mount?"

Before Binglong MM finished, I asked: "Mount? Black God owns a mount ?!"

Black God looked up at me: "Of course, master, you forgot that our series is classified according to different ranks, each rank has an exclusive rank ability, Tian Zhao's rank is Assassin, assassination The rank ability is called hidden breath. When this ability is activated, it can cut off the breath "completely." My rank is Rider and cavalry. The rank ability of my rank is riding. This ability is not It can only be played on specific beasts or riding objects, but it is omnipotent to almost all beasts, even fantasy beasts and **** beasts. They can be freely controlled. However, only dragon species cannot be controlled. Of course, I can do it myself Yes. The rank ability is a hidden attribute and does not appear in my attributes. "

I said, "I really agree with me!" Then he looked at Binglong MM. "Okay, I'm willing to be your mount!" Binglong MM trembled in his heart and clenched his fists.

"Ding ~! Ice armor dragon-Stella is willing to be your exclusive mercenary: Death Knight-Black God's exclusive mount, do you agree?"

This hint is the same as nonsense, agree, disagree is that my head is flooded.


In the next moment countless golden rays flew up, the feet of the ice dragon quickly turned into sporadic rays, and finally the whole body turned into sporadic rays floating into the body of the black god.

I was so excited that I quickly looked at the attributes of the Ice Dragon MM in the Black God ’s property board. When I opened it, everyone was shocked. I rubbed it, and the dragon mount was really nx—Bingjia Tianlong—History Della

Level: 197 attack power increase + 75% defense power increase + 50% magic resistance increase + 50% attack speed + 60% movement speed + 500% independent autonomous attack.

Blood Cap + 70% maneuver: 15% reduction Resilience: 150% Unique skills: Frost Dragon Breath, Ice Storm, Ice Roar, Ice Soul Sky Spirit Explosion (Cannot cast all skills in mount status)

Introduction: Stella was originally a dragon family who lived on the Dragon Island Dragon family. Its body had two kinds of dragon family blood: Frost Dragon and Aquamarine Dragon. Because of this special constitution, it evolved into a rare Ice armor Dragon, but Because it was too naughty, sneaking out of the outside world run by Long Island, playing outside for a hundred years, when I wanted to go back, but forgot to go back, I could only stay in the Snow Dragon Mountains.

Requires Level: No Exclusive-Black God (Mercenary)


I suddenly swallowed a spit, NND, this is "sex" too bad, right? Although it does not have the same basic attributes as the player, it has increased 75% attack and 50% defense, and magic resistance has also been increased by 50%. Now the black **** can be said to have various resistances. In addition, the movement speed is also very sturdy. It's five times as fast as a ground mount. This is about the speed of flying in the air, right?

This mount is so cool! It is a pity that it is not a player to be used in mercenaries, but the black **** is not a pity to be controlled by a real person.

With the uneasy excitement, the Black God summoned the Ice Dragon MM. The Ice Dragon and the Treasure Chariot are not the same. There is no upper limit for the number of summons. After becoming a mount, the Ice Dragon is not so huge, it has been concentrated a lot, and its length is only ten. It's about four meters high and four meters high. The black **** turned over and rode on the ice dragon MM. I also summoned my dragon. Although there is no attribute bonus, it is not necessary for the summoner. Hey, find a group. Unlucky, try the power!


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