Master Summoner Online

Chapter 105: Red Lotus Knight

"Don't be nervous, call Aiya. Thanks to you, I was able to escape from here." The blonde beauty looked very friendly, followed by a small smile and smiled. "Thank you for killing that Ksar Emperor soul to return my freedom."

I said, "What do you mean by being free?"

Ai Yadao said: "Thousands of years ago, I led a human force in the war of the Ogres of Kshatri. The Ksar defeated and hid in the Troll Fort. I led a commando. I entered Troll Castle to kill this villain, but I did not expect to be ambushed by it. I was sealed in the underground of Troll Castle, and my subordinates were all killed again. It has been a long time since I was sealed here. Time is up, I must wait until I can use my wisdom and strength to defeat the Emperor ’s warrior before I can be liberated and regain my freedom, ha ha! ”He smiled, turned his hands, and two green lights appeared on the palm of his hand. ball.

"Here are two random pieces of equipment to give you, as a reward to challenge the successful warriors. Take them. Your performance is superb. All your rewards will be very good. In addition to these two pieces of equipment, there are 2,000 pieces. The gold coins and inherited my power, a scroll of the red lotus knight, you take it together. "Struck out a bag from my body and handed it to me.

"Okay, it ’s all done. Young adventurers, I wish you good luck. You have a bright future. I hope we will meet in the future. At that time, I hope to see a new Red Lotus Knight who inherits my power perfectly. Goodbye, everyone. "After speaking, the body began to fade.

I immediately said, "Don't go, tell us how to get out of here!"

Aiya smiled slightly and said, "Sorry, I forgot." After saying a few words of the mantra that I didn't know which language it was, I said, "I have already opened the door to go back, and we will see you later."

We immediately looked back to see that indeed, we do not know when an open door appeared behind us, but at the same time when we turned our heads back the other party had disappeared.

"Ding ~! The task Troll Castle completed, gain 2 million experience, level +1."

Fuck, how lucky you are to give this thing, the system really pulls it off, and then Ye Shuang said to me, "Come and see, what is that Red Lotus Knight?"

"Okay." He took out a dirty looking scroll from the bag and opened it.

Scroll of the Red Lotus Knight: Based on this scroll, all the powers learned by the Red Lotus Knight-Aiya ’s body can be used. Knights of level 40 and above can take this scroll and transfer to the Red Lotus Knight. Under development, this scroll cannot be traded or dropped!

Ye Shuang's face blossomed in the next second. The boy was upgraded to exactly 40 through this way, but his second career was a cavalier career that focused on defense, and this hidden career was just for him.

Ye Shuang said immediately, "I want this thing, and I don't need the rest. You can share it yourself."

Long Xin said a little unconvinced: "You are really generous."

After receiving the scroll, Ye Shuang smiled proudly: "I have finally turned into a hidden profession. By then, Moon Moon, you will be a master of swords, you wait! See me knock you down one by one.

Ye Shuang opened the scroll. Then, the next moment, he was surrounded by a mist. When the mist disappeared, the team channel received a prompt:

"Ding ~! Congratulations to the player Shenyue for transferring to hiding the professional red lotus knight, all attributes have changed!"

"Ding ~ !, get bonus weapons, golden lance!"

In the next second, a two-meter-long golden spear soared into the sky and fell on the floor in front of Ye Shuang. Ye Shuang picked it up and shared the attributes.

Golden lance

Grade: Gold

Attack +1700

Qi +1000

Magic +1000

Mana Recovery Speed ​​+ 10%

Hit rate + 10%

Casting Speed ​​+ 5%

10% reduction in mana cost of in-service skills

Bonus Skill 1: Holy Destruction, consumes 1000 magic, hits a powerful shock wave to deal powerful magical damage to the enemy in a line in front, cools down for 3 hours.

Bonus Skill 2: Sacred Lance Slash, consumes 100 mana, attacks an enemy with the Sword Lance to cause 4% chance to slow down the opponent, and cool down for 6 seconds.

Requires level 40.

Note: Aiya gave the heir to the weapon, but she forgot to grant it in person.

The strong attributes are worthy of gold equipment, but the last note is that it hurts.

After being equipped with the golden sacred gun, Ye Shuang's attack power has reached more than two thousand points, which is absolutely horrible. Long Xin also said: "Leaf, show us the skills of hiding professions."

Ye Shuang said, "Okay."

Soon, several powerful skills jumped out of the team channel-

[Highest combat intent]: Passive skills, prompting your own attack speed, and after every 3 ordinary attacks, the fourth attack will add 40 points of damage.

[Will of War]: Passive skills. Each skill attack has an 8% chance to cause an additional 400 points of additional damage to the target.

Spear Impact: Consumes 300 magic points. Spears penetrate the enemies on a line with your hand, causing physical damage, reducing the physical defense of all enemies hit by 10%. Lasts 3 seconds and cools down for 10 seconds.

Broken Shield: Consume 200 points of magic to create a shield with 1000 points to protect yourself, and at the same time gain a 10% movement speed bonus for 2 seconds and cool down for 90 seconds.

Red Lotus Banner: Consume 100 magic to throw a banner to the ground, and make all our allies gain 30% attack speed and physical defense bonus for 8 seconds and cool down for 150 seconds.

Landslide: Consume 1500 points of magic, leaping towards the enemy at a rapid speed, causing physical damage and additional magic damage. At the same time, all of its attributes are increased by 35%, and a ring obstacle is formed around the enemy. Fight inside the ring obstacle The obstacle will not disappear unless the obstacle is killed by all enemies or by itself. Cool down for 10 hours.

Triple Slam: Consume 375 mana, slam an enemy target three times to deal physical damage, and the third attack will be when the opponent floats, cooling for 20 seconds.

Fearless Impact: Consumes 170 magic points, rushing fiercely to an opponent, causing physical damage, stuns for 0.5 seconds, and cools down for 20 seconds.

Sweeping Thousands of Armies: Consume 1000 points of magic, and cast a violent sweeping attack on targets around itself, causing 2000 constant constant attributeless physical damage, while knocking surrounding enemy units into the air, cooling for 7 hours.

Royal Saviour: Consume 15% of your maximum Qi and blood value, launch a devastating shock wave from the gun head to cause 300% magic damage to the enemy on a line, leave a burning path for 5 seconds after the end, right The enemies above deal 100 magic damage per second, and slow down the enemy's movement speed by 35% in the area. After 24 hours of cooling, Qi and blood can be used above 50% of the total health.

Hidden occupation is indeed BT, but how does this profession look at the career born for PK? One skill combo can cause tons of damage. It can be said that it is a very powerful physical DPS. Of course, it is at the time of PK. Strangely tired.

Long Xin then said: "Brother, let's take a look at those pieces of equipment."

"Oh," he said, opening the equipment properties.

Mad Lion Battle Axe

Grade: Green

Attack +795

Armor Specialization +20

+600 magic

5% chance to ignore defense when attacking

Attack Speed ​​+ 10%

Additional passive skills: parry, 20% chance to block an attack from being harmed when attacked.

Sharpness BB

Requires level 40.

Note: For Berserker.

Attributes are good. The total attack power is very high. The most important thing is the increase of 600 magic. For the warrior class that the magic is seriously lacking, it is a precious attribute.

As for increasing the attack speed by 10% and having a 5% chance to ignore the defense, these attributes are all unusually jealous, but the last Berserker is dedicated enough to allow many Berserker players to squeeze their heads to grab.

Silverscale Bow

Grade: Green

Attack +750

Strength Specialization +15

Dexterity Specialization +25

Attack Speed ​​+ 5%

Bow and arrow range 20%

Additional Skills: Penetrating Arrows, consumes 400 magic, and fired arrows that can pass through enemy units for 12 seconds and cool down for 75 seconds.

Required Level: Level 42

Xiao Xi's luck is just right. It seems that he used the equipment recently. Seeing that the time is early, we went out of the gate and cast back to the city to roll back to the city to eat.

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